Author has written 2 stories for Fire Emblem, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, and Fate/stay night. Hello! I'm Jerome, and I take crusades very seriously. I write fanfiction for fun and for improving my writing skills. If you like my stuff, please review, share, etc. If you don't like it, tell me what I did badly, and I promise I'll take your criticism seriously. I have two stories currently updating: Fate/first blood, a story of bad blood in the family, with Daddy Issues: The VN as the setting. Brilliant, I know. (Fire Emblem: Fates x Fate/stay night) Mirai Shoujo Brigitte, in which Yuuno Scrya and a girl from the future go on an archaeology quest because she won't return his library books. You can find me on Sufficient Velocity and SpaceBattles. What I mean when I ask you to review my work: I really appreciate it when people take that time. A writer writes to be read, even if by only one person besides himself. |