Author has written 9 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Hunger Games, SpongeBob SquarePants, Victorious, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, School Days, and War-Academy City Asterisk/学戦都市アスタリスク. TABLE OF CONTENTS I - Introduction II - Story Statuses (As of July 30th, 2020) III - Tribute Roster for Inner Beasts I "Live a life worth dying for." Kady Grant, The Illuminae Files Hello there! Glad you stopped by to take a peek at my profile. I don't have much to say here, so I'll keep this brief. I'm a college-bound computer geek with a variety of strange tastes who got ingratiated with various anime during the recent quarantine. I tend to write quick-paced action stories aimed at teenaged audiences, with some occasional fluff sprinkled in. I'm not very picky about what I write about so long as I can come up with ideas for it, and while I no longer consider my writing bad, there are plenty of other authors (even on this site) that I can never hope to match. Hopefully, you're still able to enjoy the content I create, and thanks once more for stopping by! -2017tnt II CURRENTLY UPDATING STORIES (sorted alphabetically): -Inner Beasts (Hunger Games): The scores for each tribute will be released next chapter. That one should be out pretty soon. -Love and Other Superpowers (School Days): I've made some progress on Chapter Four. Since this one will definitely be shorter, it should be out before too long. COMPLETE STORIES (sorted in reverse order by completion date): -Requiem of a Honeymoon (Sword Art Online): Just like the last time I wrote something for this fandom, I had a little plot bunny that just wouldn’t get out of my head. In the end, I was able to write it for a WA challenge, which is always a bonus. I think it’s at least better than the last one, but the same things apply as to whether or not you might enjoy this. -Eclipsed in Darkness (The Asterisk War): When this duel was shown in the anime, I felt like they just jumped into it with no context, so I wrote this in an attempt to provide some. If you're into The Asterisk War, you probably should check this one out (simply because there are a grand total of 11 stories in its category and this is one of them). -Horror.exe: Rebirth (Sonic the Hedgehog): This is the first (and so far, only) non one-shot story I have completed. If you’re into action with a touch of horror involved, this might be the fic you’re looking for. -Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk (Sword Art Online): One of the only pieces of fluff I've written and liked after it was done. If you're into that, you might enjoy this story. -Jade's Not-Dating Crisis (Victorious): It's okay, nothing special; written for a WA Challenge. Not my worst, but probably not my best either. -Tutorial Torture (Sonic the Hedgehog): It is complete, but I'd avoid this unless you'd like to experience firsthand how bad my writing was two years ago. The only reason it's still up is because I like to use it as a comparison to see how I've progressed as a writer. STORIES ON HIATUS (sorted alphabetically): -Come On Down (SpongeBob SquarePants): Sorry to any fans of this, but this story is definitely on hiatus and likely dead. I may pick it back up at some point in the future, but it looks unlikely. PLANNED STORIES (in no particular order): -Unnamed Horror.exe Sequel (Sonic the Hedgehog): Maybe I'll write this, maybe I won't, but I have some ideas for a second story immediately following Horror.exe: Rebirth. Might not be out for a while, though. -Unnamed The Asterisk War/Chivalry of a Failed Knight Crossover (The Asterisk War/Chivalry of a Failed Knight): Since these two have such similar universes (yes, I watched the video series comparing them) and are both in my genre of interest, I feel like I could concoct a decent story out of them if I blended them together. Am currently reading the light novels for both to see if they provide any more context, will change this once I've finished. III Tribute Roster, Inner Beasts: District 1 Male: Nascar Galluci, 18 (santiago.poncini20) District 2 Male: Godric Runestone, 18 (Sparky She-Demon) District 3 Male: Rhaemyr North, 17 (Sparky She-Demon) District 4 Male: Vick Even, 17 (Professor R. J. Lupin1) District 5 Male: Spark Emmersen, 17 (jupiter101) District 6 Male: Remi Hamick, 13 (DMonkey1607) District 7 Male: Aryion Hylus, 16 (Ripplerz) District 8 Male: Romeo Brady, 16 (Lilah32) District 9 Male: Marius Coin, 16 (Axe Smelling God) District 10 Male: Faolan Drover, 17 (Sparky She-Demon) District 11 Male: Thomiah Marshall, 18 (Tiger Outsider) District 12 Male: Maxxer Bent, 14 (santiago.poncini20) |