Reviews for Shattered: The 113th Hunger Games (SYOT)
CragmiteBlaster chapter 41 . 7/21
Dock: This was certainly an excellent scene for Dock's development as a character. He feels like he's really starting to grow and change into a somewhat less bitter and cynical person, if only just a little. His talk with Arien was certainly fascinating and felt like a big step forwards. Honestly, all three of these boys did great to survive the flood trap. A shame about their supplies, but at least they're still alive. Hoping for best for them!

Heather: Seems like these two just can't get along. It feels as if they're either bitching at the world or each other, or both. Can't live with nor without it seems. I feel like it'd be best for their chances to try and get along, but it feels like they may split sooner than later. At least, for the moment, they seem able to get along? If they were to split I think Heather would last longer than Fawn would. Then gain, Fawn collecting those poisonous berries could come in handy if nobody recognises them... of the rest, I think Turner would recognise them, but beyond him? Not so sure.

Blu: Nice to see she's still surviving and avoiding danger. Not got a ton to say here, but she's doing well to be unharmed and in relatively good shape so far. I'm interested to see how she'll handle the 'fear mutt' as she's not got an ally to look over her while she deals with the terror.

Monita: This was certainly a fascinating scene. This fear mutt has some seriously destructive and insane potential, that's for sure. Monita seems to be one of the more stable and level headed tributes and yet it made her go nuts. Makes one wonder what could happen if it were to attack a tribute who was much closer to losing their mind already. Brrrr! Monita sure was lucky that Rocky was there with her.

Rocky: I gotta say, the dilemma of so many fish being in danger and him only being able to save one of them was powerful stuff. Really rattling indeed. The terrifying things he saw really show how sadistic Panem's government is and just how scarily advanced their tech is. Good to see he's still alive and in one piece for now, even if he's no doubt getting traumatised. Hoping he can keep hanging on to life!
CragmiteBlaster chapter 40 . 7/21
Jade: That sponsor gift is sure to do some major damage. O_O That, and honestly it's a really cool idea for a weapon. Honestly, I can't think of a better weapon for Jade than cat claws, haha. She'll be one to watch, so long as she doesn't spike herself on them too much. Seems this career pack have issues with getting along properly. It brings to mind the pack from Broken, who split and backstabbed way too early. Will history repeat? Guess time will tell.

Kennedy: Gotta say, this was a scene full of great action! More arguing, always good, and now this terrible gas... great stuff! Amnesia gas is such a cool, little seen idea and honestly... it strikes me as something the gamemakers would 100% do. I could see that easily being a canon thing. Nice of Kennedy to go back for Midas, even if it's basically only because she wants his sponsors lmao.

Midas: Oh geez, after such a scene of him rambling like a fool... yeah, I feel like much of the threat Midas represented has been diminished, if not destroyed. If he cannot remember anything then he's going to be a lot more vulnerable and unable to properly defend himself. He can fight, sure, but what if he's forgotten about lots of his training? A solid twist for sure, and one that could give the outliers a real chance for a comeback.

Arien: This was a fun scene to end off on after all the chaos going on with the careers. Arien and Dock play off each other perfectly, a great mix of sweet and sour. Nice as well that Turner got a sponsor gift and seems to have some popularity with the Capitol. The whole thing about his fans loving him more than themselves... yeah, I don't feel like that's even an exaggeration. Capitolites are crazy. Loving this alliance! :D
CragmiteBlaster chapter 39 . 7/21
Bryndle: Poor girl being seperated from her allies and basically any forms of safety or security. That and her early scraps don't bode well for her long term odds. Still, it was great that she was resourceful enough to get herself hidden away from that horrible mutt. Question is, will she be quite so lucky to evade it a second time, or other tributes as well? I'm uncertain of that.

Blu: She's certainly resourceful, that's for sure. Seems like she's going to be doing well for herself even without any allies at all. Smart of her to cover her prints, and nice of her to give their information to the boys. Let's hope she won't regret abandoning them, as next time they meet Dock may not be so willing to hear her out and potentially recruit her. X_X On another note, nice to see my boys evaded the careers, for now, and seem to be doing alright. :D

Fawn: She and Heather make for a fun moody AF alliance. They just have a firm and snarky sort of bond that I can't help but enjoy. Gotta say, I really thought that Fawn was done for when those worm mutts revealed themselves. Good thinking from Heather indeed. Let's hope Fawn won't be too weak to continue as the Games are only going to get more and more deadly, and neither girl ended up scoring particularly highly. Injuries will cost them greatly. X_X
CragmiteBlaster chapter 38 . 7/21
Rocky: He's certainly a resourceful sort of guy, that's for sure. Brave as well for being the first to try that sinister looking drink. With Monita as a firm ally, for now, and the fact he has equipment and was strong enough to take out Gaius in just one strike, I feel like Rocky stands a credible chance at winning. For now at least he appears to have his head very much in the Games and not be in anymore danger than what is expected in the arena.

Gwyneth: Another fascinating narrator. Nice to see the Fives are still holding strong in their alliance, though I feel the potential for romance is only going to end badly for both of them. Then again, it could be a solid way to get more sponsors onto themselves than other tributes so maybe it'll work out after all? I'm not altogether sure who will live longer between Newt and Gwyneth, but I feel like both are certainly gonna be mainstays in this story.
CragmiteBlaster chapter 37 . 7/20
Time to catch up on this. Life got in the way, but I've been reading the story to the current chapter and really been enjoying it a ton so far. Hoping I can win two in a row, and if not I'll still enjoy reading the story regardless. As I've said in days gone by, you have a great knack for writing HG content. :D

Overall a solid bloodbath. Some obvious deaths, some shocking deaths, but one thing was for sure - there was zero shortage of action and chaos going on. The bloodbath kept the action going without fail and kept my guessing right up until the last death occurred. Nicely done indeed! I'd say this was a better bloodbath than the one in Broken. You only continue to improve, my friend. :)

And now [Funeral music begins to play], it's time for the eulogies. T_T

24TH - D6F, SUZUKI NOX, 13: Once again, last place for the D6F slot. Certainly sad to see my poor little orphan die so soon, but the odds were truly against her from the very start of the tale. Running away wouldn't have helped her for very long. A tragic character all around. T_T Perhaps in another timeline things may have been different. Perhaps in a future story of mine her fate might change for the better... but until then, RIP poor little girl. :(

23RD - D11M, EDAMAME STANTON, 15: I'll admit, Edamame never really stood out to me. I'm not sure what it was he was lacking, I just didn't feel as though I truly connected with him as a reader. That said, I felt he'd at least fight long enough to reach the top 20. Midas truly is merciless indeed. RIP.

22ND - D7M, JAMES SMITH, 17: This death took me highly off-guard, he just seemed way too important and seemingly set up for a major arc to die so soon, but anything may happen in the arena. Well played, I never would have guessed he'd die so soon. As it stands, I liked James a lot overall and really felt for him with his inner anxieties and hardships with such being himself. Poor, poor guy. :(

21ST - D7F, TRIXANA FAUST, 17: I never felt quite the fondness for her as I did for James, but even so this death strikes me as another surprise. I felt that, having volunteered for attention from her dad, she'd have lasted longer and had more of a longterm place in the plot, but clearly not. I feel she kind of faded towards the end, but regardless I really did enjoy her friendship with James. RIP indeed. :(

20TH - D8M, GARY REDWIRE, 13: TRAGIC! I mean, all the deaths are tragic objectively speaking, but I'm really gonna miss Gary. From his hysterical reaping I just knew I was gonna love this little doofus. Alas, if anybody from the young boys alliance was to die here I figured it'd be him. I think you portrayed this kid really well. I really loved his presence every step of the way, and it's a shame it's over all too soon. :(

19TH - D9F, NEVEAH (AND HEAVEN) SUNSHINE, 17: I really like what you did with these two and their unique situation. A shame such uniqueness more or less ensured they'd be killed one way or the other. I think you made the twins a really great 'first' for the Games and made both come off as really likable, so thank you very much for that. :) All the same, the poor girls dying so soon. T_T

18TH - D9M, GRAY GOLAS, 16: Poor guy indeed. In retrospect, I feel that of the anti-careers he seemed like a fairly solid choice to have die here. Just a sort of gut feeling, you know? It was certainly nice that he had it in him to forgive his old bully, something I sure as hell wouldn't have done, haha. Noble of him to try and save his ally, if only he'd been able to do so without dying in the process. ;_;

17TH - D2M, GAIUS ALABASTER, 18: Now here's a death I didn't think I'd be seeing! Gaius seemed so formidable strong, so for him to die just like that all thanks to Rocky... it shows how powerful the boy from six is, and how arrogant Gaius was over his own skills. He stood out to me, ironically because of him saying nothing at all, though I can see how this would make it hard for him to do a lot outside his own POV's. A shocking death indeed and one that's sure to shake up the trajectory of the Games.

16TH - D3M, BERNIE TROPELLO, 16: I saw this death coming a mile away. After all, he clearly didn't care to live anymore, so it makes sense he'd not even try to fight his ultimate fate. A shame he lived such a sad life and couldn't control his impulses. Alas, in Panem that's a tragically common story. Obvious death or not, his low-key sinister and uneasy presence is going to be missed.

15TH - D4F, VISTA JUAREZ, 18: Plot twist indeed! I didn't think Kennedy would turn traitor so fast, but here it is. :O A shame for Vista, as she's essentially wasted her entire life through this rapidfire betrayal. If only she'd called out for help. T_T I think Vista was fun overall and added some nice diversity to the cast of tributes. Certainly had a strong enough presence for me to not see her fairly early death coming. Well played there.

Overall a very solid chapter indeed. I'll get the reviews written for the remaining chapters I still owe them on as soon as possible. Suffice to say this is a very worthy sequel to Broken. :D
liliblossoms chapter 44 . 6/22
I like how Midas sort of subverted the common expectation that tributes like him usually end up as a finalist, but he instead dies right before the halfway mark. The using a parachute as a trap strategy is very smart and I can’t believe I’ve never heard of it til now. I’m so glad you included a Lover song in Fawn’s part, and the ending of her section really was reminiscent of the lyrics. A fallout right before someone dies. Now that’s depressing. Also Bryndle seems to be very lucky recently, 2 confrontations and she survived both. I was also really surprised that Rocky seemed very ready to kill. :0
AlexFalTon chapter 44 . 6/22
Got it. Review. Hello.

Kennedy:...You know, I thought I would be happy for Midas to die, but with his memory loss, it wasn't as satisfying. In fact, Kennedy's and Jade's kill of Midas was a bit too gruesome and kinda messed up - I mean, Kennedy crushed on him and it looks like that didn't mean anything - well, many the viewers might like it.

Turner: Pills like Gary's drug pills? What kind of sick bastards would sponsor them to children-...oh! Oh. On the bright side, Dock is more agreeable, maybe he likes Turner more than the others and won't be an angsty kid wanna-bee career like he usually is.

Fawn: Wow. Heather and Fawn was in a fight and... Heather died from a THUNDERSHOCK! Well, that's one way to go. I can't say much about Heather - kinda forgot about her, it's a shame too. Fawn and she complained about how they almost died earlier and then she died SHOCKINGLY. *drum beat*. Yeah. Puns. I've believed that needed to happen.

And the Anti-careers are stuck to the wall! Let's hope they get out!
liliblossoms chapter 43 . 6/12
This whole symbolism about the moon being the essence of horror sorta echoes how werewolves transform during a full moon—giving rise to words like lunacy and lunatic from “luna!” Not sure if that was intentional, but I liked how the moon in the arena evokes so much fear from the Tributes. I wonder if that could lead to insanity for one or more of them. :0 Great chapter! I like your descriptions and am very much invested in the remaining characters.
Guest chapter 43 . 6/6
In Ballad of Somgbirds and Snakes Batman dies
AlexFalTon chapter 43 . 5/31
Jade - The Moon is making madness? Interesting. Other than that, Jade made a poor decision upon trusting Kennedy and Midas... Well, amnesia does sound hilarious.

Bryndle - I mean, Jesus as a legend would make sense in a post-apocalypse society. Other than that, the flashback just said a weird story but referencing Clary was a nice callback... Still not sure what the Moon is all about.
liliblossoms chapter 42 . 4/28
It’s very Newt to be annoyed by the squelching sound his shoes make, since he grew up rich, but still ended up being able to let loose even more by abandoning table manners :) Interesting that the line between what’s real and what’s for the cameras is starting to blur. It’s gonna be heartbreaking to see at least one of them go, but I’m glad it’s gotten them sponsors. Bryndle looks in real bad shape, and I’m surprised the conflict didn’t escalate any further :0 Kinda bummed about Arien’s death, but his final song being “It’s Quiet Uptown” was a perfect way to end his story. I like how aside from the arena romance, this Games is reminiscent of the 74th also with the Mutts made from a past Tribute. Also I really thought for a second that Turner would bite the dust too. I wonder how that injury would affect him later on. Scared for the next death :(
liliblossoms chapter 41 . 4/28
The length of the chapter wasn’t that obvious because of how fast-paced many scenes were! You could really feel the pressure Dock and his allies were going through. The Mutt definitely caught me off guard, and the way you wrote Monita’s and Rocky’s deepest fears really evoked terror. I like how Rocky’s hallucination was metaphorical too. Interesting to see that the Gamemakers’ plan may be to eventually push everyone to the center.
LiveFreeOrDie chapter 42 . 4/20
Seems like Bryndle's gonna die soon... but Newton mentions that the path they're on is "flooded," so maybe that's a water source she can use? Not exactly Voss but it's water nonetheless.

Newton and Gwyneth are continuing the couple path. Wonder how much of it is real vs for the cameras
AlexFalTon chapter 42 . 4/20
Newton: Yeah, I know it's probably faking on both sides(kinda forgot), but it is nice for Newton and Gwyneth to be in a relationship, if only temporary. It's a welcome distraction. Kinda like Suge's blunt message. Other than that, Bryndle appears to not be doing well.

Arien: He's been a pretty sweet kid. Pretty imaginative. It's not a pleasant image to think a giant wolf killed him. Then there's that T-Rex Jurassic Park thing about staying still which I can't believe worked. Bad luck on's Arien's.

Turner: So that's why the title is called that. Dam, you pulled a 74th Hunger Games. And well, it fits that Turner would know and Dock would kill the wolf so kudos for the scene. Still, Turner might be a bit down from losing Arien. Maybe Dock too.
AlexFalTon chapter 41 . 4/12
Wonder who died?
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