Author has written 4 stories for Tales of Symphonia, .hack/SIGN, and Rosario + Vampire. Who am I? That's a good question...but I don't care. E-mail: missions101@ Gender: Male, Single I'm 22 years old, and lead a pretty much normal (if you can call it that) life. What I mean by that is that knowing me and my friends we're pretty much insane, but we don't suffer from it, we enjoy every minute of it. At the school I go to, wouldn't you like to know that, college student I will say. As pen name implies I am a Mormon. I enjoy mostly watching anime and playing games while writing my fan fic. Favorite Anime's: Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, FLCL, Outlaw Star, Noir and other random ones. Favorite Games: Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, DDR, Amplitude, Final Fantasy's (Any one), Dot Hack Infection,and other rpg's. My favorite pairings: EdwardxRiza, MirokuxSango, FayexSpike, SheenaxLloyd, TsukunexKurumu, and NarutoxAnko. Least favorite things: Any and all yaoi and yuri pairings, people who like being politically correct, and people who ask about polygamy, but please feel free to ask about the religon. Favorite books: Mercedes Lackey books on Heralds, The Wheel of Time series, and Harry Potter. I love to quote anything I think is good, here are a couple "WE SURRENDER!" -I don't know I just got this from my friends. "If money is the world's curse, then let the lord smite me with it. And may I never recover." -Tevear; Fiddiler on the Roof "Feel the pain. Of those inferior beings. As you burn in hell." -Kratos; Tales of Symphonia "What's that thing there." "I dunno it looks like a big black cat." "You mean like a puma." "Yeah sorta." -Red v.s. Blue "You killed Church you team killing @#!tard!" -Red v.s. Blue "We've got some good news and some bad news." "So what's the good news?" "You know that alien is actually a prince from the planet Yukopotamia, and his parents are on their way to destroy the earth and save their son. Not in that order." "Then what's the bad news?" "Oh, wait that was the bad news." "THEN WHAT'S THE GOOD NEWS!" "I found a nickel." -Cosmo, Timmy, and Wanda; Fairlyodd Parents "We've got some good news and some bad news." "So what's the good news?" "I named my nickel Phillip." "So what's the bad news?" "It's a girl nickel." -Cosmo, Wanda, and the King and Queen of Yukopotamia; Fairlyodd Parents "Hey, wait...I haven't done anything yet." -Zelos; Tales of Symphonia "How many Americans does it take to screw in a light bulb? HEY! That's not funny. WE'RE SUEING!" -Apples to Apples Game for the Americans Card. "GIR? What's the G stand for?""I...don't know." -Zim, and Gir; Invader Zim "I wish I had a tail." -Ed; Ed, Edd, and Eddy "Life is pain. Anyone who says diffrently is selling something." Westley; Princess Bride "Gaz. Taste me. I'm delicious." -Dib; Invader Zim "Never start a land war in Asia. But only slightly less well known is this. Never go against a Sicillian when DEATH is on the line." -Vinzzini; Princess Bride A/N Yes. I can and have recited this entire movie verbatum out of sheer boredom. "I guess it's a good thing that I'm so short...AGH! NO IT'S NOT!" -Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist "Population of the universe 0- well when you have an infinite ammount of space with a finite ammount of planets and people on those planets, and any number divided by infinity is so close to 0 that it doesn't really matter. So anyone you meet on the street is just a figment of your imagination." -Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy; Resturant at the end of the Universe. "Greetings Ark.""What? Who are you?""I am the pie.""No your not.""Yes I am.""AHH!What do you want from me?""I have one simple request for you. I want EAT me.""No, I can't give into temptation. Besides Keriggan said not to, she'll get mad.""Go on Ark. I'm so delicious. Look at me.""No. I can't do it.""Ah. That's okay. I bet your not man enough to handle me ya little mama's boy.""What did you say? Say that again.""Normally I would, but I'm afraid I'd overload your little pea brain mind.""Take that back.""EAT ME!""That's it. You're going down pie. Prepare yourself. Gladiator."(Pulls out a sword and leaps onto the pie with it.) -Ark and the pie; All Your Pie, from Legendary Frog. Seriously though go see it at http:///heavy/index.htmand go to movies. Watch them. "How are you gentlemen. All your base are belong to us. You are on your way to destruction.""What you say?""You have no chance to survive make your time. Hahahaha." -Cats and Captain; All Your Base video. "Me and Naburoo used to be an item, but she turned traitorus. I imprisoned her into a starue. Now she's nothing to me." "Oh here we go. Pent up rage." "Whenever I think about it I just... I just." (Starts crying) "Okay first the crying...THEN the rage." "Oh whenever I'm upset I eat." "Get with the rage already!" "I'm sorry. I lost control. Say I have and idea that's to DIE FOR." "It's the rage I know it is." "Lets do the Chicken Dance." (Does the Chicken Dance) "There you have it. Undeniable proof the Ganondorf will someday come to smite us all. Smite us I say. Smite us good. They...They just can't see it yet. Are they blind? Blind as a kesse if you ask me. But they'll see it. I'll make them see it. They'll call me crazy, but I'm not crazy. I'm the only one that's not crazy." -Link and Ganondorf; The Return of Ganondorf form Legendary Frog. "When I become Furher there will be changes. That day, all female officers will be required to wear...TINY MINISKIRTS!" -Roy Mustang; Fullmetal Alchemist "Stop playing with the amplifier Gir. It's sending off deadly waves of STUPID!" -Zim; Invader Zim "Ms. Bitters, I think there's a pencil lodged in my brain. May I go see the nurse?" "How far in your brain?" "Pretty far." -Dib, and Ms. Bitters; Invader Zim "Why is thereBACON in the SOAP!" "I made it myself." -Zim, and Gir; Invader Zim "Dib drank the last soda. He will pay." -Gaz; Invader Zim "Souls. I didn't cook and souls. Juan?" " see dear I'm Satan." "Well that would explain the basement. But I've always been such a good Christian woman." "Well then lets both be thankful for irony." Satan, and Pepito's mom; Squee "Deep down inside I'm Bolongana." "Yes, yes you are." -Dib and Zim; Invader Zim "She's really small. I guess I'll give it a try." "GIVE WHAT A TRY!" "Nothing. Resist all temptation." Miroku, and Sango; Inuyasha "Hey what kind of priest are you? Whatever happened to thou shalt not KILL?" -Vash; Trigun "That's cool and all how you used your kunai to extract the poison, but if you loose anymore blood you're going to die." -Kakashi; Naruto, Yes the voice actors suck and Naruto shouldn't say believe it all the time. "I kill, therefore I am." -Barry the Chopper; Fullmetal Alchemist "Incidentily take a look. My daughter who turned three this year." Maes Hughes; Fullmetal Alchemist "Yo Roy, good timing, I've got great news." "Your soldiers have found Scar?" "No you obsessed idiot, how would that be great news? Did you honestly forget? Tomorrow is Elicia's birthday." -Maes Hughes, and Roy Mustang; Fullmetal Alchemist "Hello, It looks like we have 8,650 newb's here today. Now before we begin the tour, yes you are dead and yes you are in hell. So abondon all hope and yata yata yata." "But I was a devout Prodestant." "I'm sorry you chose the wrong religeon." "What about me I was a Jeova witness? "You chose wrong too." "Then who was right?" "Let's see the correct religeon is...the Mormons." (Whole group) "Agggggggghhhhhhhhh!" -HellDirector and people in hell; South Park "Oh come on. We can take 'em." "It's a long way." "Toss me." "What?" "I cannot jump the distance alone you'll have to toss me. Oh and don't tell the elf." "Not a word." -Gimli and Aragon; Lord of the Rings the Two Towers "In the red corner, hero of the Eastern rebellion and flame alchemist, Col. Roy Mustang." "Boo. You just want a promotion. Gimme back my girlfriend." "And in the blue corner the fullmetal alchemist and hero of the people, Edward Elric." "What where? Working grade school is more like it. Good luckbean sprout." "DON'T CALL ME SMALL. I'LL BREAK DOWN YOUR LEGS AND STICK 'EM ON YOUR HEAD!" "Easy brother." "You're right Al today's a good day. Today's the day I beat Mustang's pompus smug infront of the entire army and get some damn respect." "But we're endebted to him." "He's been asking for it. Saying he knows all we do acting as if he let our secret out and then not telling me what I need to know." "So what's your strategy." "I TOLD YOU A FIST IN HIS FACE! This assesment means nothing to me, if I win you tell me everything you know about Marcoh and let's not forget you'll have a new cat." "Alchemists get set. READY AND FIGHT!" -Maes Hughes, Military Crowd, Edward Elric, and Alphonse Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist. "I didn't think that one man could own the internet." "No they can't. The internet is for everybody to use. No one man can own it, I know, I've tried." -Chester and AJ; Fairlyodd Parents "Who is this guy, and what I ever do to make enemies? Okay bad question, but never anything bad enough to kill me over." -Edward Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist. "Camelot." "Camelot." "Camelot." "It's only a model." "Shhh. Knights I bid you welcome to your new home. Let us ride to Camelot."(Knights of the RoundTable song)"Oh on second thought lets not go to Camelot. It is a silly place." -Arthur, Lancelot, Galahad, and Patsy; Monty Python and the Holy Grail "Vizzini he can fuss." "Fuss, fuss. Maybe he'd like to scream at us." "He probably means no harm." "He's really very short on charm." "Always a good ryme." "Yes, yes so it is." "Fezzick are there rocks ahead." "If there are you'll be dead." "No more ryme's now I mean it." "Anybody want a peanut?" -Inigo, Fezzick, and Vizzini; Princess Bride "I'm Thor." "Your Thor." "Well it hurth." -Genie; Aladdin and the King of Thieves "I am the true Noir." -Chloe; Noir "I'm not going to call you private Doughnut." -Red guy; Red vs Blue "What's that button do?" "Which one?" "The one with the nuclear symbol." -Dallin and Elden; Singles Ward "Children this is a math problem, but in a world where magic and fairies exist, who cares. They can make 2+2= FISH! Stare at the chalkboard until the lunch bell rings." -Mr. Crocker; Fairlyodd Parents "The muffin grants wishes to adults too?" "The muffin is not picky, nor is it tasty, but it is powerful. All hail the muffin." -Timmy and Cosmo; Fairlyodd Parents "Whoa. Time. Any moment the Spaceballs are going to realize that they overshot us, make a major U-turn, come back here and make us all dead." -Barf; Spaceballs "What's the matter Col. Sanders? CHICKEN?" -Dark Helmet; Spaceballs "Every time they have a new Robin Hood movie they have to burn down our village. GO AWAY MEL BROOKS!" -Villiagers; Robin Hood Men in Tights "My name is A'sneeze this is my son A'choo." "Bless you." "No A'choo is my son." -A'sneeze and Robin; Robin Hood Men in Tights "Are you with me yea or nay?" "Which one means yes?" "Yea." "YEAA!" -Robin and Merry men; Robin Hood Men in Tights "Remember kids never eat floating cupcakes. That means you Crab amd Goyle!" -Hollie; my older sister "Can't we find a non violent way to solve are problems." "I agree only replace non with extreemly and after the word violent include the phrase blood explosion extraodinaire ha ha ha." - Doc and O'Mally; Red vs Blue "Yes sir we have a broken arrow." "Broken arrow?" "Its a term we use when nuclear wepons go missing." "I don't know what scares me more the fact that we lost nuclear weapons or the fact that it happens so often we have a term for it." -Broken Arrow "There's no I in team." "Yeah well there's no U in team either. So if I'm not on the team and U'r not on the team no ones on the gosh darn team. The team sucks." -Church and Griff; Red vs Blue "The program is brought to you by SAND. It's everywhere. Get used to it." -Genie; Aladdin and the King of Thieves "I'm Black Star. I figured it was just because of how awesome I am." - Black Star; Soul Eater "If it's a puzzle game I can help. I like a good puzzle." - Free; Soul Eater "Here's the deal. I've got a hangover. Does anybody know what that means?" "It means your drunk." "No, it means I was drunk yesterday." "It means you're an alcoholic." "Wrong." "You wouldn't come to work with a hangover unless you were an alcoholic. Dude you have a disease." "Hmmmm. Hmmmmm. What's your name?" "insert name" "insert name, SHUT UP!" -School of Rock "You don't have any friends. Nobody likes you." "Doby likes me." "DOBY!!" -Smeagol/Gollum; Lord of the Rings Two Towers special Easter Egg on the extended version. "In the grim future of the 41st millenia. There is only war." - Warhammer 40,000 slogan "He's an immortal...magic...werewolf." - Erika; Soul Eater "Don't tell me. You're not really..." "I never said I was a witch, you just made that assumtion all on your own. I'm really a cat with a riddiculus ammount of magical power." - Maka, and Blair; Soul Eater "I can kill you all with a finger you know." - Yusuke; Yu Yu Hakusho "PILLOWS ARE FOR THE WEAK!" - wouldn't you like to know "Is your computer plugged in? That is very much common mistake." - Mamadoody; Foamy the Squirrel "Is your monitor on? Another mistake." - Mamadoody; Foamy the Squirrel "Ok here is what you do. You hold down the following keys; W, F, the number 2, the space bar, while typing out 'Genesha is great', and tapping on the escape key for 20 min." - Mamadoody; Foamy the Squirrel I'll add more quotes as I think of them. |
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