Heeeyyy…I'm finally updating. Honestly, after reading this entire fic through, I'd have to say that I made everyone act like drama queens. But meh, as you write more stories, your ability to write improves. But, uh…Just a little warning for this chapter…MAJOR REVALATIONS! Cough. Just a warning.
Disclaimer: Lallyzippo does not own Tales of Symphonia. And if she did, Oh My Gosh, the pairings would be SO screwed up…Cough.
Chapter 9
Okay, deep breaths…Sheena breathed deeply as she approached Triet. Um, um…maybe she won't be mad…? Sheena reasoned. …Or maybe she won't want to talk to me… let out a remorseful sigh.
Taking in another breath, she found herself coughing and hacking away. Damn, this sand was coarse…If Sheena had been in a Rheaird she wouldn't have to deal with it. Of course, she chose to walk instead. Orochi pointed out that it would be faster and less hazardous. She merely responded, saying that she needed the exercise. A weak excuse, perhaps, but the best she could think of in her mind, which was as clear as obsidian at this point in time.
Well, whatever happens… Sheena reasoned as Triet came into sight. Whatever it takes for Colette to forgive me…I'll do it!
Colette sat thinking in her room. She didn't feel like crying right now…although she had every right to. Running her fingers through her hair thoughtfully, she stared hard at the parchment in her hand.
Dear Colette,
Ever since the… incident in Ozette, I have been searching my mind for an answer to all my confusion. I'm not completely sure if I've found the answer or not…But maybe I have. But like I said I'm not sure. So, uh…I guess I'm still confused. You may (or may not) be feeling confused as well. I think we should ---- postpone the wedding for a little while until we figure out our problems.
--Yours Always,
Postpone? Colette's mind said, Yes! Thank You Lloyd! Now I can take a break!, but her heart said, Wh-Wh-WHAT? How can he do this? He doesn't love me!
She concentrated hard on the little swiggly cross-out. Lloyd had crossed out some word between 'should' and 'postpone'. Whatever it was, it was illegible now. Colette grasped her head trying to calm down. Of course, she couldn't tell anyone about this! She couldn't tell anyone how she was feeling! It just be troublesome to everyone…Well everyone except her old friend.
Colette's hand crumpled up Lloyd's frustrating letter, single-handedly (no pun intended). Sheena used to be the one she could talk to. When she and Lloyd went off to do stuff, Sheena always came along. They were like three best friends. Genis had used to be the third, but…he must've gotten some friends his own age after the world had been saved. Maybe…Maybe…That's why she fell in love with him, too, she thought grievingly.
Well…then that brought up the old question she had been wondering all week long, here in Triet: Did she really love Lloyd?
Her first and immediate thought was, Of course!... But then…She began to think. Well, duh, of course she loved Lloyd, he was a dear friend and someone she was close to…But as her soul mate…? She knew Lloyd loved her…but in that way…? Maybe he was like her, and he just thought he had. Definitely possible.
So maybe Sheena actually saved them both. Maybe Sheena and Lloyd were…NO! her screeched. Colette blinked surprise to her thought of that. She should be happy that her friends were happy! Why did it still bother her…if her best friends loved each other? If they were both just friends…
Colette sighed, frustrated again. Sheena was always the one she could to about this. She always talked about her problems with Lloyd to Sheena. So in a way, Sheena got to know him in a sense…
Suddenly, her rage started acting up again. Wait…jealousy? Since Lloyd was hers…? No, more than that…
Colette's eyes grew wide, and she placed her had over her mouth as she gasped. No…It couldn't be…right?
Genis took a deep breath as he fell onto the ground sobbing. H-How…How could it be that Presea…?
He was so incredibly confused. He remembered back to the drawing he had so brutally shredded. But then again…that paper deserved it. It should've had HIS picture on it!
Not Lloyd's!
Zelos stumbled out of the bar and onto the street. "Hic, T-tere's a vadyyYy I k-knows…" he slurred out, singing drunkly, with his glass of Champaign still in his hand. If he had been sober, he would've been asking himself how many glasses he had had that night. Unfortunately, he lost count long before he was completely drunk.
"Zelos!" A voice hissed at him from the side. He didn't hear it. he was still too drunk.
The owner ran in front of him. Zelos blinked, his eyes glazed and eyelids half-shut. "OoOH!" he kept yabbering. "L'ddle Ruz Bod!" He exclaimed swaying very which way. "Ya wancha try SOOOme champiny?" Acting attractive and sexy was not something Zelos could pull of while being drunk, as Presea could see.
Presea sighed. She had come for advice. And by the looks of it, she wouldn't be getting any tonight.
Zelos' face paled in the middle of some, incomprehensible sentence, and he covered his mouth. Presea's eyes grew wide as she launched herself out of the way. Zelos hurled up just about everything he'd had that night. When he was finally done, he wiped his mouth with his sleeve causing Presea to grimace. He waddled over to Presea and murmured "T-take me home rosebud…" as he collapsed on her shoulder.
If Presea hadn't had her exsphere she wouldn't have been able to drag him home like she did. His butler took him when she got there, and offered for her to stay the night. As Presea entered her room, she vaguely heard the butler murmur something about 'need to stop this every night.' Presea rolled her eyes. If Zelos was irresponsible, that was his problem.
"Rosebud?" Zelos poked his nose into the room.
Presea blinked sleepily and sat up. "Z-Zelos…" she grouched, rubbing her eyes. She looked out the window to see that it was still dark. Hm, Zelos should still be out of it…
Zelos smiled apologetically, "Haha…Sorry, but…I had to ask why you'd come here…"
She blinked. Why was that so important? "Huh?"
"Y'know…whatcha doin' all the way here in Meltokio…?" he whispered.
Presea blinked and straightened up. "I came to ask about Lloyd…" Zelos blinked. "I-I know he's about to get married an' all but…"
Zelos put on a surprised face. "You…love him…like THAT?"
Not like he needed an answer. As she stuttered trying to find her words, her face turned a dark shade; so much so, that her face nearly blended in with the dark room.
Zelos surprised face to shrink, as it grew into an evil grin. All Presea could do was stare at the crazy guy. First drunk, now evil, what's next?
"I'll help you…if you help me."
She blinked.
He took a deep breath and reasoned, "I'll help you impress Lloyd and try to convince Lloyd of you worthiness," Presea nodded, blushing still. "…And in exchange you will help me impress…Ms. Angel."
Presea's eyes popped. "Y-You…!...And Colette…?"
Zelos scowled. "Look, if you don't want help—"
She shook her head, "N-No! I do, but…! How long have you…?"
Zelos sighed and closed his eyes. "For a bit…I was serious when I said I thought I was fallin' in love in the Fuji mountains."
"O-oh…" was all Presea could get out. No wonder he was always drunk.
There was a moment of silence before Zelos said, "…Well? You in or not?"
Presea thought for a moment.
Destroying Colette and Lloyd's relationship was wrong!
But then again, she had never felt quite like this before…
But her friend's happiness was important!
Presea hated her childishness. "Okay, I-I'm in…!"
Zelos smiled again. "Perfect," he purred as he Presea preformed a handshake that was befitting of partners in crime.
Colette, you just need some fresh air! She told herself. She took shaky steps to the door of room. Maybe she was still confused? Yeah! That was it!...But it didn't explain everything that had been going on.
Colette sighed and opened her door to go on a walk …only to come face to face with Sheena. "YEEP!" Colette gave a leap back into the room.
Sheena felt that maybe coming here wasn't a good idea. "A-Ah, sorry…I just came here to talk…if you want to," she added.
"Uh, yes! Yes, talking would be good!" Colette smiled shakily.
Okay, awkward.
"Ah, um…c-come in!" Colette let her come into the room.
Sheena entered and sat down in a chair by a desk. "S-So…Um…"
They sat in an awkward silence for a moment before Sheena said, "Ah, Colette…I'm sorry…" Guilt overwhelmed her. "What I said…back there…in Ozette…I, uh, didn't mean it…"
Colette blinked. Then her heart skipped a beat. Really?
But Sheena HAD meant it. But whatever it took to get Colette to forgive her…! "I, uh, went a little crazy…and did some thinking…and uh, I'm sorry…"
Colette blinked. "W-Well, I've done some thinking too…"
"Ah, y-yeah…And so has Lloyd."
Sheena's eyebrows flew up. "Huh?"
"He thought it was best to postpone the wedding."
"O-oh…" Sheena was finding it hard to hide her joy.
"But…that's okay!" Colette gave a weak smile.
"Ah, really?" Sheena looked confused. "Why?"
"Ah…U-Um…" Colette twiddled her fingers. "W-well…Y-you see…"
Sheena blinked.
"Um, Sheena…Could you-- Could you come over here?" Colette motioned patting the ground next to her.
Sheena warily stood up and walked over to where Colette was sitting.
"Th-Thanks," Colette smiled weakly.
"Ah…no problem?" Sheena laughed. Colette was such a silly goose sometimes! Sheena smiled.
"U-um…please forgive me…"
Before Sheena could finish, her lips had meshed with Colette's. Colette's eyes closed as she blushed and kissed Sheena daintily. Sheena's eyes were just about bugged out of her head. But she didn't stop Colette. She thought about it, but she reasoned she had cracked Colette's heart before and couldn't stand the guilt of doing it again.
But she wasn't in love with Colette.
Colette pulled away blushing. "I-I'm so sorry…"
Despite Sheena's shock and guilt, she decided to shrug it off and hope everything would just pass on. "It's no problem!" she laughed.
Unfortunately for Sheena, Colette didn't want to brush it off, and kissed her again. This time Colette practically pounced on Sheena and, crawling on top of her kissed her passionately.
Once again, Sheena was bugged eyed, while Colette couldn't see it. Sheena thought it couldn't get any worse (her best friend who a GIRL, whom she did not LOVE like THAT, was kissing her, and too much GUILT to STOP her), she felt Colette's tongue glide through her mouth and start exploring. All the meanwhile, Colette was producing little squeaks of pleasure, which made her feel even more uneasy (if that were possible).
Colette's fingers ran through Sheena's hair as she undid her ponytail.
After what seemed like an eternity to Sheena, Colette pulled away to breathe. Panting, she laid her head in between Sheena's neck and shoulder, lying down. "Sh-Sheena…" she mumbled.
"Colette…" Sheena's voice quivered as she was starting to feel a little dead. She felt kind of defiled but still guilty.
Colette somehow interpreted that Sheena's shaky voice meant that she had been getting at it pretty hard to; of course she wouldn't really know, she was too busy concentrating on what she was doing.
"I-I've never even kissed Lloyd like that," she panted. This somehow comforted Sheena a little, despite the situation. "I love you," she whispered into Sheena's ear.
This sent shivers down Sheena's spine, and not the good kind. This was definitely NOT what she had been expecting when she came to talk with Colette.
"C-Colette…" she mumbled. She honestly had no idea what to say. She didn't love Colette like THAT but she did care about her. "So…you forgive me…?"
"How could I not?" she whispered as she licked Sheena's ear.
Sheena shivered inside.
So, uh yeah, End Chapter! I was honestly debating whether I should've put a huge yuri scene in this chapter. I FINALLY decided not to, because I don't want the rating to go up a lot, and my friend might flip out me when she reads this. "OMIGOSH YOU WROTE GIRL-LOVE!" Might scare her a bit. I think might scare her a little too, but, meh. Read and Review.