![]() Author has written 4 stories for Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Rise of the Guardians. I am here to live out loud Emile Zola
Updated December 15, 2012 I know you're all hoping for an update to "Return to the Labyrinth". It's coming soon. In the meantime, please accept this consolation prize - an illustration that goes with my story. http://gaeliceyes(dot)deviantart(dot)com/#/d5o8zr6 To those who stuck with me through the dark times, thank you. To my new readers, welcome, and please don't be discouraged. To my lost readers, I hope you find your way back again, but I understand your frustration and why you left. I love you all! P.S. I really enjoy writing "Return to the Labyrinth", and I hope you all enjoy reading it. I intend that my friend and I will finish our Labyrinth crack fic, "Adventures of Leigh and Leia: The Labyrinth", because we keep coming up with ideas for additional crackfics to sequel it. Namely we have notes and storylines in the works for Leigh and Leia adventures in "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Star Trek". These are trivial distractions, I know, compared to my main fic, but I hope you'll forgive them. I know they are terrible stories with very little plot and some extremely corny jokes, but really, I have to get the goofiness out somehow in order to avoid it taking over my real writing! THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC FANFIC ANNOUNCEMENT. YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMMING WILL NOW RESUME The following is a short and sweet biography of...myself. I was born in Colorado, and I would dearly love to go back there. I'm a pure bred american mutt, with Irish, English, Dutch and Norwegian, although the Irish is the only part that counts (If you can't tell from the Pen Name.) I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts as an Illustrator, but I haven't quite made it my career yet. I won't admit my age, but I've been married four years. The only thing saving me from becoming the crazy cat lady on the corner is my wonderful husband. Hopefully there will be some kids soon! *crosses fingers* There are only a few types of fan fics I can bear to pursue, namely Labyrinth, Pirates of the Carribean, and Anita Blake Vampire Hunter. Since Laurell K Hamilton doesn't see fit to allow fan fic of her work here on the site, that pretty much limits me to two categories. Still, I'm pretty open minded, so I may expand my horizons someday. In the meantime, I hope my writing is at least mildly entertaining for you folks. Sign: Aquarius Movies: Yes, but some highlights are Boondock Saints, Disney (animated), Pixar, anything Johnny Depp is pretty much a slam dunk, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Labyrinth (duh!), Princess Bride, anything with muppets, Star Wars, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Secret of Nimh, Eddie Izzard: Dress to kill, Independence Day, anything by Miyazaki, and I have a weakness for any Indie/Art house flick that comes out of the Sundance or Cannes film festivals. Books: Laurel K Hamilton, Terry Goodkind, Robert Jordan, Amanda Quick/Jayne Ann Krentz/Jayne Castle, Jim Butcher, Lois McMaster Bujold, Cecilia Dart-Thornton and I'm currently in love with anything by Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs and Steel) or Bill Bryson (In a sunburned country). Age: I won't admit to it Pets: Due to the hubby's influence (he's a zoologist) we now boast three cats, two ferrets, two geckos, two large fish tanks (one freshwater and one salt), and a tree frog. I've told him to stop bringing animals home, but how can you resist them? They're sooooooo cute. Hobbies: Writing, Painting, canoeing, camping, scuba diving, role playing Current major project: Return to the Labyrinth! |