Poll: Who is the best bachelor of all literature? Vote Now!
Author has written 62 stories for Kaleido Star, Fruits Basket, Sailor Moon, Prétear, Tuck Everlasting, Tokyo Mew Mew, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Voices of a Distant Star, Princess Tutu, Left Behind, Esperanza Rising, Inuyasha, Liberty's Kids, Howl's Moving Castle, Diana Wynne Jones, Air, AIR, Fairy Tales, Lucky Star, Misc. Books, Beauty and the Beast, Now and Then, Here and There, Shugo Chara!, Girl who Leapt Through Time, Dengeki Daisy/電撃デイジー, Phantom of the Opera, and Oresama Teacher/俺様ティーチャー. Check out my Phantom of the Opera story CACOPHONOUS MELODY in ebook and paperback! Hey! I'm Alyssa. I'm a Christian who adores anime and manga. Thanks for reading my work! In case you are wondering, my penname stems from joining FF quite suddenly and randomly in seventh grade, spending only five minutes trying to figure out some clever name, failing stupendously, and just picking the first thing that came to mind. I'm horribly embarrassed by it, but it's confusing when people keep changing their pennames, and I've had this name for such a long time that it's grown on me a little bit, so I'll put up with it. Special notice: I write a lot of romance. A ton. For a long time, I dreamed of falling in love. That dream isn't dead, but I'm finding a grander plan for my life. I feel, though, in stories, especially in the past that I wrote, I portray that everything is perfect after falling in love. That's not true. Things are messy, and you can feel even more empty than before you got together with someone. I just want to share a disclaimer here and let anyone who cares know that no one is going to measure up perfectly, but there is One who is greater than all the expectations and dreams and plans you can concoct. I'm getting to know Him better right now, and I'm beginning to fall in love with Him - not just in a Christianese "I love Jesus because that's what I'm supposed to say and I'm glad I'm not going to hell" way, but falling in love with His heart. I just wanted to share that He is the One who brings true joy in a way no job, husband, wife, or dream can ever do. gets off soapbox* Updates: 12/12/17: I honestly didn't expect to start updating Destiny so soon after the last update on here! Thank you everyone for the support. I'm going to be returning to it shortly, probably sometime this weekend. First, I've got a lot of editing to do for my manuscript. Keep in the loop by following for future updates! 12/1/17: Why hello there, strangers. It is I. Cue the "Boom, baby!" gif from The Emperor's New Groove. For the few people who still may stumble on this profile, allow me to fill you in on some things: Yes, I will be returning to Destiny eventually. The final chapters are written out, I just need to fill in the middle. I appreciate you all for sticking with me through this time. I'll put a more detailed explanation on my absence in my author's note when I post the next chapter, but it will be coming. Just know that. Furthermore, I will be working on a The Phantom of the Opera fanfiction eventually. It won't be for a while yet. I'm still editing a recent novel of mine, and I'd like to finish Destiny. But I think I'll write it someday. I've missed fanfiction. As much as I love writing my novels, I'm not published yet and therefore don't have the benefit of feedback from anyone besides the two friends of mine who read my work. Fanfiction was always so delightful to me; I'd post, and I'd at least get hits, if not favorites and reviews. The constant feedback and critiques were essential to my confidence during my formative years, and so even if it takes me a long time, I will return to it. Thank you all for your patience, and merry Christmas to all of you! 7/16/12: Deleted "Spirited Back" and "Spirited Around" due to low quality writing and plot. Sorry for those who enjoyed it. I will not be deleting every story I wrote in my younger years, because I find it interesting to look back and see how I've changed, but for various reasons I did delete the "Spirited" series. Sorry again for those who liked it, but I feel it's for the best. :) 8/9/11: After completing "The Last Fifteen Summers" and "Foster Everlasting" in July, I am presently focusing on my novels. I very well might update a fanfiction before next summer, but for now, we'll assume that's the latest we will wait before my fanfics are updated. To those of you who've messaged me, I'm super swamped right now and I promise that while I will try to get back to you before the end of August, I will DEFINITELY reply during the beginning of September. Thanks for your patience! 4/13/11: Surprise! I have not abandoned FF. I apologize for alarming some of you, particularly "Destiny" readers. I am feeling much better, and I appreciate all of your concern. For about a month in late 2010, I was easily distressed due to various reasons (none of them serious, but just combined into a massive snowball) and I concluded I could not write, should not write, will not write. Thanks to some of the things that were upsetting me passing, as well as all of you and my family, friends and classmates, I have been writing more than ever. However, I am trying a different approach. I am mostly focusing on my novels, but I am also writing fanfiction. I already have a few oneshots/chapters completed. My plan is to finish up a few more, and then begin posting one chapter/oneshot every two weeks. Thank you all so much for all of your support. It really helped me get through whatever-it-was in 2010, and my 2011 has been very bright! The next two months will be my final AP test and graduation, so if I don't update by June, definitely expect something in June/July! 10/03/10: "163 people have you as a favorite author. 107 have you on alert." I am so honored! Thank you so much, everyone! Especially since I haven't been updating a lot. I'm happy to say that this delay is partly due to the fact that I AM writing, it's just that I am focusing on my original works. Besides that, I'm also busy with high school, busy with the two college classes I'm taking (gotta love PSEO), busy with work, busy, busy, busy. Well, I did warn you that it would be a busy year. Today I downloaded the free program StoryBook to help me organize my original novels, and it just occurred to me--I am so slow!--that I can use it for fanfiction stories as well! Hopefully, this will help get my creative juices flowing once NaNo is over. Believe me, my fanfics have not been forgotten. You are not forgotten. Thank you so much for your patience; I hope you understand. :) 5/15/10: Hey everyone! I'm now a published author! Well, self-published, but it's still exciting! Please check out my website, , and go to Novels. Click on the title "Under the Flag of Stars and Stripes", and voila! You can purchase my book! Please, please do so; I'd appreciate it so much! 3/31/10: Hello, everyone. I've begun working on Destiny again, and I hope to have the next up sometime this week. Thanks to those of you who took my survey. 3/9/10: Busy, busy, busy. I'll try to get back to my fanfiction soon. In the meantime, could you fill out this survey for me? It's for my AP Lang class, and I'd love it if you could do so! Thank you so much! Here's the link: /s/5QS6MTP 12/28/09: Good news: I finished "Musical Love"! That's one less story to worry about now. Three chapters in one day, though... I'm beat! Bad news: 2010 will be a busy year for me (see my blog) and that means less updates! I'm sorry! But I guarantee there will still be updates sometime during the upcoming year, so I won't be going on a real hiatus. Now, off to the next story! 10/04/09: Hey! Vote on the poll I have here on my profile! I'm curious to see what people's answers are. 10/02/09: This is to sunnysmile, who was nice enough to inquire about "Destiny" but unfortunately she does not have the private message option enabled, so I'll reply here. Yes, "Destiny" should be updated very soon! My beta's currently very busy, however, so please be patient. ;) I think you'll enjoy the next chapter, all I will say is that there's a major plot twist and it should be interesting! ...I think. I hope? 9/25/09: The latest chapter of "Destiny" has been finished! Check out my livejournal for more info. 8/28/09: "Troubled Love" is finished! Next project will, I believe, be "Musical Love" since I believe that will be quick and easy to finish. 8/14/09: I've now finished "Duck & Knight" and will continue working on "Destiny" as well as another, older story. My homepage link has been updated to my livejournal profile, so feel free to read my ramblings whenever you're in the mood. :) Since I've gotten some comments on reviews for stories still on hiatus, allow me to repeat my plan: Unless they are already marked as complete or discontinued, I WILL STILL WORK ON THEM. I'm just going to focus on one or two stories at a time, that's all. I appreciate your patience so far and it will be rewarded, I just can't say when. A lot of stories I started without any plan, which hinders my writing, and furthermore I do, in fact, have a life outside of FFdotnet...Okay, so I don't, aside from school, but you understand. It doesn't help that I'm only allowed on the computer for two hours a day during days school is not in session, and one hour when it is. So please hang in there. I'm going to finish them! 8/1/09: "You are on the favorites list of 125 members. You are on the author alert list of 82 members." YATTA!! Thank you very, very much!! I'd also like to take the opportunity to say I've finally finished "Just a Dream" a few months ago, so now I'm trying to focus on my other stories, particularly, at this moment, "Destiny" and "The Feelings of a Duck and Her Knight". "Destiny" is still very far from being done, I believe, but "Duck & Knight" is on its last chapter. Once I finish that, I think I might go back to working on "Troubled Love", but "Destiny" will still continue to be worked on and will not go on hiatus. Fans of my older works, please hang in there! Most of my old stories, unless I've already stated otherwise, will be finished someday. 11/7/07: "You are on the favorites list of 112 members." "You are on the author alert list of 69 members." That's what it says on my stats page! I LOVE you guys!! Thank you all so very much!! To think that you all enjoy my stories and poems that much... Whoa! |
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