Howl's Juvenile Affections

Disclaimer: I don't own anything…really. Diana owns them all (cries).

Chapter 1: In which Howl Expresses His Juvenile Affections towards Eight-legged Creatures

It was a bright and sunny morning at Market Chipping.

Like any average mornings, the Market was packed with fresh fishes and people as the neighbouring sea sparkled merrily. The Sun shone cheerfully, and the seagulls danced in the wind.

There couldn't be a more peaceful place than this.

All of a sudden, loud screams erupted from Sorcerer Jenkin's house and shattered the morning serenity like delicate glass.

"Merciful heavens, Sophie! You blood-thirsty woman! How can you commit such a cold-blooded murder?"

A full-grown wizard could be seen kneeling on the floor, cradling the remains of what seemed to be formerly a spider.

"What has the poor creature done to you? Why does it deserve such tragic ending? What horror! Total injustice!"

Living with Howl for nearly a year, and having full knowledge of Howl's fondness for spiders, Sophie would have known better than to meddle with these eight-legged creatures. Only, this one today was different. Not only did it have long furry legs, it also possessed fangs which seemed to be poisonous. Of course, it terrified poor Sophie, and thus with her usual broom in hand (not to mention that she was screaming all along), Sophie instinctively squashed the ugly creature dead; after all, she had been a housecleaner long enough to development a certain degree of loathing for insects.

Being her usual stubborn self, she snapped back,

"What am I to do? It has FANGS, Howl! Has it ever occurred to you that fangs as poisonous-looking as those could BITE? I'm not going to let you jeopardise the safety of all the people under this roof just because of your selfish, juvenile affection towards these eight-legged beasts!"

"Eight-legged beast! Dear Sophie, spiders only bite when being threatened. They are wonderful creatures! I suppose it's beyond your knowledge capacity that there happens to be a library of books describing the magical properties of spiders. You just overlooked their beauty and magnificence!" scowled Howl.

"Oh confound it all! Just bring on the green slime if you wish! I've had enough of this place anyway. Consider me gone!"

With a mighty bang that even jolted Calcifer awake, Sophie stormed out of the house, leaving a heartbroken wizard and a shocked fire demon behind.

Author's note: Love it? Hate it? Do review! (puppy eyes) Pleaseeeeeee…

Perhaps I'll add more episodes if you like this chapter :). And no flames please…it's my first fic…so please don't break my heart…