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The funny thing about those kinds of rumors is that once you're sure it's never going to happen, you're just going to end up laughing about it later with your friends.
Persephone isn't the kind of person to think things through. Don't get her wrong. On the things that really do matter, she takes her time before deciding. But come on. She's only going to bring Doc Triste a cup of coffee, how hard can it be?
At the very second, she's standing outside his office knowing fully well that there isn't a lounge nor a secretary waiting for her at the other side. Thankfully, the office was located in the least populated floor in Olympus which granted her the favor of not being the subject to other more notorious and not to mention, completely false, rumors in the hospital.
She only needed to knock. Yep, that was all she needed to do and she'd be able to know where her friendship with Doc Triste currently stood.
She took in a deep breath. She might as well get this over with it. It wasn't like she committed a felony or anything. Although, she might have angered his sister which might be a possible reason to why he's purposely avoiding her and her bad fortune.
On a second thought, maybe this isn't a good idea.
She can afford to waste a few dollars on Arabic coffee, can't she? Besides, it's not like she paid for this or anything. Hermes was the one who bought it for her thinking she was a connoisseur of caffeine. She took in the whiff of the black concentrated drink. And quite, expectedly, she cringed.
People really are strange creatures if they're willing to spend a few extra dollars on something that looks and tastes so bitter.
No sugar. No cream. How can their taste buds even endure the torture?
She gets the part where you won't fall asleep that easily but come on!
Is it really worth killing your tongue with its inhuman bitterness?!
All of the sudden, the door creaked open. Taken by surprise, Persephone let out a small squeak. And there, inches—not paces—away from her, standing in blood and flesh, was Doc Triste.
The usually kempt jet black hair missed its usual charm of being soft and shiny to the human eye. His eyes, faithful to what Hermes told her to expect, cradled dark circles and were barely open. He was dressed casually with a pair of jeans and a maroon shirt that though fitted him perfectly, attired him too casual for the white lab coat that was draped over him obviously in haste.
True enough, he didn't look good. Well, by his standards at least. Though she was still pretty sure, the Nymph sisters would see the sun shining out from him.
"Persephone?" He rubbed a hand over his left eye quite unsure if it really was her.
"Doc Triste!" All the practiced words and elaborate greetings spanning from hi's and hello's to 'good day' and 'good morning' were forsaken. "Coffee?"
"I—" Hades looked at her and sighed in exhaustion. He was pulling all-nighters, alright. He opened the door wide enough to accommodate her. "Come in."
His workspace wasn't in the best condition to welcome his guests. Files, papers, books, folders, encyclopedias, magazines—everything that could be used as some sort of reference material in the extensive field of neurology were all messily scattered.
Persephone walked hesitantly inside the dimly-lighted room. Doc Triste muttered an apology for the bad lighting. He was working on the computer before she came. "I'm really sorry. I'm not a fan of big white lights." She replied that it wasn't a problem although she would've opted for a brighter venue. "Thank you for the coffee by the way."
"Don't thank me, it was from Hermes." She had only handed him the cup a few seconds ago. She struggled to clean the sofa only to make a make-shift seat on its armrest. "He just wanted me to take it to you."
"Wait—this is from Hermes?" He stopped midway his sip to smell the brew. "So it's either you're in with this prank and the both of you managed to make whatever mixture this is smell like coffee," Persephone was about to protest but Hades quickly added, "or Hermes doesn't know you're not friends with caffeine?"
"How did—" She blushed.
"You cringed when Charon served my black brew in Inferno." He grinned at her. "So, I'm guessing this is safe? Hermes didn't know did he? When you told him, he asked you to take it to me instead?"
"I didn't took a sip from it! I promise." Persephone looked up at the surgeon, with her panic fully revealed in her features. "It's alright if you don't want it. I mean, it's not really a big deal—"
"No, no. It's fine." He chuckled before indulging himself in the black liquid. "So what was with the foot stomping earlier?"
"Foot stomping?"
"The floor of the corridors was made of wood, Persephone. I heard you. That's why I opened the door."
"I was—you see—ermm." Persephone was not and would never be a good liar. She had this habit of stuttering whenever she was unsure of what to say. It didn't help in making alibis as a teenager. And it most certainly, didn't help now as an adult. "I was supposed to knock but—ummm—the mahogany! Yes, your door was made of very fine mahogany and I just felt bad about it."
"The mahogany?" Out of all the things she could've said—she chose to compliment the mahogany. She was forced to nod.
"Really?" He said in a tone of suspicion which Persephone wasn't suppose recognize and yet she did. "And it wasn't because you were afraid to approach me because of what happened a few days earlier regarding your Aunt Hera?"
Persephone froze.
"Persephone, she didn't have the right to humiliate you like that. So don't be guilty."
"I—Doc—" She gulped. "Uncle—"
"First order of business, do not call me uncle. It's a little disturbing since we're already in the first name basis." He laughed. Dear, lord! He laughed. Dude, I don't think we're on the same page with our priorities, here. "And since, we got there. Since when did you start calling me Doc Triste?" It was obviously just a joke. If only Persephone wasn't on the verge of her panic meter right now, she would've joined his laughter.
"Doc Triste," She started with emphasis. "People are gossiping about us."
"It's in their nature, isn't it?" He chuckled before leaning against his desk.
"Aren't you even concerned about it?" Persephone said in exasperation. "They're saying things about us, y'know."
"I'm more concerned about you, actually." She looked at him with a discerning graze, unable to understand. He shook his head. "Personally, I don't mind those things. It all seems trivial when you know you have other things to worry about."
She averted her gaze from him. He was a neurosurgeon. Of course he had other things to worry about than silly hospital rumors. Sometimes, Persephone tends to forget who Hades is for the world. He's an acclaimed surgeon and a known philanthropist. She also knows about four other more titles because of Nymph sisters but it's useless to remember. She shook her head.
"It's stupid to think about, isn't it?"
Persephone didn't need a response to know it was. Well, he's a world-class doctor with a six figure salary. And she, well, she's just plan ole Persephone, a struggling part-timer. She's been making a big deal out of it because that's how forgetful she is. She didn't belong in his circle and he, he was just beyond her league. Besides, it's ridiculous to think about. She's his boss' daughter. It'll be unrealistic for them to actually become a couple. People ought to consider how impossible it was for them to actually be what they thought they were.
"I hope things won't get awkward between us?" He offered in all friendliness.
"That depends on your answer to my next question," Hades raised one brow at her. She sighed. "How are things with you and Aunt Hera?"
"As how things are between two siblings with their occasional fights. Persephone, you really don't have to blame yourself. The both of us have done worse, take my word for it."
"You slapped your sister in front of interns and nurses, how could it possibly be worse?"
"Well," There was an obvious reluctance in his voice as if he wasn't sure if it would be alright of him to share a bit of their history. "I personally think, kicking her groom in the groins during her wedding day has been my greatest offense yet."
"You what?!" Persephone exclaimed unable to contain herself. Hera's groom? That's—Hades kicked her dad in the—
"I wasn't the biggest fan between her and Zeus." He sipped on his coffee nervously. She was staring at him, wide-eyed from shock. "In my defense, she got her revenge during a family reunion. She poured red wine on my polo. And if you were going to ask, yes, I was drenched the whole time we were there."
Well, at least now she knew why Hermes told her not to bother herself with the issue.
"Well that's unexpected." She said with a deep breath. Hades smiled at her weakly. "So let's pretend we never had this conversation?"
"Agreed." He nodded.
"So how's the case with Mr. Sahara?" She asked taking a folder from the pile and casually opening it.
"Hermes told you?"
"Mhmm" She nodded while turning the leaves of stapled research papers. "He was afraid to go near you while you were busy with a case. He told me you'd bite the next person who'd knock at your door. Apparently, I never found out if it was true."
"I don't bite people."
"Hey, I'm not judging. Some people deserve it and well, others are capable of turning to tigers when they're stressed." He sighed loudly at this remark and she couldn't help the small chuckle of hers escape, "Tigers which are very messy and unorganized."
"I need to do an extensive research for Mr. Sahara—"
"I know that, already." She stopped him mid-sentence. It was really no use reading in such bad lighting. The glow from the computer screen was upsetting to the eyes but obviously, Hades didn't mind. There were boxes of china-food striking out from the trash can. And it was noticeable from Hades' general appearance that he was clearly exhausted. "That's why I'm telling you to relax. Look, I know this is important for you but you're not superman, big guy. You have your limits."
"Hermes told you to say that to me, didn't he?"
"Nope." She smiled at him, "but since I'm already here, I might as well do it in his place."
"I'm fine. Missing out a few good nights' rest won't kill me, you know." He scratched the nape of his neck and placed his emptied cup on the clustered desk. It was his sixth cup this day but he wasn't going to mention that. "It's just a really important case."
"No wonder, dad likes you."
The funny thing about those kinds of rumors is that once you're sure it's never going to happen, you're just going to end up laughing about it later with your friends.
Actually, she did just about that with Hecate on the phone.
All the worries and concerns of yesterday were lost in oblivion. She didn't even know why she was disturbed in the first place. When she went home that day, she felt lighter. She swears that it's because she's carrying less books than usual but we all know the real reason behind it.
Thanks for reading!
Yours truly,
Ms. Reen