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![]() Author has written 8 stories for Ed, Edd n Eddy, Fairly OddParents, Jimmy Neutron, and Danny Phantom. Hello as many of you know I am Superdork398. I have finished 4 stories and am currently working on a few more. I also have many stories that I'm not sure about posting yet. Here are a few facts about myself. Name: Chris Age: 16 I live in 2 states, Confusion and Ohio Fave books (These will not be in any particular order.) Captain Underpants series by Dav Pilkey (a.k.a. Gidget Hamsterbrains) Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling Ghosts of Fear Street by R.L. Stein Hatchet by Gary Paulson Holes by Louis Sachar Fave Cartoons/Animes (These are in no particular order) Yu-Gi-Oh Yu-Gi-Oh GX Codename: Kids Next Door Ed, Edd, n' Eddy Fairly Odd Parents Jimmy Neutron Simpsons Futurama Family Guy Mucha Lucha Danny Phantom One Piece Zatch Bell Avatar the last air bender Kim Possible The Proud Family Cat Scratch SpongeBob Squarepants Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends PowerPuff Girls The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy Cow and Chicken Rugrats Rugrats All Grown Up I am Weasle Fave Websites besides fanfiction (These will be in no particular order) (these are in no particular order) Fic status: Danny Phantom in Retroville Rescue- Complete Dude, Where's my Lump?- Complete. Fairly OddParents in: Evil Comes to a Boyle- on hiatus, possibility of deletion Jimmy Neutron in: Amity Park Emergency- on hiatus, possibility of deletion Jimmy Neutron song spoofs by a crazed teenage boy- in progress Wizard of FOP- Complete Wizard of FOP 2: Crocker's Revenge- Complete (F.Y.I. takes place 3 FOP years after Wizard of FOP.) Wizard of FOP 3: Crocker Rides Again- in progress (F.Y.I. takes place 5 FOP years after Wizard of FOP 2.) Upcoming fics (possibly) Ed, Edd, n' Eddy Monster Unleashed: Basically, Ed returns as the monster from the episode "The Day the Ed Stood Still". But this time, Ed's evil and noone can figure out how to stop him. Wizard of FOP 4: Can't give a summary right now because there would be a Wizard of FOP 3 spoiler All I can really tell you is that the anti-fairy from "Wizard of FOP 3: Crocker Rides Again" has returned with a new plot to destroy FOP. Also, takes place 5 FOP years after Wizard of FOP 3. Wizard of FOP 5: The Anti-Fairy/Pixie Alliance The Anti-Faries and Pixies team up to try to take over FOP and run it like a business and it's up to our favorite pink-hatted ten-year-old and his friends to stop them. (may contain other enemies) Takes place 5 FOP years after Wizard of FOP 4. Ed-astasia Basically a parody of the Disney movie Anastasia that uses the Eds, whom are searching for a long lost fourth Edboy or possibly Eddy's brother, depending on which one I choose if I ever write it. I might write a Wizard of FOP 6, based off of an idea given to me by Dragon 1111. (F.Y.I. Wizard of FOP 4 is not titled right now because it involves a spoiler for Wizard of FOP 3: Crocker Rides Again.) Fave videogames Anything Ratchet and Clank Anything Spyro for playstation or gamecube Anything Crash Bandicoot Fairly Odd Parents Breakin Da Rules Anything Sly Cooper Anything Jak and Daxter Super Smash Bros. Most Sonic games Ed, Edd, n' Eddy: The Mis-Edventures "Fave quotes"/ 'song lyrics' (F.Y.I. If any of these quotes are from fics, I'll add who wrote the fic, which fic it was, and maybe the chapter.) "One if bye land. Two if by sea. Three if by flying saucer. Four if by jet pack." -Dill Pickles "Holy crip he's a crapple." -Peter Griffin Numbuh 5: "I'm tellin' you, the word chicken does not have a 2 in it" Numbuh 4: "Well it does now." "I heard shouting helps you remember things. I LIKE PIE!" (Poofs up a pie and shoves it in his mouth.) -Cosmo "Hey Fred, what does frah-gee-lay (fragile) mean?" (drops crate and glass item shatters.) -Weird mover type guy seen in multiple Rugrats episodes. Bender: "He probably learned to talk as a cheap parlor trick, like Fry." Fry: "Like Fry,Like Fry." "How dare you accuse gentle Bender of a misdeed." -Professor Farnsworth Gronka Lonkas: "Gronka Lonka Donkity Darmed guards" Bender: "SHUT THE HELL UP! "RUN NOW TALK LATER!"- Yugi Moto Yugi Moto: "Tea will you read me the story about the bunnies again?" Tea: "I'll just pretend that's the concussion talking" We now interrupt this profile for a special news bulletin. Tootierulez, just so you know, dork-b-gone doesn't work on me because I am, dum da da dum, SUPERDORK398! Also, I have built up an immunity to dork-b-gone, superdork-b-gone, and superdork1through infinity-b-gone. Although megadork-b-gone, ultradork-b-gone, hyperdork-be-gone, dorkmonkey-b-gone, leprachaun-b-gone, and freak-b-gone still affect me. Oh yeah, blob-b-gone also affects me on Tuesdays, Saturdays, and most non-religious holidays. We now return you to your previously scheduled profile. "Ned's okay, he's just talking to tiny imaginary historical figures" -Moze "SLIPPERY WHEN CHEESE!" -Yumi Sock puppet #1: "But I like eggs on my sneakers" Sock puppet #2: "But those are my sneakers" (Penny from Chalk Zone) "2, 4, 6, 8! You suck, I'm great! Da da, da da, YOU I HATE" -Homer "MOM! Me, Jeff, and Eric are going torturing! Where'd you put my death ray!" -Mark Chang Fry: "What really killed all the dinosaurs?" Giant Brain: "ME!" Cosmo: "I love conflict!" Wanda: "Do you mean cornflakes?" Cosmo: "Yes." "Puny humans, wassup? I will now suck your brains, through these BENDY STRAWS!" -Mark Chang "What's with the face? It is happy but at the same time disturbing." -Mark Chang Ed: "Can Eddy come out to play?" Eddy: "I"m right beside you Ed." Ed: "Hi Eddy!" 'Black top road. Learners permit. Thought I was Earnhart, drivin' fast. But I didn't see the ditch. Took out a mail box, then a fence, then a barn. The police came and called my father. But I met the farmer's daughter.' from Chicks Dig It by Chris Cagle "Eddy needs to water... the Christmas tree because it's dry." -Ed "I remember the square dancing stomachs, but that may have been a Mylanta commercial" -Fry Sam: "Danny, put some pants on." Danny: "NEVER!" that was from book 1 of the Universal Roadtrip by Starfire Phantom "So I have to accompany him to make sure he doesn’t destroy anything.” -Jimmy that was from Carl's Week of Fun by vegetarian-jcer. "Do you taste the thumbtacks?" -Ralph Wiggums "Bite my shiny metal ass!" -Bender "Bite my glorious golden ass!" -Gold Bender "Lick my frozen metal ass!" -Bender "Bite my colossal metal ass!" -Bender "The modern world can bite my splintery wooden ass!" -Wooden Bender "Awe, he remembered my favorite cause of death." -Bender "Bite my red-hot metal ass! Wait, red-hot metal? AHH!"- Bender "Who else but Quagmire?" -Some weird announcer dude Brian: You made love to two Philipino women, and a man. Quagmire: You mean three Philipino women. Brian: No. "Except for you, you can touch me' -Peter (I'm not sure if that would be considered a line from a song or a quote) Adam West: What in God's name is he doing? Cleveland: I believe that's the worm. "Jimmy died today!" Sheen started to sing. "I blew his brains out into the bay! In a sad state of mind, Cindy commited suicide!" he continued at the top of his lungs. -That was Sheen singing the last line said in chapter 37, Homecoming, of On The Run by quietthinker. "Think, think, think... Brain blob!" -Older version of Jimmy Neutron, once he's married to Cindy and lives in his lab with Cindy and her mom Jimmy: I can't seem to find the lost tomb. Cindy: That's why they call it the 'lost' tomb, not the 'here it is tomb, come inside and have a milkshake!" 'Lalalala, lalalala. Look at the bells. Look at the bells. Holy craap here comes Jesus. And he doesn't look too happy.' -Peter Griffin singing his version of Merry Bells of Christmas (Peter, Quagmire, Cleveland, and Joe are singing a song by Journey in the background) "Oh, I love this song. And I love it when amatuers sing the lyrics. But I hate baseball cards" -Adam West "What was the number? Oh yes, I remember 867-5309. Curse you Tommy Twotone. Well, 111-1111. Lois? Blast! 111-1112. Lois? Blast" -Stewie 'Used to pass, lots of gas. Lois ran away. Now we've got, 30 rooms. Hello beans, goodbye spraaaay!' -Peter Griffin 'Your whole life will hit the skids. And your kids, will be born without eyelids.' -Lando Griffin singing Give Up the Toad 'It'sPeter.GoPeter.MCPeter.YoPeter. Let's see Regis rap this way. Can't touch me' -Peter Griffin singing Can't touch me 'How did our eyes get so red? And what the hell is on Joey's head?' -Nickleback Miss Fowl: Can anyone tell me the square route of 144? Jimmy: Oh, I know. Elventy-six. Sheen: I'm related to the guy who invented baseball. Jimmy and the gang other than Sheen: Oooh wow. Sheen: Oh wait. Did I say baseball, I meant spray on eyebrows? (Note: Sheen has no eyebrows!) "That's no spaceship, that's my ass!" -Bender Mr. Burns: I'll give them something that they've been searching for for years. Homer: A sober Irishman? Cindy: The ant is a member of the vegetable family. Jimmy: Name the planets. Farkle, Gubgub... Sean Hunter: Corey, there's noone with us. I'm gonna bail. Corey: Oh no you're not. (Sean and Corey were singing that) "WEASLE! WHERE HECK ARE YOU BE! I.R. CAN NOT BE RUNNING SHOW ALL BY MY ALONE" -Baboon Zim: Why was there BACON IN THE SOAP! Gir: I MADE IT MYSELF! "I'm dancin' like a monkey!" -Gir "We're like brothers. Only closer." -Spongebob 'Kidnap the Santy Claus. Beat him with a stick. Lock him up for 90 years. See what makes him tick.' -Lock, Jaque, and Barrel 'Hitchin' up the buggy. Churnin' lots of butter. Raised a barn on monday, soon I'll raise another.' -Weird Al singing Amish Paradise 'Bob is really angry. I hope he doesn't catch me. It's so very hard to run with this sombrero on my head' -Larry the Cucumber 'When there's trouble you know what to dooo. CALL CYBORG! He can shoot a rocket from his shoooe. 'CAUSE HE'S CYBORG!' -Cyborg "Monster for Ed! Good I will be!" -Ed "Spending an extended time in female company can be both mentally disorientating and physically confusing." -Ed "Practice I must or Sarah my head will bust." -Ed Kevin: She's so radical. Eddy: She can't take her eyes off me. Double D: Her hair is so clean, and not fly away at all. Ed: Hello... Echo! My name is Ed!" 'I'd rather not talk about your dead ex-boyfriends over coffee' That was a line from the song the Human Hosepipe by Harry and the Potters 'Weasley cannot save a thing. He cannot block a single ring. That's why Slytherins will sing "Weasley is our king". Weasley was born in a bin. He always lets the quaffle in. That's why Slitherins will sing "Weasley is our king"!' -a group of Slytherin students from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix "I LOVE-ED YOU PIGGY! I LOVE-ED YOU!" -Gir "Oooh, I wanted to explode!" -Gir 'You're a little bit weird, but I think that it's cool. There's noone else like you here at our school. I'm glad you were part of Dumbledore's Army. You fought against those Death Eaters so bravely beside me.' That was a few lines from Luna Lovegood is OK by, none other than, Harry and the Potters. 'And you should know that dismembering figurines of your enemies won't help you impress Hermione. She's not interested in mutilated toys.' That was a line from The Missing Arm of Viktor Krum by Harry and the Potters." 'You may have freed our house elf, and brought doubt to our family name. But your parents still got toasted,by a big green glowing flame!' That was a line from My Dad is Rich by, not Harry and the Potters, but Draco and the Malfoys. 'My mom says she loves me, when she tucks me into bed. Hows your mommy doing in the Mirror of Erised?' That was also a line from My Dad is Rich by Draco and the Malfoys. "The Amish are coming! The Amish are coming! One if bye buggy, two if by goat!" - Dragon1111 "I didn't cut open a pig for nothing! Let me poke your liver!" -Sprinkles "There's no time for choking!" -Marge Simpson 'I get knocked down! I get knocked down again! You're never gonna knock me down! I take a whiskey drink! I take a coffee drink! And when I have to pee, I use the kitchen sink!' -Homer Simpson Me: 'Cornelius fudge is an ass!' Sprinkles: "That's my favorite type of chocolate. Dragon 1111: "Fudge?" Sprinkles: "No, Cornelius!" Me and Dragon 1111singing: Cigars are evil you won't miss them. You'll find ways to simulate that smell. What a sorry fellow rolled up and smoked like a Chanetello here on level 1 of Robot hell. Dragon 1111: I don't know what the next line is. Me: But you should it's on your mp3. Ooblar: "WHAT GALAXY ARE YOU FROM?" King Goobot: "Ooblar, it's toast." Ooblar: Hello toast! I greatly admire your ship!" "Ass whiplash is funnier than eggpeople talking to toast." -Sprinkles BENDER: "I think you gave me whiplash!" Leela: "You don't even have a neck." Bender: " I meant ass whiplash!" "I'm walking up the down escelator!" -Some random kid from the Jimmy Neutron movie "My clothes don't match! My clothes don't match! I'm out in public and my clothes don't match!" -Another random kid from the Jimmy Neutron movie The following 9 quotes are pretty much the BEST scene out of the whole Jimmy Neutron movie Sheen: It's times like this that we should ask ourselves, "What would Ultra Lord do?". Nick: I don't know Sheen, maybe he'd sit on a shelf because he's a DOLL! Sheen: He's not a doll, he's an action figure! There's a difference! Libby: Maybe he's right Nick. Let him talk. Okay Sheen, what would Ultra Lord do? Sheen: Well, in episode 224, Ultra Lord fried the Zeebot's brains with his heat-seaking ampathought. It was cool! Nick: Well, I'm convinced, that had to be the STUPIDEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD! Sheen: No, this is the stupidest thing you ever heard: Igglyyabbaflabbaibblegibblegoot! Nick: Oh you're such a baby! Sheen: You're just picking on me because you're insecure! "My philosophy is everyone's a jerk. You, me, that jerk" -Bender "Wait, you mean bagel's not a color anymore? They need to tell me before they change these things" -Sprinkles "Nazi chocolate, it's a Holocaust in your mouth" -Sprinkles "Orbiting around Jimmy's big head. Estimated time to ear, 4 minutes." -Sheen Eddy: The crow caws at midnight. Rolf: And the cat sours the basil. Rolf would love to talk politics but I must see your invitation. "Aw man, my pancake deflated again." -Dragon 1111 Me: What is there for dork to consume? Sprinkles: There is not much to consume. "Today is um. . . Gorb gorb, the Tameranian festival of beraiding draperies. STUPID CURTAINS! (Starfire then shoots a giant eye beam thing at her curtains that is seen from outside of the tower.) -Starfire "Waiter, there's a dead guy in my soup." -Peter Griffin "You got mangled, and today you became a singer. Both of our dreams came true." -Hermes Conrad "Everything's legal, until you get caught." -Dragon 1111 and The Walking Sports Injury "Everything is edible until you throw up" -Dragon 1111 "Orange croutons. Zoom zoom. Butterscotch" -Ratchet Spyro: What are you, some kind of goat? Elora: I'm a fawn you dork! Sprinkles: C. Dragon 1111: Kuh. Sprinkles: H. Dragon 1111: Cha. Sprinkles: A. Dragon 1111: ...Cha. “You know, there’s just nothing good about a person who eats cereal without any type of sugar on it whatsoever!” -That was Riley from chapter two of "Another Clue" by my friend/rival BG Sparrow (GO BROWNS!) "Ah, can’t breathe! Get lost professor, I need saving form fatty!" -That was Blossom from chapter 29 of Twist of Fun by Madame Fist "Fat b r u, but q b m i." -Sprinkles "Cease your constant pulling on my shiny handles!!" -Mark Chang "I'm gonna punch you in the face... with a shovel." -Dragon 1111 Harry and the Potters: 'We made with the talking, and it was just fine, but it soon turned into that awkward silence.' Crowd: (Loud cheering) Harry and the Potters: Yeah, just like that, but without all the cheering. Starfire: How many okaren does it take to hoagie a morftar? Finbar! (Starfire trying to make Raven laugh) Josue (a friend of Sprinkles): I need a window to jump out of. Sprinkles: A sandwich shaped window? Josue: I need a gun. Sprinkles: A triangle gun? (Josue tries to get away, Sprinkles runs after him) Sprinkles: You know, some windows are square shaped, and so are some sandwiches. So that means that some sandwiches are shaped like windows. So you could jump out of a window shaped like a sandwich shaped like a window shaped like a- Josue: SHUT UP! Sprinkles: If triangles are triangular, then that means sandwiches are sandwichular! Sprinkles: I'm a three-dimensional sandwich shaped triangle! "I hate the way people come up to me and say 'Wow, you're tall! How tall are you?' I don't go up to fat people and say 'Wow, you're fat! How fat are you?'" -Mr. Urig (Sprinkles's government/econ teacher) "Maybe its brain was eaten by rabid weasels." -Me "I had to see my favorite teacher before I left, but Mr. Sedlacek was busy." -Me talking to Mr. Holko at conferences Bart: I call this bed! Lisa: Bart, that's a bread compartment. Bart: You're a bread compartment. "My fantasy has come true! I AM buttered toast!" -Ed "Your garden is overgrown and your cucumbers are soft!" -Rolf "I'm gonna eat your arm off to a cat." -Dragon 1111 "Johnny, you dropped your face." -Eddy "SPONGE STAMPEDE!" -Ed "MY KIDNEYS TINGLE WITH PLEASURE!!" -Dragon 1111 "Did everything just taste purple for a second?" -Fry "Tengo atun en mis pantelones." -me, technically Dragon 1111 "I have tuna in my pants" -Dragon 1111 Leela: Now remember Professor, it's not really Santa, it's Bender. Professor: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You sound like a broken mp3. (Bender drops down through chimney with bag of toys.) Professor: There he is again! (Professor then shoots Bender with a rifle.) Leela: Professor!! Don't you remember what I was just saying? Professor: NO!! "May seventeen and a half monkeys play with a hacksaw on your face." -Me Warning: The following jokes may be offensive to some Jewish people, Germans, African-Americans, Christians, Crocodile Hunter fans, and possibley some pizzas. If you are easily offended and/or fit into one of these groups, I would suggest not reading them. I appologize to anyone who is offended. If anyone has complaints or concerns, they can send them by mail to 4752 Chestnut drive in Bethezda, Maryland. I don't live there, but someone might. F.Y.I., Bethezda, Maryland is a real place, but I'm not sure if I spelled Bethezda correctly. Anyways, on with the rest of my quotes list, and also, any Christians who actually read the following jokes, please pray for me in the hopes that God does not send me to hell for writing these jokes. Mikey: What's the difference between Jesus and a picture of Jesus? Me: What? Mikey: It only takes one nail to hang a picture of Jesus. Me: How do you fit four Nazis and 20 Jews into a car? Mikey: How? Me: Two Nazis in the front, two Nazis in the back, and 20 Jews in the ash tray. Dragon 1111: I want to get a walk-in oven. Sprinkles: You know, the last person that had a walk-in oven was Hitler. Me: What's the difference between a Jewish person and a pizza? Mikey: What? Me: A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven. Me: What's the difference between a black guy and a pizza? Mikey: What? Me: A pizza can feed a family of four. We now return you to reading teh awesomeness. Rufus Scrimgeour: "Such loyalty is admirable, of course, but Dumbledore is gone, Harry. He's gone." Harry Potter: "He will only be gone from this school when none here are loyal to him." "Paraplegics make the BEST hood ornaments!!" -Me Kyle: OH MY GOD!! IT'S RYAN SEACREST!! Me and my friends: That's Ty Pennington fat ass. Me¿Que quieres hacer? Dragon 1111: Your mom. (F.Y.I.¿Que quieres hacer? means What do you want to do.) "Vacate the toaster oven immediately." -Sprinkles "Elephant equals puppy." -Dragon 1111 "Hippo equals fishy." -Dragon 1111 "Giraffe equals kitten.." -Dragon 1111 "Koala equals penguin." -Me "Tree Kangaroo equals parakeet." -Dragon 1111 "Wallabee equals hamster." -Dragon 1111 "Goat equals pelican." -Dragon 1111 Zoidberg: 'They said I probably shouldn't be a surgeon.' Professor: 'They poo-pooed my electric frankfurter.' Leela: 'They said I probably shouldn't fly with just one eye.' Bender: I am Bender, please insert gerder. Leela: Fry, acting like a moron won't bring your dog back! Fry: Then all hope is lost. "Hammers are a magnificent toy." -Mikey "Aw man, I accidentally said something that made sense." -Sprinkles Schu: If I told you 60 inches, what would you say? MeLong pause) Whoa... Holy crap. Schu: I need a ride with a little more meat on it. Me: I suggest riding your mom.b "Don't drink the spoon." -Schu "Wait a second, that's not a frying pan." -Me "No pot, mom!" -Me "I'll pwn your soul in the face with a shovel." -Me "Kick her while she's dead! Kick her while she's dead!" -Me "I be a zombie! Brains!! Wait, why am I chasing Chris? -Sprinkles "Great minds should fall down the stairs." -Marmalade "It's like a bacon popsicle." -Me "Because I wanna breed it to eat human flesh, duh." -Me "Silly gringo, tacos are for Mexicans." -Paco (My spanish alter ego) "Oh great, now the tv's speaking spanish! You've ruined everyting!" -Sprinkles "I'll give you a chunky face!!" -Sprinkles "If quizzes are quizzical, what does that make tests?" -Rossen "COMBUSTION!!" -Me "Power-spawing Kevins. 400 KEVINS!!" -Mista Kevin "Gratuitous amounts of Kevin!" -Mista Kevin "Noone is a hot walrus!" -Sprinkles Me: Now, I fart. Mista Kevin: Good thing I'm out of the death zone. Me: NO! You shall be vaporized by my ass. "Thank you for applauding my grandfather's terminal illness." -Stephen Lynch "Young Waker of Winds, BEAST IT UP!!" -Schu "When in doubt, whip it out." -Schu That's What She Said jokes: What the hell is that? It's a small one. It's huge. Can I touch it? I'm not touching that!! It looks like a tictac. Why can't you be as good as Mikey?! I fell off. |