Disclaimer: I do not own Jimmy Neutron or any related characters.
Fourteen is never an easy age. You go from being at the top of the school in eighth grade to being a lousy freshman. You have to juggle friends, homework, school, chores, and dating. That would be tough enough. But I've got another little problem.
I have to save the world. Literally. It all started three years ago. I got psychic visions for a few days. They really freaked me out. Just by touching something, I could see the future of that object. That would have been creepy enough, but one day at school I had a vision when Cindy kissed me. Ok, it was on the cheek, but that's not important.
That vision was different from the others. I could walk around in it and interact with the environment. It was a barren wasteland. But just then I saw the future Cindy and the future me. The future me told me that I had to save the future. He said that he had given me these powers so that he could contact me. He said to train.
And that's it. He just told me to train. No set of instructions, no details, no nothing. I know,he's no Yoda. Anyway, so that's what I did. I trained. For two years I did nothing but train. And it wasn't fun.
That's all I did for two years. I never went on a date, I never hung out with friends, I never just sat around bored. Everyone thought that I was a freak. And believe me, I was.
But one person stood by me. Cynthia Vortex. Or Cindy, for short. I'd tell you about our relationship, but it would take a while. You thought Ross and Rachel were complicated? Let's just save an hour and say that we were friends.
Anyway, so she noticed that I had changed. I was darker, tired, quiet, basically just a shell of a man. She was really worried about me. She kept asking me what was wrong. Obviously, I couldn't tell her. I thought she wouldn't believe me. Guess what? I was right.
One day I had another vision with my future self. He gave me a ball of energy. He said that that ball would allow him to keep in contact with me. Cindy saw me pass out when I had the vision, and saw the ball in my hand when I woke up. She asked me where I got it.
So, I decided to tell her. Biggest mistake of my life. She thought I was lying. She took the ball and smashed it. She yelled at me for lying to her. She then walked out and refused to talk to me for a while. And I gave up hope. I quit my training.
Then this new kid came to school. John Duncans. It wasn't hard for me to figure out that he was the one who would destroy the world. He is the biggest jerk on the planet. He hates me and I hate him. He called Cindy some nasty things, which really set me off. I started training again.
But I realized something important. Listening? I had been overdoing it! I found a medium, so to speak. I balanced my training with a social life. And it's been great! I'm hanging out with the old gang again. I'm not as stressed out. And best of all, I'M DATING CINDY!
Yep, you heard right. Jimmy Neutron is going out with Cynthia Vortex. We've been going out for two months now. God, she's so beautiful. Um, anyway, so we're dating. Things have never been better.
But there's still the John problem. But what can I do? I'm training and I'm keeping my eye on him. There's nothing more I can do. For now. But when the day comes, I'll be ready. You can bet on that.