"Geez, it's really dark today," the short leader of the eds, Eddy, remarked as they walked to school, "almost as if a tornado might hit or something." "Well," the sock-hat wearing Double-d began to explain to his friend, "the news did say things about brutal weather these next few days so we do need to watch out." "It'll be a perfect day to tell spooky monster stories at lunch!" the tall, dumb Ed exclaimed happily as he looked at one of his monster comics, "Like this, The Night of the Hairless Hawker!" "Guess I'll join in, nothin' better to do." Eddy told him as Double-d tried to keep track of the path they were walking on.
"It's like it's nighttime now and pitch black when it's really night!" the smart boy exclaimed frustrated as they stumbled off the path for about the sixth time. "What terror lurks here!" a familiar cried in fear. "Rolfy boy?" Eddy asked as he got up and looked around and saw the foreign boy's face finally. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Ed screamed after looking directly at Rolf's face for about ten seconds, "Rolf turned into a monster!" "Nonsense," Double-d told his big companion, "It's just your eyes playing tricks on you, Ed, if you look at someone in the dark for a while their face will look like it becomes deformed and disappear; it's how the tale of the headless horseman came around (I've tried it at camp, it works! Years ago)."
"Oh, the ed boys! Rolf is so joyful! Come, Victor shall lead us through this accursed darkness." The blue haired kid commanded politely. "Finally, we can get to school!" Eddy exclaimed happily, "And I won't get a detention!"
Grabbing onto the goat all them traveled through the woods as it picked up scents of the other people that had been there and soon came upon a glowing building. "FINALLY!" Ed cried running up to the structure and then stopping, "This ain't school Rolf." "Indeed," Double-d told them walking up to the building himself, "We're off track, this is the factory." "Aw, come on!" Eddy yelled angrily while dropping himself to the ground. "You guys go on ahead I'm going to check this place out, we're already going to be late as it is." Double-d told his companions. "Ah, Rolf, you and Ed go on ahead, but don't tell anyone where we are!" Eddy told them hastily. "You have Rolf's promise, Ed-boy, come!" "Let's check it out Double-d!"
"Man, I really hope everyone's okay!" Nazz said looking out the window of her school with Kevin. Johnny was busy crawling around in vents to be bothered by what was going on. The teachers had said they could do anything they wanted today, because the darkness outside was too much of a distraction. "Hey there's some people!" Kevin shouted pointing towards two tall boys, "Finally Rolf's here!"
Nazz immediately rushed over to the door and hugged both of them, "Oh, we were so worried!" "Yeah, dudes, wait… where the other two dorks?" Kevin asked. "Er, stayed at home?" Rolf told them hopingly. "Aw, lucky!" the red head complained and went to sit down at a table in the cafeteria.
"Gee buddy, it's a good thing we decided to check what's actually in here!" Johnny said happily as he traveled through the secret vent passageway with Plank climbing up various objects, "I mean there's practically a hallway leading from here to another place." Indeed it was strange. Just then he heard another voice up ahead, "What fools." Blackness enveloped him.
"Whoa!" Eddy cried as the two entered the factory (the one always seen in the distance in episodes. Yeah, you know.) cautiously, "This place is huge!" "Indeed…" the taller ed trailed off. There were pipes and gadgets everywhere. To Eddy it was like the junkyard only organized. "I wonder why the emergency lights are on. I mean I know it's dark out, but no one even works here. Its purpose is to generate electricity and keep the defense systems for the cul-de-sac up."
"So what, let's check this place out!" the shorter ed exclaimed with happiness in his eyes and jumping over a bar and landing on a table below. "Eddy, be careful!" Double-d said annoyed following him, though when he jumped down he fell through a hole. "Hey, wait for me!"
Landing with a thump the boys looked around only to be greeted by miles of machinery and equipment. There were overturned tables, ruffled up blueprints, huge capsules (one of which was already broken), amongst many other things. "Well, it looked like there was a fight…and whoever worked here didn't win." Eddy announced gloomily as he noticed a spot of dried blood on the wall next to his shoulder. "It appears there was, but this place hasn't been used in years it doesn't look like. My dad used to tell me stories of when he worked here" Double-d added, "Hey what are those capsules for do you think?" "Well," Eddy said, "we'll never find out just standing here so come on buddy boy!"
"One of them's broken…" Double-d said stepping on something. Picking the piece of paper off the ground he viewed it over and gasped. It was a blueprint of him with the words IMMORTALITY RESEARCH PROJECT printed on the top! "EDDY!" Double-d cried in despair and then noticed his friend wasn't listening to him, "Eddy?" "Double-d for the first time I am beside myself." The short ed said wide-eyed looking through one of the capsules. Then the kaboom happened and the power went out.
"WHOA! What just happened!" Kevin screamed falling off a chair in the cafeteria. "I think the power went out." Ed told him. "No, ya think." "Well yeah, I just said-" "Shut up dork!" Kevin commanded forcfilly. "KEVIN!" Nazz cried rushing over and hugging him, "the factory was just struck by lightning! You know, the one that generates electricity and that you're supposed to defend!" "Son of a gun!" Rolf yelled worriedly. "Hey, where's Johnny?" Ed asked.
"Here I am." Johnny told him sitting down in a chair backwards and grinning. "Where's Plank?" Nazz asked. "I ditched im'." Johnny replied closing his eyes. "WHAT!" everyone cried. "But dude!" Kevin told him, "He's like your best friend!" "Yeah right, just a piece of wood I'll put through the shredder later. "But Rolf can no longer call you Johnny the wood boy now!" the foreign boy complained to his urban ranger. "Life's tough get used to it." Johnny told him with a frown, "people will always stamp all over you like they have with me. I was so desperate for a friend I became attached to a frikkin' slab of wood! Everyone'll always disappoint you in the end it's a fact of life!"
"Whoa, slow down mister…" Ed told the younger boy realizing that something was obviously wrong. "Why should I?" he asked, "I don't need to stop for some retard to understand me!" "Johnny!" Nazz gasped, "Don't you call Ed a-" "Shut up." He told her cutting the girl off, "and get a life." SMACK! Over the corpse stood the combined angry faces of Ed, Nazz, and Kevin with Ed holding a table in his arms. "Well, I see I'm not needed, so I'll be leaving." The boy said getting up.
"We should find some batteries and flashlights." Nazz told them ignoring Johnny for the moment, "so let's split into groups. Rolf an Kevin find anything useful on one side of the school and me and Ed will scan the other side." They all nodded and split up failing to see a desperate Plank hanging from the vents.
Well, I hope everyone likes this fic as well as my other ones. I would really like to have put my fic where all the villains from various cartoon shows get together headed by my made up character, King Shadow in Ed, Edd, n Eddy, but I had to put it in Mishcallaneuos Cartoons so if you ever stop by there be sure to check out Under the Head of a Shadow it's really good and I bet alot of action cartoon loving people would like it. Anyways, what do you think is happenening and especially to Johnny for this fic?