"We f ear what we do not understand." – Unknown
Disclaimer: I don't own Jimmy Neutron or any related characters. I also do not own any songs or other copyrighted material.
All Alone
"What are we going to do Jim?" Carl asked nervously, "We can't fight those guys or those Saracen guys, they'll kill us."
Jimmy was surprised that he didn't have an answer for him, what could they do? They were trapped in a different time period in the middle of one of the most ferocious wars in history.
"I say we fight with those knights! They're awesome! Did you see how they clobbered those Saracens, wham! That was as cool as Ultralord!" Sheen said, excited about getting the chance to fight with men he considered invincible.
"Sheen, the crusaders lost this war! This is the last Crusade remember, this was the one where they lost the city of Acre, we learned about it in school remember." Jimmy told him.
"Oh yeah." Sheen said, clearly disappointed.
"And there's something wrong about those knights, or the alleged Sir Christopher at any rate. He would've known we're too young to be knights, you would be a squire until you're at least twenty, and Carl couldn't possibly be either of our squires, we're clearly the same age." Jimmy said, thinking, he knew that knight from somewhere, but where. He couldn't quite put his finger on it…
"So what do you suggest, genius?" Cindy asked, voice dripping with honeyed sarcasm.
"My suggestion is to lay low, hide until I can either build another time-space-warp device or until someone back in our time fixes the broken one so we can use our rings to get back. Until then, we've got to avoid any danger, stay out of the crusade, we definitely need to leave the area…" Jimmy said morosely, trailing off into thoughtful silence.
"What supplies do we have?" He asked the group at large.
"I've got some bug-spray and three health bars." Carl said, holding these things up.
"I've got my Ultralord lighter that was supposed to be for the bonfire at the fair and I've got some gum." Sheen told him.
"I've got my ipod and headphones, as well as my cell phone." Libby said.
"And I've got my cell phone too, and, well that's it." Said Cindy.
"Well, that's not bad but it's not as good as I hoped, I've got my watch, cell phone/portable computer." Jimmy said, he took the lighter and the bug spray from Carl and Sheen.
Flicking open the top of the zippo, Jimmy watched the flame come to life, he raised the can of bug spray and sprayed right through the spray, only a little. A jet of flame erupted from the Zippo tip.
"Whoa! What was that?" Sheen exclaimed.
"Well, bug-spray is highly combustible, so when ignited, you saw the effect."
Just then Jimmy's cell phone seemed to grow an arrow, his head whipped around, more Saracens.
"Crap." Cindy swore, picking up her mace and chain (Or flail, your choice, just different names).
The five Saracen foot-soldiers were upon them in an instant, Jimmy lunged with his sword, but the first knocked the blow aside with his shield, all of a sudden, Jimmy's vision was obscured by a whir of gray, Cindy's flail was a deadly whirlwind, she swung her arm, and the spiked ball slammed into the Saracen's shield with deadly force, he was knocked off his feet, and slipped into unconsciousness, pain overcoming him.
Jimmy dropped the sword and brought up the bug spray, seeing him, the others backed up, he flicked on the lighter and sprayed, all of a sudden the Saracens' crude leather armor jerkins and pants were on fire and they beat a hasty retreat, hitting their clothes, trying to put out the flames, and trying to pull the flaming garments off at the same time.
"Come on, let's get out of here, there's some trees over there, we can hideout there until we think of a plan." Jimmy recovered from the sight first, glad nobody, not even the Saracens had been killed. He swung his leg over his spooked horse and calming her gently.
Cindy looked at him, an odd look in her eyes, and then resentfully got up behind him, Libby was already mounted behind Sheen, and Carl was struggling to get up on the horse he had dubbed Waffles.
Over by the trees, the six knights that had saved them earlier were waiting, their leader, Sir Christopher had his helmet off, as the five teenagers came riding into the trees, the knights hit them on the back of their heads with blunt clubs. Dropping his club, Sir Christopher pulled a sack over Jimmy's head and tied it, his limp form weighing almost nothing in his arms and the others followed his example. They swung the bundles over their horses and rode away.
Jimmy woke up tied to a chair. He was bound and gagged with leather, straps constraining him to a chair and one tied around his mouth, his head was secured by an iron band and he was completely incapable of movement. He tried to remember what had happened, he had stopped inside of the wooded area and then everything had gone black. As he was pondering this, a hooded figure walked over to him, wearing armor with a brown hood.
"Glad to see you awake." The figure said, cutting Jimmy's gag with a dagger.
"Well I'm not, who are you and what the hell have you done with the others?"
"Oh, the party's all here." He said amusedly, Jimmy's chair was secured by iron bands, to a pole in the ground, and the man turned it around on the pole to face the other direction, he saw Cindy, unconscious with her blond hair in front of her face, as well as the others, similarly bound and tied.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Jimmy yelled, looking concernedly at Cindy.
"Don't you remember me?" The man asked lightly, throwing back his hood.
"Sir Christopher?" Jimmy asked, utterly bewildered.
"Yes, that is what they call me, however, I assure you, I am no knight."
"Than who are you?" Jimmy challenged.
"You should know, father…"
Author's Note: Dun Dun DUN! That's right…sorry I've been neglecting my stories lately, the next chapters for my other chapters will be up shortly, REVIEW!
"Darth Vader is Luke's FATHER?" – Chicken Little