Author has written 4 stories for Yu Yu Hakusho, and Saiyuki. January 4 KONNICHIWA! Im sooo sorry everyone who was waiting for updates. I have been experiencing a terrible author's block and I had a lot to study for. (stuy test and all that crap XD) I'LL try to update both my stories as soon as possible and perhaps even start a new one. I have many ideas in mind. However I need all of you to help me with that. Everyone, please email me some genres and animes you enjoy and Ill see what I can do. You can even give me a challenge fic. I would perfer if you made it prince of tennis though I'm really into it now! LOL thank you sooooooo much. ~~~~~~~ Yaoi Lover Pairings~~~~~~~~~~~~ XD faveorite pairings- Prince of tennis FujixRyoma, KevinXRyoma YuYuHakusho KuramaxHiei (yusuke can stay straight XD) Shaman King RenxYoh DN angel SatoshixDaisuke Yami no Matsuei MurakixTsuzuki MurakixHisoka (wat can u say? I'm evil XDDD) Naruto SasukexNaruto ItachixSasuke Inuyasha SesshomaruxKagome (OMG! THEY're STRAIGHT) SesshomaruxInuyahsa XD Hands Off TatsukixKotarou Hikaru no Go HikaruxTouya TouyaxHikaru Rurouni Kenshin AoshixKenshin Tsubasa KuroganexFai FaixKuragane Yu Gi Oh (im not really a big fan...but i luv the clothes ) SetoxYami/Yugi |