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Joined 01-15-05, id: 739652
Author has written 1 story for Fire Emblem.

oh, hello there :)

well, this is my profile...I'm just a normal (pfft...normal...yeah, right!) teenage girl with no life...that means I write stuff! XD

okay, okay, I'll stop being crazy...

I'll mostly be writing spoiler-ridden fanfics about Fire Emblem (FE 1 in America or FE 7: Rekka no Ken in Japan) so favorite characters are Erk (I love Erk! XD), Pent, Matthew, Guy, Eliwood, Raven, and Priscilla...I utterly despise Kent, Nino, Nils, Ninian, and Louise (but Louise is lucky...she doesn't get tortured like the rest of them...she just gets killed off muh hahahaha) and they're often sources of humor, laughs, and otherwise comic relief. But not really. They kind of get on my nerves.

As for Sacred Stones...ehhh...let's cross that bridge when we come to it. I need to warm up to the characters, I think, and actually beat the game. lol.

I'm well known for taking plots of games and books and twisting them in a horrible way and going so far as to add new characters and make them interact in strange ways, so sorry if anything I write is disturbing to you in any way...

Special thanks to my awesome editor-in-cheif, my friend Lil :) we love ya, Lil!

~psychotic coconut


okay, I've got about four of's an interesting story, see, I noticed that everyone else had some and I decided I needed to get one of my own. I tried to get Pent to do it, but he told me that he had too many people to be a muse for and recommended that I get a generic muse from the warehouse inside my head. I found this to be an excellent suggestion and went there (please don't ask) and found a whole bunch of generic Pents. The problem with these generics, though, is that they can only say one phrase. There were several different choices, none of them very positive except for one. So, my generic muse says 'w00t' and that's about it. The REAL Pent obviously had no idea that his generic selves said only one word each and found that my generic muse was an insult to his intelligence. Therefore, he went and set the Generic Muse Warehouse on fire and destroyed the rest of them. He's still trying to kill Generic Pent, but we won't let him...and that's where Zak and Zeke come in.

Generic Pent: As previously mentioned, Generic Pent is a generic muse from the Generic Muse Warehouse that was recently burned down by his Real counterpart. He is a jovial little fellow and has gained everyone's love, even though he only says 'w00t'...that's way better than what some of the other muses at the warehouse said, trust me...

(The) Real Pent: This is the Pent most of you will be familiar with from Fire Emblem. He's a huge jerk to Generic Pent and we're currently trying to make him shut up and leave him alone. But it's not working. He has a larger vocabulary than Generic Pent...obviously.

Iisakkri and Sakkri (Zak and Zeke): Zak is the older of the mini-Pent twins, who are affectionately called Zak and Zeke. He and his brother were found near the ruins of the Generic Muse Warehouse, and I think they are really premature versions of a fully grown generic Pent muse. They're probably about five years old, and they're absolutely adorable! -hugz them- They're mainly here to annoy (the) Real Pent, which is a very important job. They're starting to get spoiled, too, and they have a full vocabulary.

Pairings I Support:

Erk X Priscilla -- I'll support this one until the day I die! Don't even mention Serra's name in a sentence with his:K
Hector X Farina -- come on, they're adorable! And Lilina looks like Farina, so nyaa:P
Eliwood X Lyn -- Kent is gross, Ninian's a dragon, Rath is creepy, etc, etc...get the picture? haha they're cute, anyway.

ehh...the rest of them, I'll put up with. But those are my fundamentals! I mean, I won't boycott someone's story if they have other pairings, but it just annoys me a little bit when people say they like Erk and Serra together...come on, people! Erk and Nino are cuter together than that disgusting couple! If you knew me at all, you'd know that that's a pretty drastic statement! Blehhhhhhhh!...Okay, I'll stop obsessing and get writing. But seriously! Meh!

Story Status:

Mist of Memory: guess what? it's finished! XD however, if anyone's interested in doing a few illustrations, that would be most wonderful -le w00t-

New and Untitled Random Fanfic #2: working on it...I promise! -hides from the wrath of her limited number of fans-

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Huzzah! by Sardonic Kender Smile reviews
In Chapter 32! The tactician really wants to be a duck, Serra and L’Arachel break the laws of physics—again—and everything is BRIGHTLY COLORED AND LATIN AMERICAN! Sucks for those who have a grip on a reality…yes, Erk, that means you.
Fire Emblem - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 32 - Words: 78,840 - Reviews: 559 - Favs: 118 - Follows: 71 - Updated: 8/26/2008 - Published: 9/23/2005
Randumbness by Wolf McCloud-123 reviews
If you emphasize the 'dumb' in that word, the whole plot will be revealed to you. Rating may go up if I write anything truly offensive.
Fire Emblem - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 25 - Words: 20,076 - Reviews: 146 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 6/6/2006 - Published: 2/11/2005
Fire Insanity! by Darkness-Aura reviews
Update is pending on you, if you want it back, tell me.
Fire Emblem - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 11 - Words: 26,382 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 2/17/2005 - Published: 1/14/2005
Mist of Memory reviews
Where did everyone's favorite purple-haired teenage mage come from? Some of us want to know, right? Well, here's my answer. WARNING: countless spoilers! Rated for mild language, violence, and to be safe. Please R&R! Completed! :D
Fire Emblem - Rated: T - English - Humor/Mystery - Chapters: 12 - Words: 31,040 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Updated: 5/15/2005 - Published: 3/22/2005