I have become fairly interested in the game Fire Emblem in the past few weeks….this is an excellent game and it deserves a little of a story from me! Ha! ….You don't care do you? I bet you won't read this, I'll even bet that you won't see my lawn nomb give you all the finger….in which he does not exist…Forget all of that, that was creepy and uncalled for, besides trying to freak you all out by trying to make you laugh…with my lawn nomb antics, I will simply go on forth with my "Make it up as I go story". Warning….may cause you to pee your pants….I suggest you go now to the can before you read this.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fire Emblem or anything related to its content.

It was a sunny day outside in the plains, the group of Eliwood's army all enjoyed the day, having nice conversations with each other or finding something random to do while they sat around. Of course everyone knows that this is only the beginning of their long, long vacation. Eliwood decided after the battle with Nergal and the fire dragon that everyone should have a five week vacation, after all, they did indeed deserve it.

Karla sharpened her sword quietly as her brother hovered over her shoulder, his eyes giving off an weird look, she was beginning to dislike him doing that, after all, even though she would love nothing more than to spend time with him and practice her sword play, he was beginning to get a little….too close, as soon as she made another swipe on her sword he snatched the sword from her.


"You made a mistake! You fool!" Then he spun around aimed, and shot it straight into the air, watching it go far, far away into the horizon. It soon made a slight sparkle in the sky, sort of like a shining star, except it traveled at extreme speeds to who knows where.

Karla just stared. "….I had three more payments on that!" She pulled out a long roll of parchment and scratched out the words "Rune Sword" with a little reluctance, it was her favorite one after all.

"Ha! Well now it's been put to better use! You remember our deal, mistakes on sword sharpening means a random accident." He folded his arms and smiled insanely, his eyes glowed with happiness, he loved to torture her so, especially when she was least expecting it to happen.

"That's a really dumb agreement….I should have let you eat my birthday cake." Karla pouted. She remembered their little agreement al long, long time ago….well not too long, just 6 years ago, when she was 12. She remembered it like it was yesterday.

It was snowing out side in a calm manner an mostly everything was at a quiet atmosphere, no one stirred and everyone was either lying around or paying attention to something stupid. Karla was sitting in her room, reading a tome on the universe and what savant's think it's all about plastered in big black letters in the front of the big book, they had a lot to say about this so called "magic burst" that created the planet, although she had no idea what monkeys had to do with the Magical Bursting of existence. She looked up from her book as her older brother came in with something behind his back, smirking wider than he normally had.

"Karel, what have you got there?"

"Oh nothing…"

"No. Seriously, what is it?"

"Let's just say its made of chocolate!"

"OO! Really? Can I see it?"

"Ah, ah, ah, sister dear, you can only have this-" Karel pulled a chocolate cake from behind his back and smiled. "- After you promise me something!"

Karla stared at the words "Happy B-Day Karla!" in pink letters on the cake. "Hey that's mine!" Karla made a grab for it, but he was ahead of her and pulled it above his head.

"Come on!" She jumped up and down as he held it above his head, his sister was shorter then…much shorter.

"Promise me something first!" Karel grinned.

Karla frowned and thought for a moment. "Alright, what is it?"

"Every time you make a mistake and I am around, I will correct it, with a random act of incoherent ness!" Karel's smirk gotten wider, if possible.

"Fine! Now give it to me!" Karel gave it to her and stood there for a moment, staring into nothing.

Karla wave her free hand in his face. "You all right?"

Karel then quickly fallen face first on the floor, not moving.


Karla shook her head at the memory of her stupid brother

"Well it was your mistake, now wasn't it? Maybe you should have let me have It that day, you received quite a few cavities back then, surprised nothing like that shows on your teeth now….at least you know how to brush your teeth."

"Shut up."

The sword Karel threw earlier still sailed in the air, it was arriving towards a town….and heading straight towards a berserkers butt. He was picking flowers happily, unknowing of the sword hurling straight towards him, until it was too late, and the pointy object lodged right into his….well…yeah…

"!! HOLY CRAP! IT BURNS- SO- MUCH! ARGH!!!!" He danced around in circles as the sword stuck out annoyingly from his buttocks.

Karla looked at the sky and sighed. "That was the fifth one." She shook her head and stood up prepared to walk away, which is until she slipped and fell, falling on her face, and hurting her pride. "Gah! My friggin face!" she jumped up and held her hands up to her face, her arms and hands shaking as she tightened them, in order to either endure the pain, or try to relieve it.

"That's going to hurt tomorrow…but then again, why doesn't it just hurt now?" Karel laughed as his sister walked around, rubbing her face.

"Karel, why did you have to eat chocolate pudding and those banana's right next to me!?" Karla complained.

"Ha, ha, ha." Karel laughed as he ran away, and jumped off of the cliff!

Karla ran over to the cliff and leaned over it, wondering how her brother had done the things he had done today, a cloaked figure walked up silently behind her, even though she was a well trained sword master, and a perfect one at that, she was to busy to hear him, and he was already too close, so he took out his sword…and poked her in the back with a plainly noticeable rubber knife, causing Karla to flail her arms and clutch the ground, breathing heavily and kissing the ground, thankful she didn't fall.

After she re-gained her composure, she turned around, fire in her eyes as she stared down the one and only, Matthew.


"Ha, ha, ha! Did I give you a scare?" Matthew asked, grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm going to kill you!" Karla whipped out her Wo Dao and raised it above her head, charging the thief.

"Father Sky! Karla's gone mad!" The thief then whipped his white round sack over his back, turned around and ran for it, screaming like a little girl. Karla on his heels as they both ran through the plains and towards the encampment, Matthew yelling and begging for mercy while she chased the poor thief about.

The chase continued throughout camp as Matthew and Karla both ran around, Karla trying to kill Matthew, and Matthew trying to hide. "Have mercy dame Karla! Have mercy!" "Never, I'll skin you and eat you!" She yelled her eye twitching madly.

"Matthew looked towards Karla hoping to see her stop for rest or something, but she was actually speeding up! Matthew gulped and began to consider something important, if he was going ot escape of course. "I think I will have to use this Fell contract now…" Matthew checked his pockets as he ran, hoping Karla wouldn't catch him. He soon found in tucked inside his shirt. "Yes!" Matthew unrolled t the dark note, its dark aura surrounded it menacingly, and Matthew gulped. "There goes my beloved round sack!"(Do not ask…Matthew has and obsession with the shape of his thieving bag…)

Matthew signed it on the dotted line, not bothering to read whatever the contract had to say, the only thing he seen was a rule about staying away from the wrath of Sonia if he were to kill a chicken….good thing she was dead. He kept running as he finished the last letter of his name, Karla now yelling cusses at him about how she was going to skin him with her so called "butter knife". Matthew smirked as he began to feel the static electricity surge about him, as his knives, armor, and clothing changed while he ran, he was a level 20 thief, so he was like a level 7 assassin already.

"What the, you are an assassin know!?" Karla stopped in her tracks and frowned, she knew it was hard to hit an assassin, they were known to be faster than some of the fasted sword masters, even Nergal's attack missed Jaffar….

"Ha, ha, ha!" Matthew laughed as he threw his blood red cape about him, admiring his new attributes.

"No!" Karla yelled holding her head; she knew she wouldn't be able to exact her revenge easily.

"Yes!" Matthew cackled as he watched her suffer.

"No!" Karla yelled again, trampling the ground, using her sword to stab it repeatedly.

"Oh Yhea!" The Kool-Aid man burst into view; hold a cup of his own fluids in his hand. Karla, Matthew, and just about everyone else in the encampment stared at him. The Kool-Aid demon displayed shifty eyes and backed away slowly into the forest, not to be seen again.


Karla blinked and shuddered "Who in the heck was that?"

Everyone just shook their heads slowly, not knowing what to say, then they all shrugged and gotten back to their business, Lyn, how ever, still stared. Eliwood took notice and began to walk over to her, to ask what was wrong, but Ninian pounced him and dragged him away, telling him to come with her and have some tea in her tent, while glaring at Lyn. Lyn frowned; she didn't know that she was so over protective, why did she have to be? They were getting married….A tap on her shoulder caused her to shake her thoughts; she turned to see the sword master Karla staring at her.

"Yeah?" Lyn asked.

"You alright? The freaky thing is gone now."

"Yeah, I had the strange urge to yell "Oh yeah" with him though…it was almost like a spell….heh."

"So did I…"


"Yep, and I bet so did everyone else, surprised they didn't succumb to such trivialities." Karla rolled her eyes and begged her leave of Lyn, she said she had some business with a certain Matthew.

Lyn frowned, and then smiled, Matthew was in for it. She decided that now was a great time to visit Hector, she had always liked him, but she was beginning to think she wasn't good enough….he was 50 Nergal's in one! And she was….well….half of one, she guessed this was a tomboyish thought to have, thinking that way, but she didn't care, she liked to act the way she did, she didn't feel bonded to the ways of other women.

Lyn breathed in the air, and then began to choke as a ball of spit went down her wind pipe. "Gak! A-a- cursed cur! I've been choked again! Ahk!" As she tried to breathe, some one came up behind her and slapped her back, causing her to cough up the supposed spit ball and make it fly across the plains at a high speed. Lyn breathed heavily as relief filled her body, she sighed with relief as the spit ball flew to an unknown location.

A man in an apron baked a pie happily with the window open, having a conversation with his wife who sat at the table; he placed the pie next to the open window admiring his work.

"Well Ollene, we are sure going to eat well tonight!" The man said cheerfully.

"We sure are!" She smiled at him, returning to her one person bingo game.

Not so soon after she had finished her state had a ball of spit shot down her husband's throat, causing him to choke uncontrollably, then pass out, but not die fortunately…or for you sick people out there…unfortunately.

"Well, who do you think will win honey? Me, Or…Me?"


"Honey?" She looked at his crumpled figure and blinked.

"Wake up sleepy head." She cooed.


"I bought a doggy treat for ya!"



Lyn sighed with relief again and took deep relieving breathes, she turned to find none other than the man she had loved, Hector. "Oh. Thank you Hector! That was a sneaky one…"

Hector smirked broadly at her. "You should try not to take any more deep breathes, I heard from Nils that the air around here is unstable because of the winds."


Hector then took his leave and walked back to his tent, continuing what ever he may have been doing before he had relieved Lyn. He soon began making explosive noises, and Lyn, being the tomboy she was, thought it was something she would like. So she had gotten suspicious, so she decided to see what he was doing. She tip-toed over to his tent and put her ear to the tent hoping not to be caught. Hectors silent speaking then began to get clear.

"Take that! And some of that! Pow! Pow! 'Twas, Lord Hector who saved the world baby!"

Lyn gasped as she clutched her mouth to keep from giggling insanely, was Hector playing with dolls? She just couldn't believe this at all. She listened into more, but his foolishness seemed to let up.

"I'm glad Lyn's alright…the last thing I would want to know is that she died from a big ball of spit she had decided to swallow!"

Lyn frowned. "Hmm…."

"Who's there?"

"Oh crap!" Lyn then high tailed it and ran away towards her tent at an extreme speed.

Hector pocked his head out side and looked around. "Hmm, must have been the wind." He shrugged and pulled back into the tent, continuing the noises.

Karla sighed as she spied on the former thief Matthew, he was fiddling with a few thieving materials he still had, She guessed he must have missed being a thief already. She frowned as he picked up his thieving sack and sniffled at it. She heard him speak a few words.

"I never did think that I was stealing, just something that was fun…funs over I guess….hmmm maybe I can use my assassin skills to thieve as well!" He then placed a stone on the table, and disappeared, soon after the stone disappeared, but he did not appear just yet, then he reappeared, he looked at the stone and smiled. "Perfect."

"Wow…" Karla then gasped and covered her mouth, hoping he didn't hear her.

"Alright, stop sulking and come on out, cur." Matthew's voice sounded.

Karla panicked and made a break for it, she didn't want to be caught peeping on Matthew's business. She thought she had gotten away, that is until Matthew appeared and caught her.

"Aha!" Matthew pointed at her face.

"Ack!" Karla yelled.

"Karla!? What were you doing peeping on me?" Matthew asked, suspicion in his voice.

"N-Nothing." She blushed, the embarrassment was almost unbearable.

"You were trying to exact your sweet revenge on me weren't you?"

"No! …Yes."

"Thought as much, I'll just call it even then, instead of embarrassing you more." He then took his fist and punched him self, he went flying.


Karla blinked and frowned.

He teleported back in front of her and smiled, though he was missing a tooth. "There, even Steven? After all….I know how afraid of heights you are."

Karla gasped. "How did you know? I told no one about that!

Matthew then began whistling.

"Matthew! You didn't!"

"Nah, I just guessed, the way you acted when I nudged you was enough."


"Well, I'll take my leave of you then."

Karla watched him leave and smiled. "Strange fellow….I kind of like him…in the bortherly kind of way."

"Heard that!" A voice shouted.


"Ha, ha, ha, ha!" He then dramatically disappeared, flying at high speeds thorugh the sky as he jumped, but then he reappeared in the sky and began to fall. "AH! CRAP!" He fell in the trees and Karla gasped.

"Are you alright Matthew?!" Karla yelled from where she stood.

His squeaky voice said much. "N-no! I landed on a branch and….it shattered my nuts! Gasp! Oh God! It BURNNNSSSSS! I can't breathe!"

Karla couldn't take it; she toppled over and began laughing her head off. "Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!"

"AHHH!!!" Matthew screamed as he fell out of the tree again.

The next day Matthew was seen limping, and although his voice was still squeaky he still had his dignity, so he tried no to talk. And every time Karla and the others looked at him, they began to laugh, hard.

End Chapter.

Hope you liked this! For it is only the beginning of the insanity. Please review and tell me what you think so I can continue.