
A/N: Omfg I haven't updated in like forever. But as a prize/thanks to Queen Ismaire (the reviewer, NOT the royal power in FE:SS) for posting the 140th review of this fanfic, I asked her if she could come up with something for me to write for this chapter. And she has.




Part XXV : Bored

One particularly boring day in the Jehanna Desert--I mean WAY out there where the castle is--Queen Ismaire was thinking about how very boring it was without her husband. It had always been so fun when he was alive! They'd take the camels out for a spin every now and then and see who could play dead the longest until the vultures started circling, and also light the scented candles and...

...Never mind.

Alas it was not so. For her husband had been dead for many moons. And many suns as well.

Speaking of sons.

Well at least Ismaire had that one little reminder of her husband--her son. Yes. It was very grand and that analogy was very touching, but she couldn't help but feel that he'd been acting rather... distant lately.

I mean, sure, he could handle growing up with a single mom who happened to be the supreme ruler of a desert country, but there was so much he could take before he just wanted to spend some time with himself. Some Joshua time. However, it was around that time of day that he would come up to her, whining about how there was no water outside, and she would remind him that it was a desert so of course there was no water outside. That silly child.

So she decided to get up off her queenly posterior and look for him.

Even a queen can go look for her own spawn if bored enough to do so.

After searching many rooms, she finally came upon him in his room (which is... really where she should've looked first, since that's the most logical place to find a broody teenager), hunched over something. He looked very attentive for whatever he was doing.

Deciding that she wanted to talk to him but he was far too engrossed in whatever he was doing, she walked in quietly. Then a twig broke and Joshua looked up and bounded off into the woods.

Nah. Not really.

Instead of doing that really random and retarded thing I just mentioned, Joshua went on doing whatever he was doing very... he was really into it, okay?

Finally, Ismaire softly cleared her throat. Just enough to make Joshua spin around and get up at the same time, which is actually kind of funny if you picture it in your head. Haha.

"MOM! I told you to knock!" he said like a typical teenager.

"But dear, we had to take your door down for repairs, remember?" Ismaire reminded him like a typical mom. "What are you doing?"


"Let me see."

"Nah. It's nothing, Mom."

"As the Queen of Jehanna, I order you to show me what you were doing." Oh-ho. Pulling the old 'I'm the Queen of (such and such)' card. How clever.

"As the Prince of Jehanna, I refuse!" Joshua retorted.

"As your mother, I order you to show me what you were doing."

Well even though being a prince is just a step down from being queen and he should've acknowledged her authority right then, he wasn't going to let that fly. But you know and I know when a mom gets like this there's no stopping her from going on the warpath if you don't oblige.

He stepped aside to reveal... GASP! Some random desert critter that was holding cards and smoking a cigarette. Poker chips were in the middle of the two.

"GASP!" gasped Ismaire. "What is the meaning of this?" She pointed at the desert critter.

"Hey, he invited me," said the critter, somehow possessing the ability to speak. He pointed at Joshua.

"It's not what it looks like!" Joshua said, inching towards the window if he should need to fling himself out of it.

"It looks like you brought a desert critter into my castle and you were playing poker with it," Ismaire said, putting her hands on her hips and gaining a very authoritative and motherly look. "After I made the servants get the carpets nice."

"I'm sorry Mom..." Joshua hung his head in shame. "But I'm... I'm addicted to poker!"

"GASP!" gasped Ismaire and the desert critter. Ismaire turned to it, picked it up, and flung it out the window.

"I'll be back!" called the desert critter as it flew through the air.

"My boy... my boy has a disorder!" wailed Ismaire, falling to her knees and crying.

"No... No I don't! I can stop any time I want, I didn't mean I was addicted like that," Joshua tried to make excuses for himself.

"I'll have to send you to a self-help group and that'll only cost MORE than we can afford!"

"Mom... You're the queen of a country. You own the only self-help groups in the land."

"Oh right. Sorry about that. Anyway..." She got up and dusted herself off. "I never want to see you doing that again. Do you hear me? Hmm?"

"Yes, Mom..."

"Good boy. Now you have a fun, not-poker-playing day, okay honey?"

"Yes, Mom..."

With that, Ismaire left to go back to the throne room. And she spent the rest of her life being bored.

But not really.




A/N: Queen Ismaire (the reviewer, NOT the royal power in FE:SS), there's your chapter! I hope it's as good as you would've wanted it to be.