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![]() Author has written 5 stories for Fairy Tail, and My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア. Hello Readers! Welcome to my profile! Since it is a new year, I have decided to update my profile as well. First off! I know I kinda have been in and out the past couple years with updating and all that. The main thing that has affected my updating was that real life basically hit the fan for a long while. I now feel comfortable enough explaining what happened. My parents got a divorce and it affected me in a big way. Let me tell you, that shit is hard to deal with no matter what age you are. So then that led to my father and I having basically a non-existent relationship. So all of that bled into many other parts of my life, such as work and obviously my writing. I feel like I am coming to terms with what happened and I am working on my relationship with my father to rebuild it. So yeah, I am sorry that I've just sort of been floating in and out on here, but I just had to work through a lot of personal stuff. But with me working on getting things to a better place and with a new year/new decade, I feel much better moving forward in other parts of my life now, including writing more again. So with that now explained, I want to say that I want to get back into working on my stories again. I will definitely be working on The Order of Ash since that has been turning out pretty well. I will be throwing a poll up to see what other stories you all are interested in seeing updated. This will include my three other stories: Thunder Stone, Storm's Helm, and The United Academies. I might throw in some new stories that have been floating around in my head, though I don't believe any of those are SYOC stories. Next, some information about myself! Gender: Female Location: Columbus, Ohio Favorite Anime/Manga: My Hero Academia, One Piece, Saiyuki, Trigun, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Angel Beats, FLCL, Fairy Tail, Death Note Favorite Shows: Gravity Falls, Law and Order: SVU, ATLA, Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Super Store, Sherlock, Bob's Burgers, The Office Favorite Movies: LOTR, The Hobbit, The Riddick trilogy, Harry Potter, Crazy Rich Asians, Lo, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, Miyazaki movies Favorite Pairings: BakugoXUraraka, MidoriyaXTodoroki, MomoXJirou, NatsuXLucy, NatsuXLisanna, GrayXLucy, CanaXBacchus, GajeelXLevy, LaxusXFreed Disliked Pairings: BakugoXMidoriya, TodorokiXMomo, ErzaXAny Character, GrayXJuvia, MirajaneXLaxus, ElfmanXEvergreen So just an explanation with my disliked pairings: I do NOT ship Bakugo and Midoriya together for the simple fact that it is an abusive relationship. Now, Bakugo is my boy! And Midoriya is the fucking cutest! But together romantically, just no. There is no love between the two at the beginning of the series, I mean, Bakugo literally tells Midoriya to go kill himself in the first episode, so yeah...I do recognize that their relationship is getting better, but I think the farthest it will go is a respect as a rival. That's just me though. You do you bro if that's your ship. Todoroki and Momo is just boring. I feel like the only reasons they got shipped together is because they were both recommendation students and they got paired up for the exams. That's it. Like every time I think about their ship all I can hear in my head is Jake Peralta saying, "Ya boring!" I literally just can't ship anyone with Erza. It's not that I hate her character. I actually like her a lot, I just make a face any time I think about her being paired with anyone (especially Jellal). She just comes off as this strong woman who doesn't really need anyone around her romantically, and I like that thought. I'll probably get major flak for the Gray and Juvia pairing, but I just can't stomach them together. I think it's Juvia's character basically just being all about Gray and I hate that. It's annoying and I wish her character had become more than a crazy fangirl. For both MirajaneXLaxus and ElfmanXEvergreen, I just feel like they were pushed together because they were what was left over. They don't really feel like they fit together and they're also kinda boring. Anyways, I suppose if there is anything else you want to know or want to talk about something, just send me a PM. Below will be information on my current stories and any story ideas I get that I may want to work on. Current Stories The Order of Ash Update 1/2/2020: Currently working on chapter four. Information: This is a story about 10 companions going on a journey to become demon slayers and take down the Order of Ash - essentially a group of demon generals that are in charge of all the demons terrorizing Fiore. This is based in the future and has some Next Gen characters in it. Thunder Stone Update 1/2/2020: Waiting on poll results to see what will be updated next. Information: It's been ten years since the defeat of Zeref and now in February of X803 a new, more sinister evil begins to stir and set carefully concocted plans into motion. But Thunder Stone, an old and sturdy guild, will soon find itself at the epicenter of this new evil. They will either need to become the heroes they never saw themselves being or fall with the rest of humanity. How Ranking Works: 1) People who join the guild will start out at D Class and move their way up through all the ranks -OR- They can do a combat test where they can fight against a current mage of the guild to get into a high rank. So say they feel they can start at a B Class level, they would have to combat against someone who is B Class in the guild. They would either need to defeat them in combat or at least hold their own for long enough to show that they can handle themselves in B Class battle missions. If they lose or do not show enough promise for that rank, then they would start at D Class like normal. 2) Anyone wanting to move up into C or B Class would have an easier time of doing so, compared to A or S Class. They would simply need to have a C or B Class mage agree to the combat battle with them and then receive the guild master's approval. Once both requirements have been met, then they could battle it out. The guild master would obviously need to watch over the match to determine if the person wanting to move up rank is good enough to do so. Other members of the guild would also be allowed to watch the match, but it is not turned into a huge glorious battle that the townspeople would be brought into see. They can move up ranks the same way as stated above - they either defeat who they are battling or show enough promise to pass. If they lose, they will stay at the same rank they originally were. 3) To move into A and S Class ranks, it's a bit more complicated. The battles to move up rank are only held annually - Beginning of spring will hold the S Class battles and beginning of fall will hold the A Class battles. So someone wanting to move up into those ranks would need the guild master's approval and the backing of an A or S Class mage, depending on which class they want to go into. But an existing A or S Class mage can only choose to back one mage. So for example, if there are only four S Class mages, but six lower ranked mages wanting to become S-Class, only four of those lower ranked mages will be able to participate in the S Class battle exam. So once an A or S Class mage backs someone else for the exam, that's it. There's no changing on who they want or choosing a second person to back. And these would be huge and glorious battle exams that would be help up in the high mountain arena. The townspeople would be invited to watch them as well and it would turn into a large festival in the spring and fall for them. Same thing goes for these battle exams as the others - if the win against their opponent or show enough promise to handle being that Class level, then they pass. If they lose or do no show enough promise, then they stay at their original rank. My Hero Academia: The United Academies Update 1/2/2020: Waiting on poll results to see what will be updated next. Information: Heroes being trained in the US. There are 9 academies in the US, one for each region. We focus on the freshman hero students at UENC, their growth, and the obstacles they have to overcome, including the next Master of Villains. Storm's Helm Update 1/2/2020: Waiting on poll results to see what will be updated next. Information: Eighty years of sailing. Eighty years of mages. Eighty years of ever changing masters. Now in April of X792, Cordelia Murdock is determined to be the next and longest reigning Guild Master for Storm's Helm, surpassing even her father's time as master. But taking over such an energetic and long standing guild isn't always as easy as it looks. Future Story Ideas Paint Me as a Villain Information: I did post this a while back, just one chapter, but then I stopped. I do want to do this story, but I just gotta flush it out more. But this story came from one of my friends wanting me to write a character that has the Reluctant Hero Quirk, so basically they are always in the right place at the right time even though they don't want to be a hero. So I created Ume Tsukauchi with that quirk. She is the adoptive daughter of Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi and she has followed in his footsteps and become a detective as well. It follows her story with her partner working alongside the heroes to figure out different cases. The pairing in this would be UmeXBakugo and it is based in the future where they are adults, so it would have to be a slight AU since we don't know the end of MHA yet. Where We Begin Information: Title is subject to change. I also posted this a while back, I think I got two chapters out. It was basically my take on Lisanna returning from Edolas. Not sure about pairings for this one, but it would have a much darker spin on Lisanna as I felt all the emotions and issues she should have had were brushed over. GajeelXOC: No Title Yet Information: I've been wanting to try a Gajeel and OC story again. I could always try to get Love Goes Boom going again (for those of you that remember that story with Margo), but I would not be opposed to writing something new all together. I just still really love Gajeel's character after all this time (Always) and would like to try my hand at a story with him again. My Beta is Dreadburner94! He's amazing and you should check his work out too! But he's a super big help for me and I definitely wouldn't have made it this far without him! I know he's heard this a million times, but thank you so much for all your help! And I do apologize in advance for any latency in my updates at times. I tend to get stuck in ruts some times and I refuse to put up a bad chapter just because I haven't updated for some time. That's not fair to you readers and that's not fair to myself either. So, if I haven't updated a story that you are currently reading for some time, do not fear! It's not because I'm not working on it! It's just because I may be stuck from writer's block. Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this little blurp about myself. I hope you enjoy my stories as well. Happy reading and writing! Yours truly, MyDearWatson |