A/N: Haha, here we are again. More information after the chapter.

I don't own My Hero Academia!

Please enjoy!


A large section on the city lay in rubble. While half-standing cities had become the norm as of late, this city had been torn and ripped apart. Fires still burned, black smoke spiraling up into the evening's golden sky. Glass, cement, and paper littered the ground, melted buildings still sizzling. Splatters of blood covered areas of broken buildings and streets, some of the splatters having unmoving bodies next to them.

She had to push a large cement block off her before she was able to see any of it. Her head was spinning, and she could feel blood trickling down across her body in several places. She wiped blood from her left eye as she forced herself to stand, despite the growing feeling of bile building up in her throat. That last hit had been one that was meant to kill her, but she had managed to deflect it enough to stay alive and land her own killing blow on her opponent. At least she had hoped she had finished off her enemy. After being flung across the street and into a demolished building, another wave of power had been released across the city, knocking everyone to their feet and causing more damage to the already broken city.

She looked up at the sky, the shining gold peeking through the swirling smoke feeling like victory, even if only for a moment. She breathed in deep, but quickly let it out as a ragged sound. She knew that some of her ribs were definitely broken. It was then that she caught sight of a leg sticking out from underneath a roof that had fallen. It was covered in the now tattered green outfit of the man she had previously been fighting. Her body tensed up upon seeing it, but her guard soon fell when she saw blood pooling around the leg. Her enemy was dead.

She knew the final blast of power had to come from him. She began looking around her to try to find any sign of the man. Her eyes fell upon all the destruction and death that the battle had caused. She could feel the bile rise in her throat again with every dead ally she came across. The only thing keeping it down were the sights of her comrades and friends still alive and moving to their own feet. What was left of their enemies were quickly dispersing, leaving behind their fallen brethren and their corrupt ideals.

Finally, at the top of a large pile of rubble, she saw him. She felt her skin pull across her face to form a smile. It hurt to even do that small action, but it was worth it when she saw his form silhouetted in golden light.

"Alexander," she said, her voice raspy from all the shouting she had previously been doing, "Alexander!" she forced herself to shout when he did not turn to face her. She eventually began moving one foot in front of the other to get herself to move towards him. Her fellow heroes soon began following her, "We did it! You did it! We won!"

But the man never moved to face her.

As she got closer, she could see the crumpled body of the Master of Villains in front of the man, his head blown off his shoulders.

"Alexander, didn't you hear me?" she called out, slowly climbing up to the man, "You did it. You saved us. You saved the country from falling! Alexander!"

She reached an aching hand out towards the man. Though, that hand came to a stop inches from his wrist. Her eyes widened at the sight she found.

There stood the man she called teacher, the man she called friend. He stood still atop that pile of rubble with blood and wounds covering his body. He had died giving their enemy a fatal blow. But even with all the pain he must have been in and knowing the sacrifice he was making, the man still smiled. He smiled brightly and proudly in the face of death.

Silence passed through the city when it was discovered that their greatest hope had died. Every hero still standing felt the punch to the gut and their hearts drop. While they had won the battle, defeated their enemy, what had it cost them to do so?

"Alexander," the woman spoke again, tears having already spilled over. She should have realized it sooner, that the man knew he was going to die in this battle. Thinking over his final words before the fighting began, it made sense now. She had just been too nervous at the time to know it, "I…I'm sorry," she said, "You shouldn't have died for this. None of us should have died for this."

She glanced back out across the city, her heart feeling heavier upon seeing all her fallen brethren again. She turned back to face the man, the golden light finally breaking through the smoke to shine down upon them.

"But I will keep my promise. Your death…all your deaths will have meant something. The country isn't dead yet. We will rebuild it. We'll make it stronger. We will unite and guide the next generation towards something better. I promise, Alexander. I promise!"

. : + : .

"Of course, the damn air conditioner would go out on a day like this," Charlotte Victors grumbled. She was currently sprawled out across her couch with three fans directly on her. She had moved the plethora of folders she previously had on her coffee table down onto the floor to keep them from being blown away, "All the technology in the world and the air condition still manages to break down!"

It was late July, so the heat and humidity in central Ohio was on full blast.

"And we've got another damn month of this stupid heat! I can't wait for the school year to start already!"

At that comment, the purple haired woman grabbed a file off the floor, swinging it open so her brown eyes cold scan over the next group of applicants for her school.

"I wonder which ones will make it this year," she said as she lazily flipped through the information sheets, "There's quite a few that look promising and a few that I'm hoping might surprise us this year."

She glanced down at the stack of folders, feeling like it never grew smaller.

"I wonder if the other schools have this much to handle every year. I'm sure UPH has thousands of entries from all over the country. Everyone wants to go to school on the west coast," she said, sticking her tongue out at the comment, "The Midwest is just as good. I would even say better. But it has to be the East North Central Midwest! Those punks over at West North Central couldn't even take down normal thugs!" she shouted, fire appearing in her eyes.

Before she could get herself more worked up, a sickeningly sweet pop song interrupted her. She dug out her cellphone from her back pocket, seeing the name of a man across it that made her sigh. Though, she knew better than to ignore him unless she wanted to hear him complain about it later.

"Yeah? What do you want?"

"Always so polite, Charlie. How are you in charge of the school again?"

"Did you only call me up to sass at me or did you have an actual reason?"

"We need some help down in the Short North. Some hipster wannabe lost their cool when their artwork was rejected by a studio and now they're tearing up the place."

"Seriously? You all can't handle this? You know how many files I still have to go through?"

"Look, would you just get down here already? I'll buy you a damn coffee when we're done."

"It better be of the venti variety, and no skimping out on the whip cream this time!"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it. Just get down here."

Before she could answer him, there was a click on the other line to indicate that the man she had been speaking with hung up on her.

"Did he just…he did! That asshole just hung up on me! He's gonna owe me coffee for a week!"

She jumped up from the couch, forgetting that she had a folder sitting on her chest. As soon as she stood up, the papers went flying across her living room thanks to the fans around her. She felt her eye twitch in irritation before she lost her cool again.

"Dammit! I hate air conditioners! Stupid, useless machines! And where is that repairman?! He should have been here by now, dammit!"

A/N: There you go! I hope you enjoyed it!

So yes, a new story. I've been wanting to do a MHA story for a while now. I believe the idea first came up back in November. I've been trying to leave the idea alone, but after re-watching MHA recently, the idea came back at full force. So here we are, lol.

This is my first time writing for MHA, but it is not my first time writing an SYOC. I usually write for the Fairy Tail fandom, but I think switching things up will be helpful for my writing and whatnot.

So then, let's get through some needed information.

This story is set during the same time period as MHA, but obviously it is not in Japan. This one takes place in America, specifically in the Midwest, as was revealed in the chapter. And more specifically in Ohio/Columbus, Ohio as that is where I am from and that's the area I know best.

There are 9 hero academies in the United States, each being in a different region:

New England


East North Central (Midwest)

West North Central (Midwest)

South Atlantic

East South Central

West South Central



You can google regions of the United States to see exactly which states make up each region. Most high schoolers will normally go to the academy that is in the region that they live in, though it is not uncommon for them to choose an academy outside of their region, so you are more than welcome to choose any state for them to come from. The school that will be the main focus of the story is the United East North Central Hero Academy of America, or UENC for short. That region consists of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Now then, I will be taking only 20 students for the Freshman Hero Class, which will be the class focused on the most. I have two student spots taken already, which leaves 18 up for grabs. These students will be in the age range of 14-15 as well, so please keep that in mind.

I will be taking 5 teachers for now, one of which is already taken, so that leaves 4 spots open. More teacher spots may come in the future. If you would like to make a teacher, please PM first so we can go over some details and requests that I have for them.

I will be accepting 5 Pro-Heroes that are not teachers as well. Again, please PM if you are interested in making one of these as well.

For other classes, such as General Studies, Support, Business, upper classmen etc, I will let you all know when I need characters for them, so please do not send in any of those types of characters for now.

The same goes with villains. Though, if you want to add a villain to your character's past, that's fine and we can talk about that more after you send in your character. But please do not send in any villains right now as I will have a different form for them.

As for the form and any quirk restrictions or other restrictions, they will be in my profile. I will only accept characters through a PM. And please label your character like this – 'Charlotte Victors – The United Academies', but replacing Charlotte Victors with your character's name.

That should be it for now.

If you have any questions or anything, please feel free to PM me.

I'll get the next chapter up after I get a few characters in and I can start plotting some more things.

Have fun creating your characters! I look forward to seeing them!

Yours Truly,
