Twenty: Next to me

Chapter theme music: Better Together by Jack Johnson

Story theme music: Moving Forward by Hoobastank & Move Along by The All-American Rejects

It was a few hours before dawn, and she was still awake. Just three days ago she had been certain that Melinda was going to die. And now, even though she needed rest for her own wounds to finish healing, Savannah couldn't sleep. Melinda had been unconscious for the past three days, after all.

I am so bored, she thought, staring up at the dark ceiling from where she lay on the couch. Groaning, she sat up and placed her feet on the floor to stand. Only, the floor moved. "Goku?" Savannah asked. "Why are you sleeping on the floor?"

The groggy boy sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. "Is it breakfast already?" he asked. Savannah's eyes brightened.

"Actually, yes," she said. "It is time to eat."

In the kitchen, Goku slept at the table as Savannah searched the refrigerator and cabinets. She had always loved to cook. But now that she knew they would almost certainly never return to their own world, she knew there would always be someone near her who loved what she made. Goku would eat almost anything. Even used Kleenex, she remembered, with a smile.

Goku's soft snoring drew Savannah's attention. Seeing him resting there, small and youthful, it almost seemed unbelievable that he had saved all of their lives only a few days before. Savannah shuddered as memories flooded over her, but then was amazed, remembering Goku's part in it all.

Sanzo and Melinda at death's door; Gojyo, Chris and Anna barely able to walk; Savannah an emotional wreck; Hakkai exhausted and out of chi. And then Goku, seemingly unharmed. His disappointment with himself was obvious. Everyone else lay there, destroyed from having protected one another, and here he stood, uninjured. Savannah had noticed the deep sadness in his face as she struggled to help Melinda stand.

In that condition their group of eight had faced hundreds of youkai as they made their way out of the underground stronghold. But, no one was injured again.

Goku defeated every enemy, alone. Finally, he was able to protect the people he loved.

Savannah smiled at him, pride swelling within her, then shook her head to fight off tears. Cook 'im somethin' wonderful as a thank you. He deserves it.

After a good half hour, Goku sat, yawning. "Watcha makin'?" he asked.

Savannah smiled over her shoulder. "Pizza," she said. "And doughnuts. You've never had them before." She looked at him a moment longer and asked, "What's wrong, Goku? Ya look real sad."

He slumped down and rested his chin on his arms. "It's just, I'm so...useless," he muttered.

"What are you talking about?" Savannah stopped cooking and walked to his side. Goku turned away.

"They took you 'n hurt you and I couldn't do anythin' ta stop it," he said, burying his face in his arms. "I couldn't save you."

"But you did!" Savannah said, throwing her arms around Goku from behind. "Even before you saved all of us at the end, you saved me. If it hadn't been for you, back when that man had me, I woulda just given up, probably lost my mind, too." Goku continued to stare blankly at the table in front of him.

"I...I was so scared," Savannah continued softly, beginning to cry into his back. "But, I knew you were out there, lookin' for me, and I wanted to see you, so I didn't give up. I fought him..." She trailed off and cried on his shoulder.

Goku slowly sat up and turned around. Savannah threw her arms around him, sobbing into his shirt. "I thought I might never see you again, and so soon after I finally got to meet you!" She cried into his chest. Soon, Savannah felt Goku's hand on the back of her head and another at her side.

After a few minutes, her tears slowly stopped and she pulled away, sitting on the floor, wiping her eyes. "Sorry," she muttered. She stood up slowly and walked back to the food. Sniffling, she began cooking again.

Goku still sat at the table.

"So," Savannah began, trying to sound like she was okay. "Why were you sleeping on the floor by me?"

Goku looked up at her and smiled.

"Because I was scared, too."

Anna woke to the smell of bread. She slowly fell out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen. When she finally got there, she leaned on the door frame and watched Savannah and Goku. Goku had thoroughly devoured an entire pizza and was working his way through a plate of cake doughnuts. Savannah was giggling, telling Goku to slow down or he'd end up choking on the three doughnuts he had crammed into his mouth all at once. He looked a little embarrassed and started to eat only one doughnut at a time. Savannah began making another pizza and then noticed Anna in the doorway.

"Hey, Anna!" Savannah said brightly. "Are ya hungry?"

"What are you, crazy?" Anna asked. "It's like four in the morning and you're baking pizza? Are you insane?"

Goku and Savannah blinked at each other, looked at Anna, then burst into laughter.

"Come on, Anna," Goku managed between laughs. "Have a doughnut!" She sighed and rolled her eyes but sat down at the table anyway.

After she had finally finished laughing, Savannah asked, "So, how's Sanzo doin'?"

"Hn," Anna grunted, shrugging her shoulders.

"Maybe later you can take 'im somethin' ta eat, if he wakes up soon, that is."

"Yeah," Anna muttered. She sat silently looking at the doughnut in her hand for a while. Suddenly, she whipped out her fan, swatting Savannah with it. "Where's my coffee, you stupid monkey? You can't eat doughnuts without coffee."

"Ow!" Savannah cried, covering her head with her arms as Anna wailed on her.

"Now, that's not very nice," Hakkai said from the doorway.

"Oh! Good morning, Hakkai!" Savannah said, running up to hug him. "Wanna doughnut?"

"Huh?" he asked, hugging her back.

"A doughnut," Savannah repeated, holding one up to him.

"Oh, um, sure," he said, taking the warm pastry from Savannah.

"It's good!" Goku said as Hakkai took a bite. He smiled and sat down beside Anna.

"How are you feeling, Anna?" Hakkai asked.

"Okay, I guess," she responded. "I think the poison's pretty much gone, now. I haven't really had any trouble controlling my legs recently."

As Anna talked, Savannah made some coffee and gave them each a cup. The other pizza was done and she took it out, serving them all a slice, except for Goku, who got four.

After about an hour of chatting and eating, Hakkai looked over and noticed that Savannah had fallen asleep on Goku's shoulder. Goku was sleeping with his head resting on Savannah's, his arm around her.

"Should we take them to their beds?" Hakkai asked Anna.

"No," Anna said. "Let them be." Hakkai nodded approvingly and stood, smiling at Savannah and Goku's sleeping forms. He walked outside and sat on the front step of the cottage to watch the sunrise. As the dark blue slowly began to melt into a purple that mixed with pink and orange, he heard the door behind him open.

"Good morning," Chris said as she slowly attempted to sit down beside him. She inhaled sharply as she put weight on her damaged right foot. Hakkai stood to help her.

"Here, lean your weight onto me," he said, putting his left arm around her waist to help steady her.

"Thank you," Chris said, blushing slightly. After she was safely seated, Hakkai disappeared inside. A few moments later, he came back out with a blanket and draped it around her shoulders. "Thank you," she said, again.

"Your welcome," he replied. "But, you shouldn't be up and walking around. You drained yourself completely, not to mention your wounds. That foot could take at least another week before you should use it regularly."

"I know," Chris said. "But I'm too worried about Melinda to sleep." She messed with the fringe of the blanket as she spoke. "She still hasn't woken up."

"That's to be expected," Hakkai said. "After all, her injuries were very serious. I'm actually surprised Sanzo was able to wake up, considering his condition. You did some amazing work there."

Chris looked into his eyes, extremely concerned. "Will Melinda really be alright?"

"She'll be fine," Hakkai assured her, touching her shoulder gently. "We just need to let her rest."

"I believe you," Chris said, smiling softly at him. They had sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, watching the brightening sky, when Hakkai looked at Chris out of the corner of his eye. Slowly, he slipped his hand into hers. She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. Hakkai leaned down and kissed her forehead. Closing his eyes, he slipped his arm around her back.

I'm glad you're here to stay...

Gojyo sat, leaning against the headboard, gazing out at the early morning sky. The first rays of light started to peek through the trees. He reached his hand out to calm the groaning figure in the bed beside him. For the past three days, Gojyo had hardly left Melinda's side. He wondered how long he'd have to wait before getting to talk to her and hold her again. With her asleep, all he'd been able to do was grasp her hand, never once receiving any form of reaction to his touch.

But, this time, she gripped his hand back.

Gojyo turned to her. Melinda's eyes opened slightly. As she tried to get her bearings, she made as if to sit up, but Gojyo stopped her.

"Don't move. Not yet." Gojyo traced her chin with the back of his hand. "Hakkai's guess is that you'll be bed-ridden for several weeks. Same goes for Sanzo."

"Sanzo?" Melinda managed to ask.

"Yeah. He got hurt pretty bad, too. But, don't worry. Your little friend, Chris, worked wonders on him."

Melinda brought her hand up and rested it against his. "Thank you...for saving me. I heard your voice, and all of a sudden, I was awake again. Without your words, I just might have given in and slipped away."

Gojyo leaned down, kissing her forehead. "With me here, you should never even think of givin' up. I mean, come on. How could you die and leave a beautiful man like me behind?" Melinda smiled up at him.

Gojyo stood and walked across the small room. "So," he said, hesitantly. After a few moments, he began pacing in front of the window and glancing at the floor.

"Somethin' on your mind, Beautiful?" Melinda asked, teasingly.

"Kind of," he said. "It's just, I don't know how to say this. Never done this before. I've never even thought of doing this before. Kinda thought I'd never do this."

"You can stop rambling anytime," Melinda said, with a smirk. "Man up and say whatever it is."

Gojyo stopped pacing, and turned to Melinda. "Will you marry me?"


His jaw dropped slightly in surprise. "That quick? Don't you wanna think about it some?"

Melinda smiled. "I already have."

Gojyo laughed quietly, his shoulders relaxing, and then lay down beside her again.

"Alright, then," he whispered. "You pick the date."

Anna stood from the table where Savannah and Goku still slept. Leaving the room, she noticed the sun just beginning to rise. She walked to where Sanzo lay. He'd woken a few times, but never for very long. Moving to the window, Anna sat on the sill, watching the sky change.

"What are you doing?" a voice behind her asked. Anna jumped slightly and turned to see Sanzo staring at her, but, to her surprise, he didn't look angry.

"I'm sorry," Anna said, getting down from the window. "Hakkai said he didn't think you'd wake again any time soon. I'll leave if you-"

"Stay," Sanzo said, simply. Anna paused, then nodded and sat in a chair near Sanzo's bed. On a small end table beside her, she saw the Seiten and Maten scriptures. Although in his near-death state, Sanzo had pointed towards Joseph's body before they all struggled to leave the compound. Sticking out of Joseph's kimono sleeves, Hakkai had fond both scrolls, stained in blood. Even though he was in so much pain, Anna thought, Sanzo had the presence of mind to recognize those for what they were - what he had come for.

After a few minutes of silence, Sanzo struggled to sit up.

"Don't," Anna said. "You'll open your wounds." Sanzo grunted and lay back down. Silence filled the room as the sun rose.

"It's so beautiful," Anna said, gazing out the window. Sanzo just stared at her blankly with those deep amethyst eyes.

"Fine. Don't say anything." Anna continued looking out the window. She was actually slightly relieved that he wasn't talking. She was afraid that if he talked much, the sound of his voice would remind her of the fear she had felt when she'd believed he was dying.

"When you were hurt," she said slowly, trying not to cry, "I was so scared it was the last time I would see you." She hesitated. "I- I really believed you were going to die and I...I can't explain it. No words seem to fit. The emptiness I felt was..." She trailed off.

"Get me another pillow," Sanzo said.

Anna frowned slightly, then sighed. What did I expect? Him to go all mushy and say, "I thought the same thing." Wake up, Anna. This is Sanzo. She brought him the pillow.

"Put it behind me," he ordered. Anna's heart sank at his frankness, but she picked up the pillow anyway. As she lifted his body to slide the pillow into place, her face neared his.

Sanzo leaned forward and kissed her. Then, looking into her eyes, he spoke softly.

"It's not about words."

End of Sanzo Wannabe: Impressions

Chapter theme music: Better Together by Jack Johnson & Move Along by The All-American Rejects

Story theme music: Moving Forward by Hoobastank

Note: I hope you've enjoyed reading Sanzo Wannabe: Impressions. As the title suggests, this is not a stand-alone piece, but was written with sequels in mind. Sanzo Wannabe: Doubletake was even posted for a time, at least the first few chapters were, before we decided to revamp Impressions. In the same way that we decided to post the final 10 chapters of Impressions only once we'd finished writing the entire piece, we will resist the urge to post Doubletake as we write it, since it could be months between chapters, and instead wait until its writing is completed. In light of my current situation and that of this story's co-author, ShikamaruRocks, it could be quite a while before Doubletake is fully written and then posted. So, if you are interested in some day reading the sequel, be sure to put me on your author alert list and the next notification you'll get regarding me will be chapter 1 of Sanzo Wannabe: Doubletake.

Thank you so much for your continued interest and support in our expanded Sanzo Party. Melinda, Savannah, Anna and Chris really appreciate it. ^_^


Note: There's no way you can know how warm and fuzzy it makes us feel to know that anyone has read and enjoyed our story. Thanks for the reviews! We genuinely appreciate it. Writing Sanzo Wannabe was a brain child of mine in 2005 and I feel like crying to see it all grown up. Though it is sad to see it finished, we hope you look forward to Sanzo Wannabe: Doubletake (which is a really rockin' awesome name, if I may say so myself XP ).

Till next time, this is ShikamaruRocks, signing off.