![]() Author has written 35 stories for Ninja Turtles, and Biker Mice From Mars. Well hello world! Welcome to my backyard, its a lil scruffy and gets updated haphazardly. Never the less try not to fall into the toxic waste when walking through but do have a good time. Some odds and sods about your resident British blonde ff writer ... Call me Hel, it is my name. A 22 year old student at Bradford university doing archaeology. I'm a sci-fi fan and proud of it with a rooted interest in the Whedonverse, TMNT [2k3 and 2007 movie Supernatural and House. For fun I do creative writing [muses permitting, TMNT AMV's [check 'em out and jujitsu. Not that I'm completely about breaking things up, I'm also training for my first aid certificate at the moment and looking to get work in the area. Having come back from my GAP year I've got to add travelling to my list of things that I like to do. There is nothing better than upping sticks, meeting locals and living in another persons shoes. In fact if I had the power I'd make it that everyone had to leave house for six weeks and see alittle bit of the world. It is the most exhiliarating thing I've ever done. Not a hobby, more of a fascination. I LOVE Ancient /Feudal Japanese culture. Samurai's, ninja's the old empire. The whole kit and caboodle, I've loved this sort of thing for as long as I can remember, and it is fascinating to me. Not much more to say on the matter at the moment, other than it may have a little influence on some of my tales, and where they go. Most noticibly 8-9-3. I'll let other history buffs figure out what that means ... Musically speaking, anything with a good guitar in it. The more uplifting and positive the better ... we all know there is crud out there, don't need to be reminded of it when chilling out now do I? I've recently started making TMNT AMV's with WMM - and this is taking up the most of my time creatively speaking. Things to look forward to include a Mikey tribute (going through a redux), Good Genes Arc, two SAINW tributes (possibly a third) one of which will leave viewers warm and gooey inside, no really ... found the perfect song to offset the tragedy! Promise. I'm also dabbling in trying to make AU videos, one where Karai choses to work with the TMNT over her Father (set to Stainds' Right Here) and another entitled The Winner Takes It All where Karai's attack on the lair is a little more successful than previously believed (set to Requiem For A Dream). Currently I have a tribute to April & Casey, Karai & Shredder and S4 Leo (upto The Ancient One). I'm hoping to add to these very soon, so keep your eyes peeled. To have a look at what is already up for viewing click here -- http://uk.youtube.com/profile?user=MidnightHeir Quotes - "That lemon is dead, that lemon is without its essense, that lemon is minus its life!" ; Something a mate said to me when I was eating a piece of lemon, it makes me smile to this day ... "There are many paths to success and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost." ; I wish I could remember who said that ... it's Samuel ... "There are many opportunities in life to gain knowledge and experience, but sometimes that means taking a risk." ; Jeffery Beaumont, Blue Velvet. I haven't seen the film yet, but I feel that the above quote really summed up my GAP year, one of the most eventful, 'wow' things I've ever done. "I wish I could do something about this. But I can't. But I can promise you two things. One: I'll always look this good. Two: I'll never give up on you... ever." Hellboy, Hellboy. LOVED THIS LINE. "(about to get implanted with a Goa’uld) Yeah sure, pop the little sucker in. Eternal life sounds good to me. " Jack O'Neil, one of two things I have c/pd from a "Things the Stargate Cast would NEVER say." This is one of my favourites. "Jack, I'm afraid my beaming device has malufunctioned and merged Major Carter, Daniel Jackson and Teal'c into one being. I present to you, Samuel' L Jackson." Thor, this is the other one! "Thug: Who are you, Man? My Stories Practice Makes Perfect: Updated Feb 7th 2007 one is in the works and this story will be finished by the end of Summer 2006. Leo-centric, shows thechibi TMNT going from ten to modern day,touches on why Leo lives in such a controlled, placid environment. Nominations: Nil. Forget Me Not: Final chapter due soon, once again this is due one very soon and will be finished by the end of the Summer. Don-centric, he's living with the Shredder and doesn't realiseit is wrong. Doesn't know or remember his family, is there anyway to get him home?Nominated for Best Villan in the 2005 TMNT Awards: 1st Place. Nominated for Best Drama in the 2006 TMNT Awards: 2nd Place Don't Fear The Reaper: Casey's 1st Kill due soon. Michelangelo and Raphael's first kills already posted A series of stories chronicling the first kills of each of the TMNT Elite. A battle, an accident, a lesson, a struggle, an execution, a sacrifice and a suicide. Mike, Don, Leo, Raph, Splinter, Shredder and Casey. They've all done it, and now they are going to tell you their stories. Nominated for Best Michelangelo Scene in 2005 TMNT Awards- 2nd Place. Unforgivable Sinner: Complete. Inspired by the film Memento and told in reverse. Splinter is dead and more worryingly killed by the hand of one of his children, but who? And why? My One Shots Duty Bound: Leo-centric. A glimpse into Leonardo's diary, what is really going on inside that head of his? Chips N Truth: Raph-centric. Mike isn't going to let Raph get away with being miserable all of the time. For Old Times Sake: Leo/Karai S4 AU. A bit of a what if ... no romance though. Just business and brief reminescing. Red White & Blue: Karai centric. A companion piece to reinbeauchaser's Seduction. What is running through Karai's head after the deed is done? 18: Leo-centric. Title is self explanatory really. It's his 18th bday. Mikey's 18th: Mike-centric. Does exactly what it says on the tin On Borrowed Time: Don-centric. Inspired by SAINW what happened to that older version of Don? Where did he go? What did he do? Stealthy Stories: A brilliant forum led by Mickis (a brilliant author). A great place to hang out andchat, post or even put up the occasional song fic! http:///forum/index.php?mforum=stealthystories What You're Made Of: April and Casey's relationship has reached a turning point. Nominated for Best Songfic in the 2005 TMNT Awards: Joint 2nd Place Updated: October 2007 Avatar credit: engelina (Stealthy Stories username) |