Ending 2 /2 - The Original Ending


"Yes, my son?"

"What's it like out there?"

Raising his head, Saki studied his greatest achievement with an amused sparkle in his eye. Standing by a smooth mahogany table he deposited the accounts and moved to stand behind his curious child. Yes, Donatello former member of the Hamato Clan, was his now. Two hands placed down upon the boy's shoulders and he squeezed them tightly, a small smile spreading over his face.

"Out there Don? In the wider world, or in the city?" With a gentle push he pressed the turtle towards the wall constructed of glass.

"Just there."

Two weeks ago he had escaped from Saki's grasp and been swallowed by the city. Fourteen days later it was as if the event had never occurred. Through therapy and drugs Don's brief freedom had been all but suppressed. Now he stood calm and erect his eyes skimming over the rooftops. Turning his head back he looked at his Father's profile. "I mean, I get it. I really do, but not everyone can be unreasonable." No longer captured and thus confused by a real life and an elaborate lie Don's mind worked through each avenue and possible counter argument rapidly. The fear had vanished to be replaced by a calm, rational and irritatingly curious child. "Couldn't I go out, just for a second?"

"I do not trust the good people of New York City to be as reasonable as Mr Bass or myself…" a hand silenced his child's attempted rebuke, "A person can be made to understand, but people are capable of being panicky fools who know no better." A thin smile crept over Saki's face. "Do you understand?"

Don's face turned back to the skyline and he released a long sigh. "Yes Father."

"Now, the accounts are on the table, and I must rush to a meeting."

Resigned to his fate and another day within his room, Don dredged up a wry smile and compliant response. "Yes Father …"

"I shall return later to discuss this weekend."

"Father?" Don's head shot up, all traces of resignation vanishing at the prospect of what was to come. From behind a neutral mask a wide smile broke forth illuminating his features and adding to the hopeful sparkle in his eyes.

"We will go out, just the two of us." His child grasped him around his middle and held the Shredder close. With the boy's head buried deep into his chest the man shot a glance to the large mirror in the far wall. With brows knitted and his mouth slightly parted it was clear to see that he was uncomfortable with the display of affection. Robotically he responded before dragging up a good natured smile.

"12 o'clock, my Son."

Extricating himself from the hold Saki walked out of the room, his features surprisingly neutral.


What to do now? Don's eyes fell upon the accounts and passed them by. Trailing one hand over the surface of the table his head turned to the walk in wardrobe. His father told him that clothes made the man and that as the heir to a fortune he had best get used to that idea. Pulling free a shirt and trousers he tossed them onto his bed before vanishing into the shower room.

Minutes later he emerged with a bathrobe wrapped around his frame. Changing quickly, he walked across to the mirror and admired his reflection. Navy really did bring out the color in his eyes. Chuckling softly Don snapped off a portion of dental floss and started to work on cleaning out the bits of his breakfast from between his teeth.

Mouth wide open, his breath caused the glass to mist up … and less than a foot away three turtles and one rat stood and watched from the other side…

To their left a door was opened revealing Hun, "Boss says times up."

Saying nothing the four filed out.


Inspired by the song Forget Me Not - Lucie Silvas.