![]() Author has written 7 stories for One Piece. Update: Changed name from straw honey to straw pirates I needed to update my profile because it has been over a year since I have made my account :O and there is a lot more stuff to talk about now! Some obligatory background stuff for those checking out my profile *sarcasm: I am 22 years old, I am male, I am Catholic, and I live in California (apparently when I went to Europe during the summer my country tag for fan fiction changed to Hungary lmao) I’m studying at UC Berkeley, with the hopes of becoming a lawyer. I want to do this because I want to help out people who are less fortunate. More specifically the homeless and the mentally disabled. They have 0% representation, and they are in need of a voice. Update 7/15/19: I'm about to finish up university in August, when I'm done, I will (1) Update this bio since I haven't done it in 2 years, (2) Finish up existing stories, (3) maybe start a new story Blah blah blah ... boring stuff out of the way I only really got into fanfiction because of One Piece! I remember watching One Piece when I was younger, when it was on cartoon network. Though I never really got back into the show until the start of 2015. I never shipped anyone or anything before I rewatched One Piece again. When I started watching the show again, I almost immediately fell in love with the LuffyxNami pairing. I am accepting of any pairing in any show, except for pairing where Luffy and Nami are separated. They are my OTP! I ship them really hard! So yeah. I am passive or apathetic to other peoples ships, but this one I don't know why, I just love them to death! I mean if you see all the stories I make they are all about them! Top 5 animes: 1. One Piece (do I need to say anything? I mean look at all the stories I have written!) 2. Gintama (show is hilarious XD I highly recommend it) 2a. One Punch Man (I would make this #2 but a top 6 isn't as catchy as a top five, now is it?) 3. Dragon Ball Z (father of anime, enough said) 4. Naruto (this was a childhood favorite staying up late watching Toonami) 5. 7 Deadly Sins I’m also really big into gaming, and honestly I have too many favorites to mention. So I will just mention a couple of gems off the top of my head: Fire Emblem, Dark Souls (1 and 3), Overwatch (probably my favorite game during college), Hollow Knight, Civilization 5, the Witcher III, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas (this is the game my story ‘Fallout’ is based on), several Mario titles, and many many more. Favorite Pairings (I only really ship people in One Piece): LuffyxNami- OTP!!! (so much canon evidence, and the feelings I get from these two is just :3 ) - note: I have never used that emoji until now, that should say something about how much I love this pairing! ZoroxRobin- I think their personalities and how they interact make it a possibility UsoppxKaya- Pretty sure its gonna be cannon SanjixPudding- In Whole Cake Island, lets just say memories were erased ;) ShanksxMakino- I am pretty sure the baby Makino is holding on the cover pages is Shanks. I mean come on, who else has red hair in the series? Pairings I can't stand, or wish they never existed: ZoroxNami, LuffyxHancock, LawxNami, UssopxNami, LuffyxVivi, LuffyxRobin, KiddxNami, SanjixNami Or basically anything that pairs Luffy or Nami with somebody else. My beliefs on LuNa are not up for debate. I have already had my heart set on this ship, and I plan to sail it to the end. I am starting to get into anime again, so the list above will expand over time (realistically: the anime list will only expand if I am not playing videogames, writing, or doing something school related. I mean the only anime I have seen all the way through since a year ago was One Punch, that should tell you how long my attention span is XD) If you want to talk to me, just pm me and I will be more than happy to. Note: I have seen a couple of anime over the past two years, but they are uhhhh for horndogs *echii* cough *harem* cough cough lmao Last thing I got to say is a quick update for those of you who have read my stories and are wondering where some of them are. A couple of my stories have been temporarily taken down. I am, however, dedicated to finishing up the fanfictions I have now. Believe me, I really want to finish the ones I have currently, as I have 30 plus LuNa story ideas that I want to write :D |