Chapter 1 Memories Updated Chapter


A/N Okay guys bear with me for a bit this is my first time making a story so if I make mistakes please let me know so I don't make them again. Also I'd like to give my friend DavidJoker a shout for all the help! Thanks dude! Well anyway here goes

Oh I don't own One Piece obviously if I did I'd make Luffy and Nami a couple already but oh well. :p Also help me out and let me know how it is please! I know I said this already but I can't stress enough about it cause well I'm stressing over here… :p Oh I'll try to keep the characters in character as much as I can. Well here goes my first fanfic!

Chapter 1 Updated Chapter

"I'm home mom, Nojiko " Nami yelled as she walked in her house after her club activities.

"Welcome home" Bellemere and Nojiko shouted from the kitchen as Bellemere was making dinner for Nami and her sister , Nojiko was sitting at the table waiting to eat. "How were club activities"? asked Nojiko.

Nami just groaned answering her 19 year old sister who was in her first year of college.

Nojiko just looked at her sister whose in her second year of high school laughing at her. Nami frowned at her before asking her mom if the food was almost ready.

After dinner Nami went up stairs to her room and tried to get her homework done for the night. Its been a week since school started but she's sick of it already. That also her club activities are exhausting. As she was finishing her homework she looked at her nightstand and grabbed the strawhat she got from her closest friend. She put it on her head and went to turn her lights off and got in bed.

Nami's dream 10 years ago

"Luffy"! A 6 year Nami yelled at her 5 year old friend " Get down from that tree"! "You're going to fall"! she yelled

"Shishishishi" laughed Luffy "Don't be a such a worrywart Nami" he said. He was he was always climbing trees at her house since they were neighbors. His grandpa Garp was a police chief. Were as her mom Bellemere use to be a police officer. So they were really close cause he always visited her when his grandpa was working which was a lot. Bellemere quit being an officer when she adopted Nami and Nojiko.

As Luffy kept getting higher and higher Nami was getting more worried. She saw him do this a lot but for some reason was very worried this time. "Luffy"! She yelled again "Please get down".

Luffy looked down and saw how worried she was so reluctantly got down. He was on the fourth branch when it broke and he fell.

"Luffy" Nami yelled as she ran under him breaking is fall. As the laid Nami got up and hit him over the head "Be more careful! Baka" cried Nami

"Shishishishi" Luffy laughed. "Thanks Nami!" As he wiped her tears "Lets play again" He yelled and ran off laughing and Nami joining him.

Nami's dream cont. 3 years later

"Happy Birthday Nami make a wish" Yelled her family and neighbors as she blow out her candles as she turned nine.

"Hurry I want cake" yelled Luffy excited for the cake.

"Don't keep your husband waiting" teased Bellemere and Nojiko.

Nami looked over to them and said "What"!?

Garp and Ace teased Luffy saying " Your wife is now older then you so you can't tell her what to do".

Luffy asked "Wife and its just a year difference"?!

"So what's a husband/wife" they both asked Bellemere said its when two people get married the husband is the man and the wife is the women.

" Married"? asked Luffy. "Is that a food"?

"NO" They all face-palmed except for Nami.

So whats "Married" She asked her mom

"It only happens when two people have special feelings for each other and you want to care for that person". She explained Luffy looked at Nami and she looked back and then they said "I want to marry Luffy/Nami".

"What"! they all said.

As Ace and Nojiko fell back and Bellemere and Garp had their mouths open.!

Luffy said " Even though Nami hits me a lot (which got him another hit from her) I still find her special" He grinned his biggest grin.

Nami said "Well even though he's a pain in the butt and an idiot.

(Oi he said as he moved his hand) and makes me worry a lot"!

She looked at him and smiled. "He's my idiot and he makes me smile" She concluded.

They all stared still shocked Luffy got bored grabbed Nami's hand and yelled at Nami "lets go build a fort and sleep together"! He said as he ran to her living run while holding hands.

That got Bellemere and Garp out of their shock and screamed its too "early for that". While Ace and Nojiko just layed there forgotten.

Nami's dream Cont. three years later

"Why"! A 11 year old Luffy yelled at his grandpa. "Why do we have to move from Blue Town and go live at Water 7"! He yelled "What about my friends Ussop, Kaya, Vivi, Chopper (I'm making him be in the same grade but he's 2 years younger then them.)". "What about Nami" He cried.

Garp just looked down and said "Sorry Luffy" As Ace tried to console him.

"When" Luffy said quietly.

Garp looked away and mumbled something.

Luffy yelled out "when".

Garp looked at him and said. "We're leaving tomorrow and our stuff will be brought over there".

Luffy looked wided eyed and ran out of the house. Ace tried to go after him but Garp stopped him. Luffy dreaded the short distance between his house and Nami's. He didn't want to but he had to tell her. Collecting himself he knocked on her door Nojiko answered a little surprised " Can you call Nami" he said.

"Sure" She said. "NAMI" she shouted "Your husband's here" she added jokingly.

Nami ran out "Hey Luffy" She smiled.

Luffy said I need to talk to you. Then looked at Nojiko still there and added "alone".

This had Nami worried but didn't show it as Nojiko went inside."Luffy what's wrong" she asked.

He told her "Promise me you won't cry" He said softly.

Nami looked wided eyed put said just as softly "I promise".

He hugged her and whispered in her ear "I'm moving to Water 7 for my grandpa's job"

Nami mouth started to quiver as she asked "When". Luffy still held her and she asked again .

"Tomorrow, I'm moving tomorrow." He said softly. As she blinked away her tears. He let her go and smiled while wiping off her tears. "You know you promised me" He said and started to laugh "Shishishi" causing her to smile softly. While staring at her Luffy remember something he heard from Bellemere. So he leaned in and kissed her softly. "Salty" He thought as he tasted her. He quickly pulled away and ran away leaving her standing still.

In the morning they were all saying their goodbyes as Garp and Ace got in the car. Luffy looked over at Nami and smiled at her but she just looked at him. He started to feel sad and turned away. And he started to walk and put his strawhat over his head that he got from Garp for his ninth birthday. He then felt someone hug him from behind and turned and saw Nami. She was about to run back when Luffy grabbed her hand and put his hat over her head. She was very surprised by this cause she knew how special it was to him. He took it everywhere! To school, when the went shopping even to his showers which Bellemere found strange.

"You hold on to it" He said.

She just nodded.

"Oh shishishishi" he laughed.

" What" She asked.

He grinned his biggest grin and said "I'll be back for it I promise". Which made her smile. As they waved goodbye.

In the car as Garp pulled away he looked over at Luffy and said…. As Bellemere, Nojiko and Nami saw them pull away Bellemere looked down at Nami and said at the same time as Garp told Luffy. "I'm so glad you held it in for him/her" As Luffy was bawling his eyes out. Nami was grabbing the hat so it covered hers eyes as tears spilled out of her.

She woke up with a smile on her face . So its been 5 years since then she thought as she smiled at the memory. She started to do her normal routine to get ready for school when she got out of the shower she looked at her phone and saw it was 7:40! "Nooooo"She thought I overslept! " School starts in 10 minutes if I run now I'll make it in time". She thought as she got ready.

Bellemere and Nojiko had the biggest grins on their faces as Bellemere held a letter in her hand she was waiting for Nami to come down. She never did so they were going up the stairs to her room. They almost knocked on the door as Nami zoomed by yelled "Bye" and ran out of the house.

"Wait Nami" Nojiko yelled but she was already gone. Wow she thought as she sweat-dropped.

Bellemere walked beside her and said "She'll be really excited when she finds out".

"Yeah" Nojiko said.

Bellemere smiled and said " I can't believe he's coming back". As she looked at the letter it said "I can't wait to see you again Nami" ~ Luffy .

A 16 year black hair boy with a scar under his left just eyed his old hometown enjoying the scenery as he heard fighting behind. He turned and laughed "Shishishi" "They're at it again". He thought. "Oi" he said to a green haired boy and a blond hair boy "We need to go fill out the paper work for the school ". He reminded them.

"Yeah Moss head" said the blond haired boy.

"Shut it Curly brow" yelled the green haired boy.

"Lets go shishishishi" said the black haired laughing at their fight. "It's good to be back" he thought. As they made their way to the school. One more thought crossed his mind as he smiled at a memory of an orange haired girl.

Second A/N Okay so I know some people might get excited about what might be a new chapter but I had to do this update and make it easier to read. Thanks again to my friend DavidJoker For all the help. Hopefully I did better! Also Straw Honey and all the people who reviewed and liked the story! Thanks guys! Means a lot! I hope to have chapter 2 out sometime Wednesday! Thanks again and I hope it's easier to read!