Author's Note: Here is a story that I just got the plot bunny for today…Well, yesterday considering it is now 2 am…I typed up this chapter all in one day…I couldn't help it! I hope you all enjoy this first chapter…or don't…It make take me a long while to get the next chapter for this one out, as well as for The Transcending. I'm still working on some nights and just don't have other nights free. I will try my best though. Please review! Flames and criticism are welcome! Enjoy! XD
Chapter 1: Lost In Oneself
Nami opened her eyes and ground her teeth at the loud noise around her. Her ears were ringing and any little noise was painful. She looked up and saw Luffy looking elsewhere. He looked furious. "Luffy…" she whispered.
Luffy quickly looked down at her. "Nami!" he cried as he leaned down to her. Nami realized she was in his arms. "Nami, are you okay?!" he asked. He looked extremely worried. Nami also realized she was in a great deal of pain. Her memory started to come back to her. She had been really close when a cannonball had hit near her. She looked down. She was covered in blood.
"I…I think so…" she whispered. She was finding it hard to talk or move.
"Nami, I'm sorry! I wasn't able to reach you in time!" he exclaimed as his face turned pained.
"It's…okay…" she rasped and then began to cough.
"Nami!" he cried again. "I promise…I'll protect you better from now on! I won't let anything happen to you! Just hold on!" he cried.
"I'm…fine…Luffy...I…" she started to say. She could feel herself slipping back into unconsciousness.
"Nami!" cried Luffy as he looked down at her sadly. "I promise…Nami…I'll always protect you…I'll always be there for you!" he yelled. She could barely hear him now even though she knew he was shouting. Her vision began to blur and his words echoed in her head.
"I'll always protect you…I'll always be there for you!"
Nami sat straight up with a loud gasp. Chopper quickly looked over toward her and ran to her. "Nami, are you okay?!" he cried.
Nami brought a hand to her forehead. She was breathing heavily as sweat beaded down and around her face. "Un…un, I'm fine…" she whispered.
"Did it happen again?" he asked.
"Un…" she whispered inaudibly as she furrowed her brows.
Chopper sighed and looked down sadly. "I'm sorry…" he whispered.
Nami quickly turned to him. "No! No, it's okay. It isn't your fault, Chopper…" she said soothingly as she placed a hand on the little reindeer's shoulder. "I'm fine, okay…It was just a dream…no big deal…" she said.
"I know…but…" he started to say.
"I think I feel a little better today…I think I might go for a small walk." she said as she swung her legs out of the bed.
"Are you sure about that?!" he asked in a concerned voice.
"Un…I'm sure!" she exclaimed with a smile. She stood up with a little trouble. She slipped into some slippers and limped towards the door. She grabbed the cane she now had to use. Chopper frowned at her back as she walked out. He wasn't sure he should let her, but…he was afraid to stop her.
Nami limped out of the infirmary, a place she now knew like the back of her hand. Chopper had told her she should be able to walk normally within two weeks. Or so he hoped…and so did she…After she had almost been hit by that cannonball, she had been severely injured. It had exploded only a few feet from her. A piece of metal had lodged into her leg and various other places on her body, thus the reason for the limp. She had lost a great deal of blood. She had been unconscious for a week before finally waking up.
She limped towards the rail and looked down at her crew. Usopp, Franky and Sanji were no where in sight. They didn't come out of their designated areas much. Zoro was sitting leaning against the mast wide awake as he stared into the horizon. Robin was sitting at her table sipping her coffee and also just staring out into no where. She smiled at them and attempted the climb down the stairs.
Zoro immediately looked over toward her and sat straight up. "Oi, Nami…" he said as he furrowed his brows. Nami smiled at him. "You sure you should be up and about…?" he asked.
Robin also turned around toward her. "Navigator-san…" she said quietly.
"I'm fine!" exclaimed Nami as she approached them with the smile still on her face. Zoro frowned at her profusely. "Really…I'm fine Zoro." she reassured him. His frown deepened but he nodded anyway.
Sanji stuck his head out of the kitchen. "Nami-san!" he said in surprise and then made his way over. "Are you sure you should be walking about…Nami-san…?" he asked softly in concern.
Nami sighed. "I'm fine you guys…really. It's just a leg…" she said as she smiled.
Everyone frowned at her. "It's not just the leg…Nami-san…" said Sanji very quietly.
"I know…I'm fine though…really." she said. "It's been a month…I'm really okay…" she reassured them as she smiled warmly at them all.
"Alright…Nami-san…" said Sanji as he smiled sadly at her. Then he turned and began walking towards the kitchen. "Perhaps you would like a snack, Nami-san, since you are up and about today?" he asked as he looked over his shoulder while he walked with a warm smile on his face.
"I'd love that…Thank you Sanji-kun." she called to him. He nodded as he disappeared into the kitchen. Nami sat down in her usual chair next to Robin and stared up at the figure head. She could see Luffy sitting there with his back to her. Robin looked over at the figure head and frowned. She looked away quickly. Nami felt herself smile slowly. He had his arms crossed as the wind blew at his clothes, and hair. His hat hung down his back as he stared off into the horizon.
Zoro looked at Nami. He frowned in sadness and looked away as he closed his eyes. Sanji came out of the kitchen and made his way to Nami. Then he stopped abruptly. His eyes widened. Then he slowly turned to the figure head as well. He slowly closed his eyes. He took a long drag and removed the cigarette from his mouth. He blew out the smoke slowly. Then placing the cigarette back in his mouth, he finally made his way to Nami. "Here you go…Nami-san…" he said very quietly.
She turned to him and smiled. "Thank you, Sanji-kun!" she exclaimed cheerfully. She took the offered dessert and then turned back to watch Luffy. Sanji closed his eyes again and then slowly turned to the figure head. He sighed and then made his way back to the kitchen.
Nami ate her dessert as she just stared at Luffy. Once she was done, she set the plate down on the table. Then she smiled as she got up and limped over to him. Zoro immediately sat up, but then changed his mind. He sat back as he sighed and then closed his eyes. Robin lowered her head and then turned away.
Nami reached the figure head and stared off into the horizon as she stood next to it. Luffy looked down at her and grinned. "Oi, Nami!" he said.
"Hey…" she whispered as she smiled up at him.
"You okay!" he asked with his grin.
"Un……Un, I'm fine! I feel much better today!" she exclaimed as she smiled up at him.
"Good!" he replied as he chuckled. Then he turned back to the horizon. "How long 'til we get to the next place?!" he asked excitedly.
"Hmm…you know…I don't know…Robin has been navigating for me…You know, I honestly don't know why they won't let me navigate anymore." she replied with a frown.
"They are just worried about you, Nami. You shouldn't be too hard on them. Let them help you. They care about you, you know?" he said as he smiled down at her sadly.
Silent tears streamed down her face as she smiled happily. "Un, I know!" she exclaimed. She then began to laugh.
Luffy grinned. "Good, so then…you will talk to them? You will let them help you?" he asked.
"I…I…I don't know… I don't know if I want it…" she said quietly as she looked away from him toward the horizon. She still had the big smile on her face as tears continued to glide down her face.
"You really should………Nami…"
Nami's face contorted into pain as the sobs came violently and loudly now. She brought a hand to her mouth as each sob escaped her lips. She began to sink down to the ground.
Zoro turned toward her quickly. "Damn it!" he yelled as he stood up. He quickly made his way to her. "Oi, Nami! That's enough already! Stop doing this to yourself!" he yelled as he lifted her up.
"No!! Stop it!! Leave me alone! Don't touch me!!" she screamed.
"Oi, that's enough!" he yelled as he gave her a little shake. "Nami!" he screamed in her face. Robin stood up quickly as she watched them with concern etched on her face.
Sanji came running out of the kitchen. Usopp, Chopper, and Franky also came out of where they were. They all stopped and frowned as they watched. "Don't touch me you son of a...A-h!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Don't touch me!! I want to stay here!! Let go of me!! N-o!!" she continued to scream as she struggled and fought against him.
"Nami!! Stop it!!" he yelled. Zoro turned to Chopper. "Chopper, damn it, do something!!" he yelled to the little reindeer. Chopper nodded with wide eyes as he ran back into his infirmary. He quickly ran back out and made his way over to them. He ran up to Nami.
"No, don't!! Don't stick that in me!! N-o!!" she screamed while she sobbed as Chopper brought out a needle. Zoro held her down as Chopper injected her. She continued to struggle and scream until the drug finally took effect and she began to calm down.
Zoro looked up at the figure head and scowled. "Luffy…you freaking bastard…" he seethed. Then he lifted Nami into his arms. "I don't think you should let her out, any more…At least…not for awhile…" he said to the little reindeer before carrying her back to the infirmary. Chopper began to tear up as he sniffled. Then he turned to the figure head.
Tears streamed down his face as he turned away. He began to follow Zoro back to the infirmary. Everyone stared after them with sad frowns before slowly turning back to the figure head.
Tears formed in Usopp's eyes. He stared at the figure head for a long while. "I kinda wish…I could see him too…" he finally whispered before slowly turning away. Franky frowned at the Sharpshooter's words before turning back to the empty figure head. Then he too slowly made his way back into his room.
Zoro lay Nami down on the infirmary bed. He stared down at her tear stained face and frowned sadly. Chopper came in quietly after him with his head lowered. He set down her cane before sitting down in his chair. "She always wakes up so happy…I can never tell when she…" he whispered without finishing his sentence.
Zoro slowly closed his eyes. "Aa…I know…" he replied quietly before turning around. He gently placed a hand on Chopper's head. "Just…don't let her out any more…okay?" he said gently.
Chopper cried silently to himself before nodding. Zoro turned away and then slowly made his way out. He walked back out onto the deck with his head lowered. Then he slowly looked up at the empty figure head. Instead of sitting next to the mast, he just continued until he reached the figure head. He stared out for a long while before speaking. "Were you here again…Luffy?" he whispered as he just continued to stare out into the horizon.
Nami slowly opened her eyes. There was still loud noise and shouting all around her. She lifted her head as best she could. Then she noticed she was laying on something. She turned her head. It was his vest. She turned her head again. She could see Robin next to her. She was looking towards some where else. She tried to turn to see what Robin was looking at with so much concern. She could see the guys all fighting numerous enemies, all of them extremely strong marines. Far stronger than the ones they went up against back at Enies Lobby. This time, Merry wasn't coming to save them.
Luffy was screaming something to Zoro. Zoro shook his head violently as he screamed back at Luffy. Luffy screamed something far louder back to Zoro as he motioned his arm violently toward him. Zoro was scowling at Luffy. Then Luffy smiled and spoke softly to Zoro as he motioned towards Nami. Zoro finally, but it seemed painfully nodded and started to turn. Luffy grabbed his shoulder and said something else. Zoro's face took on a look of surprise, before it turned pained. Then he turned and ran towards Nami and Robin, all the guys following as Zoro yelled to them.
They all turned to Luffy in concern before following Zoro.
Nami's eyes widened. "Luffy!" she tried to cry out. Robin immediately turned to her. "Navigator-san!!" she exclaimed. "You mustn't speak!" she cried as she crawled over to her. Nami ignored her. She watched as the others approached her. Zoro quickly knelt down and lifted her up into his arms.
She began to struggle in his arms. "No! Luffy!" cried Nami as best she could. Luffy turned to her. Then he smiled at her.
"Nami! Don't move! You're severely injured!" yelled Chopper in concern.
Nami ignored him as well. "No! Put me down!! We can't leave him!! I want to stay here!! Let go of me!! No!!" she screamed as Zoro began to run with her. She was staring over his shoulder as Luffy just watched them leave with a sad smile on his face. "No, Lu-ffy!!"
Nami sat up quickly screaming. "Nami!" yelled Chopper as he ran to her. He put a hand on her chest to keep her from getting up. "Nami! It's okay! It was just a dream!" he cried as he tried to calm down the hysterical girl.
"No! Luffy!!" she screamed hysterically as she fought with Chopper. Chopper grew into heavy point to try and hold her down.
"Nami, please!! Stop!! You're safe! Everything is okay! Please, Nami, please!!" he pleaded with the hysterical orange haired girl with tears in his eyes. He hated seeing her in so much pain. He hated seeing any of his Nakama in so much pain. "Please Nami…" he whispered.
Nami finally started to calm down at his words. She was breathing heavily. Chopper looked up at her. Her eyes were wide and wild as she stared off into space. "Nami…" he called to her softly.
Nami finally turned to him, but slowly. "Chopper…" she whispered.
"That's right…it's me…" he said softly. "Did it happen again?" he asked.
"Hai…" she whispered.
Chopper frowned. Nami suffered from nightmares almost every time she closed her eyes. From what she told him, she just kept dreaming of that time…A time he wished they could all forget. "It's alright now…Nami…You're safe." he said gently. Nami nodded. Then she tried to get up. "No! No…you need to rest…You can't get up today. Doctor's orders." he said softly.
Nami smiled. "Chopper, I'm fine though. I feel good today…I think I will go for a walk." she said cheerfully.
Chopper's face turned pained as he tried not to cry in front of her. He turned back into Brain Point. "Nami…please…stop…" he begged in a whisper.
"Chopper, what's wrong?!" she asked looking worried as she leaned forward toward the little reindeer.
"You can't go for a walk today!" he cried as he made her lay back down.
"But Chopper, I said I was fine!" she exclaimed loudly as she furrowed her brows.
"No…you're not! Now just stay here!" he said. "We're almost to the next island…They said there is someone there who can…help you…" he said quietly.
"I don't need any help, Chopper. You said my leg would heal just fine!" she said with a bit of a frown.
"It's not…it's not the leg…Nami…" he whispered sadly.
"That's the only thing it could be…Chopper, I said I was fine…Just let me go." she said staring at the reindeer with a smile.
Chopper couldn't take it anymore. He burst into tears and threw himself at Nami. Nami stared at him in confusion. "Chopper…what is wrong with you? Why are you crying?" she asked.
"I hate this!! I hate it so much!! Why can't you just go back to normal?!" he cried.
"Normal…I am normal…" she said with furrowed brows as she stroked the little reindeer.
"No you're not!!" he yelled as he sobbed into her stomach. "Please…get better…" he whispered.
Nami frowned down at the little reindeer. 'I wonder what's wrong with him…? Maybe I should ask Luffy to talk to him…' she thought to herself.
Zoro sat against the mast. He could no longer take his daily naps. He had his head leaned up as he stared up at the sky. Every time he slept, he too had nightmares. Nightmares of the day he made the worst decision as First Mate…and that was to abandon their Captain. He knew Luffy wouldn't have allowed them to stay…but he should have anyways. He knew their enemies were strong…Luffy was only supposed to hold them off long enough for them to escape, and then he was going to meet up with them……However…he never did…
Zoro ran to the rail as they sailed around the island to the meeting point. Luffy had ordered him to try and shake the marine ships long enough to meet by the large rock that resembled a turtle. It was a rock they had found while they had been exploring earlier that day. They were getting closer to the destination and Zoro was getting anxious. He could still hear Nami screaming in the infirmary. He slowly closed his eyes. Suddenly, it went silent. He turned toward the infirmary. Then he heard a loud noise and more screaming.
"What the hell?" he whispered. Suddenly, Nami came stumbling around the corner. She was limping and still covered in blood. "Oi, Nami! You shouldn't be out here!" he yelled as he turned to her.
"How could you leave him like that?!" she screamed at him.
"He ordered me to, damn it! It was Captain's orders!" he yelled.
"I don't care! You should have told him no!" she yelled as she made her way to him.
"We're going to meet him now! Everything is going to be fine! Just shut up and wait!" he yelled as he turned back to the rock. "You need to go back to the infirmary!" he ordered.
"I'm not going anywhere!" she yelled as Chopper ran up beside her.
"Nami, please! You mustn't be moving!" he cried from beside her.
Nami ignored him and walked up to the rail as she looked out ahead of her. They could now see the turtle shaped rock. Nami's eyes widened. They were still so far away from it. "Look! There!!" yelled Usopp from the crow's nest. Everyone quickly looked up at him and then quickly turned where he was pointing.
Nami smiled. It was Luffy. Then her smile turned into a worried expression. He was completely surrounded. They could see him struggling to fight them all off. He got knocked around, but quickly got back on his feet and continued to fight. They could hear his battle cries from this far away. "Luffy…" whispered Nami. "Hurry!!" she yelled as she turned toward Franky.
"Ryokai!" he said as he grinned and steered toward the rock. Suddenly, more marines began to surround Luffy. Nami looked on in wide eyed worry. Suddenly, one of the marines hit Luffy with a huge weapon extremely hard. Luffy cried out as he just flew. Everyone's eyes widened. He hurtled like a rag doll over the ocean a great distance.
"N-o!! Lu-ffy!!" cried Nami hysterically.
"Hurry the hell up!!" bellowed Zoro in a panic to Franky.
Zoro turned back around. The entire crew watched in horror as he skid across the water before finally disappearing under the water.
"Lu-ffy!!" they all cried.
It took them two minutes to reach the destination they last saw him in. Zoro and Sanji wasted no time and dove over the side. Nami gripped the railing tightly, so tightly her knuckles turned white. She stared down at the water intently. Zoro resurfaced to get air and then dove back under. After awhile, Sanji did the same…There was no Luffy. It had been over four minutes now.
"Marine ships!!" yelled Usopp from the crow's nest. Nami quickly turned to the marine ships.
"No…" she whispered as she felt panic rise in her. She turned back to the water. Zoro resurfaced again. She cried out in a panicked frustration when she didn't see Luffy with him. Zoro dove back under. Sanji soon followed…still no Luffy. "No!!" she cried.
"We have to go!! They are getting closer!!" yelled Usopp. On that, cannon fire could be heard. Franky ran to try and protect the ship. Robin finally ran to the side of the ship.
Once Zoro resurfaced, she called out to him. "Zoro! The marines are coming!" she cried down.
Nami turned to her frantically. "No!! We are not leaving without Luffy!!" she screamed hysterically.
Zoro looked up with a pained expression and then he turned to the marine ships. Sanji finally resurfaced. Zoro turned to him and spoke softly. Sanji looked at him in disbelief before his expression turned sad. Both swam back to the ship to make their way back up. "No!! No!! Find him!! Find him first!!" cried Nami hysterically as she leaned over the rail.
Chopper ran up to her. "Nami…please…you must lie down…" he cried to her as tears streamed down his face.
"No!! I'll do it myself!!" she screamed as she attempted to jump over the side. However, Zoro had made it on board. He ran and grabbed her. "Let me go!!" she yelled. She was now beyond hysterical. "Let go of m-e!!" she screamed. "N-o!!" she screamed as she started to sob loudly into the word.
Zoro pinned her arms down as he began to carry her back to the infirmary. She kicked and screamed and fought him the whole way. "Chopper! Do something about this crazy woman!" he yelled over his shoulder as he tried to keep Nami from injuring him.
"No!! No!! N-o!!" she cried out in pain as she began to cry harder.
Chopper ran after them as he too cried. As soon as they made it into the infirmary, he had to sedate her in order to get her to calm down.
Zoro reached over and picked up his sake jar. It seemed he always had one near him now. He lazily glanced over toward the infirmary. 'She blames herself…She can't face it…' he thought to himself. 'But…the blame is mine…' he continued to think as he took another swig.
One Month Ago
"I want to hit the shops!" exclaimed Nami in anger.
"But we can't!" cried Usopp. "They have a marine base here! We have to keep a low profile!" he continued with fear in his voice.
"I'll be careful! I promise! I was told they have the best shops here! They have never ending sales! Can you imagine all that I could buy with such cheap prices?!" she exclaimed with stars in here eyes.
"Oi…are you trying to get us killed, woman…" asked Zoro in annoyance.
"I'm not a thief for nothing! They will never even know we were here!" she replied with a frown. Then she turned to Luffy. "Come on, Luffy! Let me go!" she said with a scary face.
Luffy backed away nervously. "O…okay…" he said.
"Oi, Luffy!" yelled Usopp in a panic.
"Aha!" laughed Nami as she clapped her hands together. Then she got up and began to get ready.
"Why did you agree to let her go?!" asked Usopp loudly.
"Because…she's scary! I can't stop her if she wants to go!" he yelled back with clenched teeth in nervousness.
"I will go with you, Nami-swa-n!" exclaimed Sanji in his love-love mode.
"No, I will go alone. I'm far stealthier alone." she said as she grinned and turned to walk out.
"Oi, Nami!"
Nami turned with raised brows. "Just be careful…"
Nami grinned at Luffy. "Of course I will!" she said before turning and leaving.
"I have a bad feeling about this…" said Usopp nervously.
"Everything will be fine! We can handle a bunch of marines if something happens anyways! Shishishi!" laughed Luffy with his usual grin.
Nami was running as fast as her legs could carry her. "Crap!" she cried as she looked over her shoulder. They were still chasing her. 'I have to ditch them! Who would have known they had undercover marines posing as citizens!' she thought as she ran as fast as she could.
She continued running and was finally able to ditch them. However, she knew they had to leave. As soon as she reached the hotel, she ran up the stairs and to the main room. She burst in. "We have to go!!" she yelled. Everyone turned to her in confusion.
"What are you talking about?" asked Zoro with a raised brow.
"They found me out! The bastards actually had undercover marines posing as citizens!" she explained.
"What?!" they all yelled.
"Anyway, we have to go!" she said as she began packing their things. Everyone got up and began to hurriedly pack their things. They ran out of the hotel room and headed for the stairs. Sanji stopped abruptly everyone running into him.
"Oi, Sanji, why'd you stop?! We need to get out of here!" yelled Usopp.
'They're here!" he yelled.
"What?!" yelled Usopp as his eyes bugged and his jaw dropped.
"Looks like we gotta fight our way out! Supa!" exclaimed Franky as he grinned.
"Aa!" exclaimed Luffy with his own grin. He pushed past Sanji and began to run down the stairs.
"Oi, Luffy! Wait for us!" yelled Usopp as everyone ran down after him.
"Gomu Gomu no…Gattling gun!!" yelled Luffy with his grin as he began to rapidly punch at the numerous marines blocking their way down.
Zoro pulled out his three swords and began to cut his enemies down. Sanji also jumped over them and landed a powerful kick on multiple marines. They stepped over fallen bodies as they made their way out of the hotel. Once outside, they all made a break for the ship. Luffy was just laughing out loud as they ran. "Matakun! Can't you be serious even just for a little bit!!" yelled Nami angrily to the overly happy rubber man.
Luffy just chuckled as he continued to run. More marines appeared in their path. Luffy laughed louder as he, Zoro, Sanji, and Franky began to fight to clear the path. Nami smiled in relief as the Thousand Sunny came into view. However, it was still a long way off. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion and a whistling sound. "Marine ships!" yelled Usopp in a panic. A cannonball landed some distance ahead of them. Nami screamed as the explosion blocked their path. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Franky continued forward to fight more marines that appeared.
"Just wait there!" yelled Zoro.
"I will take care of all these marines for you, Nami-swan, Robin-chwan!" exclaimed Sanji in his love-love mode. Then he turned and began to kick any man unfortunate enough to be near him. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper ducked behind a metal building as the main fighters fought. Robin stood to the side and helped as best she could. Nami turned and looked behind them. More marines were running their way. She stood up and ran towards them.
"O…o…oi, Nami! Where are you going?!" yelled Usopp as he was shivering where he squat.
"There's more behind us!" she yelled over her shoulder as she pulled out and connected her Perfect Clima Tact. She continued to run towards them. Even though they had been a long way off, she heard their battle cries. Once she was close enough to them, she created a thunder cloud above her, just before the marines reached her. Then she ran a small distance away and then turned to face them. "Lightning Tempo!" she yelled as she threw a ball of electricity into the dark cloud.
A barrage of lightning came down and electrocuted only some of them, the majority of them dodging the lightning. Nami stared at them wide eyed before turning and running back towards the others. She had run a great distance away from them. She turned and looked over her shoulder. They were gaining on her. 'These marines are much stronger!' she thought in a panic as she again faced forward and continued to run.
Suddenly, there was another cannon fire. Nami looked ahead toward the marine ship that was now much closer.
Luffy turned toward the marine ship. He watched as the cannonball hurtled toward the island. Then he watched as it flew over their heads.He watched where its destination was going to be. His eyes widened in a panic as he took off running without a second thought. "Nami!!" he cried.
Sanji kicked the nearest opponents to him before turning towards Luffy's yells. He saw Nami a long distance away running toward them, and then he noticed the cannonball hurtling straight towards her. "Nami-san!!" he yelled.
Luffy was running as fast as he could go. He cried out in frustration. He watched as Nami looked towards the cannonball and then looked at him. He watched in horror as the cannonball hit and exploded on a metal building just in Nami's path. "Na-mi!!" he yelled as he continued to run. He saw as metal from the building flew everywhere.
His face turned pained as he continued to run. He finally reached where the cannonball hit. There was smoke and fire everywhere. "Nami!" he screamed as he looked around for her. He kept running past the damage and finally saw her. His eyes widened as he inhaled sharply. "No, Nami!" he cried in a panic as he ran to her. He slid to his knees as he reached her and lifted her up. "Oi, Nami! Wake up! Nami!" he yelled into her face. He looked her over. She was covered in blood. He could also see a metal piece protruding from her leg. A lot of blood was seeping through the wound. She also had other pieces stuck in her skin. "Nami!" he cried as tears came to his eyes.
Then he heard shouting. He looked up to see a large group of marines running towards them. He scowled at them as his expression turned furious. "You bastards…" he seethed quietly.
Luffy quickly looked down at her. "Nami!" he cried as he leaned down to her. "Nami, are you okay?!" he asked no longer being able to hide the worry from his voice and face.
"I…I think so…" she whispered.
"Nami, I'm sorry! I wasn't able to reach you in time!" he exclaimed as his face turned pained.
"It's…okay…" she rasped and then began to cough.
"Nami!" he cried again. "I promise…I'll protect you better from now on! I won't let anything happen to you! Just hold on!" he cried.
"I'm…fine…Luffy….I…" she started to say.
Her eyes began to glaze over. He noticed she was about to lose consciousness. He began to panic. "Nami!" he cried as he looked down at her sadly. "I promise…Nami…I'll always protect you…I'll always be there for you!" he cried as she slowly closed her eyes. "Nami!! Don't go!! Nami, please!!" he yelled. The shouting was coming closer. He didn't care…"Nami!" he yelled in a strained voice. He couldn't keep the tears out of his voice. He leaned forward and gently placed his ear against her chest.
"Oi, Luffy, Nami-san!!" cried Sanji as he approached them.
Luffy kept his ear to her chest. Then he sighed in relief as more tears formed in his eyes. Her heart was still beating. He lifted his head. The entire crew finally reached them. "Oi, is Nami okay?!" yelled Chopper.
Luffy lifted her up in his arms and quickly carried her a little ways from the now very close marines. Everyone ran up behind him. He gently set her down. He quickly removed his vest and placed it under her head. He slowly stood up and walked towards the approaching marines. "We need to get out of here!" he yelled. Robin and Chopper went to Nami and knelt down next to her. "Robin! Keep an eye on her!" he called back to her. Robin nodded.
"We need to take as many as we can out. Once, enough are gone…we need to get out of here! We need to move away from them and make sure all the cannon fire is on us, so Nami-san and Robin-chan are safe!" yelled Sanji as he began to run. Everyone else followed except for Robin.
Sanji approached Zoro as he took a drag of his cigarette. "You really need to stop drinking…" he mumbled as he reached him.
"Shut up, Ero-cook…I don't need you telling me what to do…" mumbled Zoro angrily.
"You're no good to us drunk, you drunken bastard!" yelled Sanji in annoyance.
"Shut up!!" yelled Zoro as he threw the empty jug at Sanji.
Sanji easily side stepped the jug as he stood where he was. "Che!" he exclaimed as he turned and walked away.
Robin watched as Sanji disappeared into the kitchen. Then she turned to Zoro. She got up from her chair and made her way to him. "Cook-san is right…" she said quietly and cautiously.
"Shut up…I don't need you telling me what to do either…" he mumbled.
Robin frowned. "It wasn't your fault…" she said in almost a whisper.
"Wasn't…wasn't my fault?! I made the decision to listen to that stupid bastard of a captain!!" he yelled angrily.
Robin's frown deepened. "He gave you an order…" she said.
"Damn that order to hell!!" he yelled angrily. "I never should have listened to him!" he continued. Robin slowly lowered herself to the grassy deck and sat down. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he yelled.
"I thought maybe…I could just sit here with you for awhile…" she said quietly as she stared off into the horizon. Zoro stared at her for awhile, before he felt himself calm down. He too then just turned and stared at the horizon.
Chopper opened his eyes and began to blink rapidly. He tried to sit up, but wasn't able to. He tried to turn over and look over to the other side. Nami was fast asleep next to him. She had him in a tight hold next to her. She was crying in her sleep. Chopper frowned. He must have fallen asleep with her after he had been crying. He pried her arm off and then jumped off the bed. He was used to seeing Nami asleep. She slept most of the day and night. She would usually awake to nightmares all during the time she slept. She was only awake for a few hours each day.
They had been told at the last island that there was a special doctor at the next island they were heading to. They were told he might be able to help Nami. Nami's problem wasn't physical, at least, not anymore. Her problem was now mental. Chopper didn't have the experience or emotional state to help her with that. He slowly made his way to his desk and sat down. He opened his medical book on psychology and began to read where he left off. It was still going to take them about three days to reach that island.
The least he could do for her was at least try to read up on it and help her the best he can.
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: There won't be a need for a Translations and Explanations Corner. I didn't use any Japanese for this story other than the affirmations, Aa and Un and the word Oi. I hope you all like my story and cried many tears! XD I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of hate mail for this one! Anyways, please review! XD