A/N: Just to tell you people now, this fic is going to get A LOT more rated M in the next few chapters. Also I wont really be using the artsy words like "Member, manhood, womanhood, etc." as much in the next chapters so expect strong language. Also I'm looking for someone to draw this fic into a doujin. So if anyone wants to draw this fic, please message me. I'm willing to pay.


Nami's Greed Leads to Wondrous Things

Chapter 1: The start of a Great deal.


It was a warm afternoon as the Thousand Sunny sailed to the next island in the New World and everyone was off doing their own things around the ship. Brook could be found playing an upbeat tune while laying in the grass. Sanji was in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on their lunch for the day while Robin was busy keeping to her garden. Usopp, Franky, and Chopper were messing around with some new inventions, trying to decide which one was more effective at launching a Small reindeer. Zoro could be seen leaning lazily against the mass, curling one of his weights while staring up blankly at the clouds. Nami was currently in her room and warned the rest of the crew not to disturb her until lunch. As for Luffy? Well he went into the men's quarters to pass the time with a nap because he complained that lunch was taking too long.

Ten minutes after Luffy had went to take his nap, Sanji called for lunch. Everyone stopped with what they were doing and gathered in the dining room ready to eat. When Nami walked into the dining room she instantly noticed Luffy wasn't there. Nami was wearing a white tank top that barely covered her navel and a pair of short shorts that were so small it left her thighs completely bare.

"Where's Luffy?" She asked with a small frown to no one in particular.

Sanji was the first one to answer. "That bottomless pit went to go take a nap, Something about not wanting to wait for lunch." He then pulled out a chair for her next to him and Robin. "Please leave that lazy shit to me Nami-swan!."

Nami raised her hand with an awkward smile as she waved him off. "No, that's alright, I'll go get him. Go ahead and start eating without us." Nami then turned around and proceeded to walk to the man's quarters. Once she was at the door and was about to knock, she heard Luffy speak through the door.

"Oh, Nami~..."

Stopping in her motion to knock, she raised a brow in confusion. "Hmm?" 'How did he know I was already here? And why does he sound out of breath?' She thought. She moved her hand to the door knob and was about to turn it open, but then she heard Luffy speak through the door again.

"Oh God Nami, your mouth feels so~ good."

'What?' Her face twisted in confusion and her curiosity getting the better of her. She slowly and quietly opened the door and peeked inside. Her eyes widened in shock and her hand came up to her mouth to stop herself from screaming. 'What the hell is he doing?!' She was looking at a bottom half naked Luffy stroking his shaft up and down.

Luffy was stroking himself while laying down on his bed. He had his eyes closed tight, so he couldn't see a shocked Nami peeking at him. "Come on, suck a little faster Nami. I'm so close."

Hearing enough, Nami slammed the door open. "What the hell do you think your doing?!" She yelled at him with an angry face.

"What the?!" Luffy jumped in surprise off his bed and landed on the floor. He then quickly stood up and struggled to get his member back in his pants. "Nami?! What are you doing?!" He asked with wide panic filled eyes.

"What am I doing?! Your the perv that's doing that!" She pointed to the bulge in his pants. "While calling out my name!" She then turned around and started to storm out. "Wait till I tell the others about what you really been doing while taking a 'nap'!"

"Wait, Nami! You can't tell the rest of the crew!" Luffy loudly whispered as he ran in front of her and slammed the door closed, stopping Nami from leaving.

"And why shouldn't I?" She asked while putting her hands on her hips and scowled at him.

"Because its your fault." Luffy told her with an accusing look.

Nami's eyes went wide with surprise as she pointed at herself. "My fault?!" Her look then turned into anger as she leaned in closer to yell just three inches from his face. "How is you jerking off my fault?!" She asked in a demanding tone but quiet enough so the rest of the crew wouldn't hear.

"Because, your the one who's always walking around practically naked all the time." He told her while keeping that accusing look.

Nami then crossed her arms under her bust and gave him a hard frown. "So let me get this straight. Just because Robin and I walk around in swim suits, its our fault for You acting like a perv and fantasizing about us having sex with you?"

Luffy then gave her a panicked look. "I never fantasized about having sex with Robin! I swear!" He told her while waving his hands in front of him defensively.

Nami then leaned away from his face while keeping the hard frown. She knew he was telling the truth about Robin, thanks to the fact that she knew he was incapable of telling a lie with a straight face. "So what? Do you think about Vivi all the time since the bath in Arabasta?" She asked with a bit of insecurity in her voice.

Luffy shook his head with a confused expression. "Of coarse not. That would be wrong."

Nami then raised a brow in curiosity. "And why would it be wrong?"

Luffy just shrugged his shoulders with a blank face. "I don't know. I just never thought of her like that."

She then just eyed Luffy up and down and saw that the large bulge in his pants hasn't gone away yet. She then held her gaze there. "What about your empress? Do you ever think about her when touching yourself?" Nami asked in a soft tone as her gaze then went back to his eyes.

Luffy made a disgusted face. "Ew, why would I think about Hancock like that? I mean sure, shes a dear friend but that's it." His face then going into a soft stare.

"Then," She started as she put her hands down making her breast bounce a little; an action that Luffy didn't fail to notice, as Nami stared at the floor with her bangs shadowing her eyes. "what girls do you think of when doing... that?"

Luffy then pushed his straw hat back on its string as he started to scratch his head. "Well, the only time I can get hard is when I'm thinking about you. So~..." He then Looked away to the side feeling embarrassed. "The only girl I ever think about is you."

At his words Nami started to feel butterfly's in her stomach as a hidden smile reached her lips. She then made a straight face as she flipped her head up causing her hair to sway. She then ran her fingers through her hair as she spoke. "Well, since I know how tempting I am." She then put a hand on her hip and pushed it out to show off her curves a bit more. "I guess I cant really blame you. Tell you what Luffy." She then gave him a devious smile. "I wont tell the others if you pay me a thousand beri,"

Luffy stared smiling. "Really?! Thanks Na..."

But then she cut him off. "AND you have to pay me ten thousand beri for thinking of me when you were touching yourself and you have to pay me ten thousand beri from here on out every time you masturbate." She gave him an innocent smile.

"What?! That's not fair Nami! I need that money to buy meat!" He looked at her shocked.

Nami sighed and shrugged her shoulders as she reached around him for the door. "I guess I have no choice but to tell the others then."

"Wait!" Luffy used his body to push her away from the door. Doing this made his bulge come into contact with Nami's crotch. He didn't notice thanks to the decision he was distracted with.

Nami's cheeks started to flush when she felt his hardness poke her most sensitive spot. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself before asking. "What is it? Did you change your mind?" She smirked at him as she took a step back.

"Five thousand beri." He demanded as he held up five fingers.

Nami just shook her head and moved his hand to the side. "Sorry, its eleven thousand now and ten thousand for every time you think about me." She then leaned forward and placed her breasts flat against his chest and looked at him with half lidded eyes while speaking to him in a seductive voice. "You know. Every time you think about me naked, sweaty, panting out of breath, screaming your name."

Luffy stared at Nami's cleavage and gulped. "Ten thousand every time?" He asked with a shaky breath.

Nami then leaned in more and put her lips to his ear and whispered. "Come on captain. Didn't you say I'm the only one that can turn you on?" She then laid her hands on both of his thighs and started to rub them up and down. "Its only fair you give the one girl that can get you off something in return isn't it?"

At Nami's contact Luffy's mind went into a daze. He then put his lips to her ear and whispered "Okay. I'll pay you."

Nami then rubbed her whole face all over his, much like a cat would do to get attention. "Promise?" She asked in a needy tone.

Luffy just Dumbly Nodded. "Yeah, I promise."

Nami then slipped past him, opened the door and then smiled at him. "Great! I'll be expecting you to Pay me by tonight." She then left through the door and closed it.

Luffy just stared at the door with a confused look on his face. "What just happened?" He asked himself. But then the door opened again with a smiling Nami behind it.

"Oh and don't forget. If you try to do IT without telling me so you don't have to pay and think I wont find out. Think again, I'm always going to find out and when I do I'll charge you the ten thousand beri plus five hundred percent interest!"

Luffy's eyes went wide. "What?!"

"Oh, and lunch is ready." She said with a smile and slammed the door shut.

Luffy's eyes popped out of his head and his jaw dropped. "WHAT?! And nobody told me!" He then ran out the door screaming. "Hey you jerks! You better not have eaten anything without me!"


End of chapter one.
