Author has written 2 stories for Fairy Tail. Hey !! I'm , weird little writter !! I don't have a huge idea of what I want to write here, that means no big idea for now, but I got a lot of imagination, and if yo want me to write about anything, I'll do it !! Well, I'm a certain age (yes this is very precise, isn't it ?) Still at school, With a HUGE creativity ! I'm a new speccies made from half-otaku, half-serieseater, And I'm proud to be like that! I love both hetero and homo couples, it's different in fonction of the pairing !! I'm totally against copy of my work (Even if right now there isn't a lot of things to copy), but if you want to take one of my ideas because you like it and want to continue it in an other, or just change it, Send me a message and I'll be glad to talk with you !! So two things for an end : first, REWIEW!!!! in that silly world you readers are just too heartless and don't even let us know what you like or not !!! Well, I may talk, but it's true that I don't send a lot of rewiews myself, generally I don't know what to say in, so just write :
second thing:I am french. Born and raised in a perfect frenchy style ! So I'm sorrrrrry if I write grammatical faults, it's just that I don't know (yet --') all of the grammatical rules ! So if you want to send me a message about how incredibly bad I am at correct my own texts, please don't mind !! Because I'm french, my sentences compositions when I write is somehow a little different from the english's ones. Little part in french (I got hope !)* Salut ! donc voici mon blog de fanfictions, j'espère sincèrement qu'il vous plaira !! Bon je vais tutoyer sinon sa va vite m'énerver ! Donc voilà je suis encore étudiante, j'ai beaucoup d'imagination, j'écrirais principalement mes histoires en anglais (je pense que pour qu'elles puissent être lues par un plus grand nombre c'est mieux) mais je pense que je traduirai la plupart des mes ''oeuvres'' en français, tous simplement pour pouvoir améliorer le contenu (faut pas dire mais notre langue est quand même beaucoup plus riche en voc' que la leur!! ) M'enfin je suis pas à l'abbris de faire des fautes en français, donc charriez moi en m'envoyant une pt'ite rewiew ? Sinon demandez moi n'importe quoi comme histoire à écrire je le ferrais, si tant est que je connaisse l'histoire originale ! Je suis, comme tout le monde je pense, contre le plagia, mais si vous voulez reprendre une de mes idées, envoyez moi un msg et je me ferrais une joie de vous répondre ! Bon rien d'autre trop a dire donc Salut !! et lisez mes pt'its travaux, même si ils ont l'air bizarres et pas frais !! french part over* So here i am, thanks to you who take time to read that introduction ! Myself I skip it most of the time. Anyway, here are my works, be pleased to read them (I think that this is why you're here ?) And to comment. Kiss, kiss, p.s/ BTW, lchristmas isn't my real name, and if there's someone outside with that name please tell me and I will love you for the eternity !! p.p.s/ Yeah it's borring, but : I'm a girl !! (I totally forgot to say that ) |
Eve et Zod'a (16) |