Author has written 49 stories for D N Angel, Pita Ten, Final Fantasy VII, Pokémon, Kamichama Karin, Lux-Pain, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. we hear nothing but silence. Seena58 is usually off elsewhere, but continues to write as if life itself depends on it. --Cat balloons for you-- Oh, and reading anything I wrote before 2007 will probably make you want to gouge your eyes out. Probably best to ignore them. (While I could, technically, delete them, I suppose it's proof of the things I did. Even if they were... weird, to put it mildly. Ah well, life goes on.) |
Datenma (34) fallenxfate (26) Kittiquin (3) Kyuseisha no Hikari (10) Maiden of the Moon (327) | Makami (33) neko-nya (54) Novelicious (1) panatlantic (17) pyrrhic victory (5) Silver Nemesis (1) | silvermyth (43) Staryday (25) wolf fullmoon (10) Wyrdel (7) |