A/N: Pfft, I'm stuck on a fight scene in the Three Realms, and am tempted to just put 'AND LYK HE WAS TTLY PWNED LAWLZ' but I won't. I'm writing this to let it all out so the Three Realms doesn't suck tremendously. I'm gonna breathe. Breathe in. Breathe out. I'm good.

Written because Micchi does a lot of persuasion and does not get any credit, so I'm giving it. Look at all the crap he has to put up with, I mean! Heh.

This is Hope;

This is hope. Can you see it? It's small, you know, but it's still there. See its little fluttering wings. See its faint glow. See it in all its beauty.

…What's that? You say that's not much? Well, of course not! You're not believing. I can tell.

Oh, I know what you're asking now. You're asking, "Well, who are you and why are you showing me…uh, 'hope'?"

Well, that's easy. My name is Nishikiori Michiru. You can call me anything you want, though, as long as it's not 'crazy idiot foreigner.' I resent that. And why show you hope? Because you, yes…you…you are my last chance.

You know…you're still not believing. It's still this puny little thing. How do you expect for it to be able to lift off and spread itself across the lands if you can't even make it big enough to sustain its own weight? Great. Well, now who am I supposed to turn to? Kazune's the world's biggest cynic. Karin, bless her heart, probably won't be able to concentrate long enough…uh…Himeka?

No, you were my last chance and you can't even believe just a teeny bit.

…What's that? You say you need persuasion? Bugger my bloody aunt, you want persuasion? The fate of the world's hope is in your hands and you want persuasion? What is up with everybody and persuasion? Kazune needs persuasion and Karin needs persuasion, and for the love of all that you hold holy (which is hopefully more than me), every bloody person I know needs persuasion.

Well, look, now you've gotten me all bitter.
