
Chapter I:

It was a day like any other; Dark was walking around the village with nothing better to do. He went home like any other day, and was greeted with silence like any other day. His parents had passes away when he was young; he lived alone ever since then. The people who lived next to him, the Hikari's have been trying to get him to move out just so they could expand their shop. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Dark got up to answer it, when he opened the door he saw a boy with bright red hair and a cheerful smile. He smiled, "Hi Daisuke, what might I do for you today?" The boy beamed, "Hi! My mom baked some bread, I was wondering if you wanted some." Daisuke was more like a little brother to him than best friend, "Sure! I was wondering when Emiko would bake some more, hear anything interesting lately?" The boy frowned a bit, "Yea, there has been a dragon flying around here and the other villages lately." Dark grinned, "Dai-chan afraid of the big bad dragon? Riku might just end up saving you, damsel in distress saving the brave knight." Daisuke pouted, " mean! Opps, I've got to go, mom's going to yell at me if I don't get home soon. Bye!" Dark waved, "See you!"

Dark went back to the room that came from and sat down. He took a bite into the bread when there was another knock, 'Who is it this time?' He walked towards the door, bread still in his mouth, "Hm?" There was a man with glasses and squinty eyes, Dark looked up with curios eyes and took the bread out of his mouth, "Yes, what may I do for you Mr. Hikari?" The man just smiled and made a motion with this hand, "That's him! Take him away!" Strange men came and dragged him away towards the trail place. Dark managed to stuff the bread in his mouth before struggling, "Oi! What are you doing! Let me go! Where the hell do you think you're taking me!?" One of the strange men replied, "Dark Mousy, you have been accused of wizardry, it is our duty to bring you to the trial house and see the truth." Dark looked at the smiling Hikari, "Wizardry!? Why you..." The men restricted him so he couldn't get close to the man. "Acts like this is going to get you condemned, if you aren't already."

They dragged the boy to the trial house where the whole village gathered, he stood there anger filled his mind. 'Damn that Hikari!' He looked around in the crowd and saw the Niwa family, the Harada twins; Dark bowed his head and starred at the floor not wanting to see their faces. The church master stepped up with the head Hikari at his side. "Dark Mousy, you have been accused of wizardry." Dark thought irritated, 'I heard that already, can't you say anything original?' "Has anyone seen this demon in act?" 'Demon!? Why I outa...' Someone raised their hand, "I have! He was walking around the trail the other day, he didn't see me 'cause I was hidin'. He walked over to my neighbor's dog and talked to it, now the dog's dead." Dark protested, "What!? I did no such thing!" He was cut off by the strange men, "Silence!" bellowed the church master. Another hand raised up, "I saw him summon demons and danced with them all night!" 'Demons!? Dancing!? Killing a dog!? What's this world coming to!? This is all because of that stupid Hikari!'

He saw someone drag Daisuke up, a bit too close to the long steep stairway, "This one's been hanging around the demon for quite some time now, he might be one too you know." That was the final straw, "Hey! You leave him alone!" He was slapped by the church master, "Silence you demon! Bring the boy down!" 'Is a church master suppose to slap people like that!?' The man holding Daisuke gave him a big push and sent the boy flying over the staircase; Dark kicked aside the people holding him and ran to Daisuke's aid, "Daisuke!" He managed to break the redhead's fall by being a cushion for his fall.

"No normal human could have such reflexes! He's a demon!" people in the crowd shouted. 'So this is what I get for saving my best friend?' He looked at Daisuke and whispered, "Don't ever let them accuse you of such thing, if they do say I was controlling you or something!" Daisuke starred at him wide eyed, "Dark..." Dark was being dragged away towards the church master who looked over him greedily with sickening eyes, 'He couldn't he wouldn't, not if I'm still alive! That sick bastard.' Dark spat on the man and earned a harsh slap across the face, 'At least his greedy little eyes are off me now, bastard.' "Take him to the stake! I bet he didn't even cry when his parents died, he might even have killed them himself!" Dark winced; he did cry when his parents died in front of his eyes, filthy bandits, his parents died protecting him.

"He's got no heart!"

"It's made of ice!"

"It's made of stone!"

"He's given it to Satan!" They dragged the boy towards the stake; they made the poor redhead boy tie his best friend to the stake. "Sir, do we torch it?" The church master looked at the sky and said, "No, we'll light it tomorrow, it looks like it's about to rain." The crowd broke up until all that was left was Daisuke watching his tied up friend with sad eyes, "Aw...don't be like that, you'd better go in before you get sick." The boy started to head back to his house when Dark called out, "Oi! Thanks for the bread!" Daisuke smiled a little and nodded and went away towards his house. 'Great, I'm about to die, it's about to rain, and I'm stuck on the stake in the middle of the village where no one can see me...I'm glad I ate that bread...I'm going to steaked when I'm wet which would mean more suffering on my account, just great.' When no one was around and the rain poured down, Dark's tears rolled down his cheek, he looked up at the sky, 'Mother...Father...'

In the morning, violet eyes opened, his arms were tired from being tied, he wiggled his arms he felt the rope loosen a little. 'What the...' He wiggled a little more and the rope fell off, 'Well I'll be damned. Thanks Daisuke.' He rubbed his arms to get the blood flowing again, 'Where do I go now? I can't live with Daisuke, I can't live hidden forever. No one will take me in; I'm too old for that. And there's no way in hell I'm becoming a bandit.' He was so busy in his thoughts he didn't notice a shadow flying across the sky, suddenly he heard a roar and looked up. That's when he saw the dragon soaring in the sky. 'Holy shit... that's not good...'

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