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![]() Author has written 10 stories for Teen Titans, Rosario + Vampire, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Danganronpa, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Gravity Falls, Mario, and DC Superheroes. I started a group on facebook named OCs are the main characters My updating schedule may very well be shit but for good reason. I've got a job now and most of my time and effort are currently being wasted on school as well as other aspects of my personal life you have no right to know about. had I as much time as I wanted I'd be able to write my stories indefinitely for all to enjoy. If you chose to read my stories knowing that I may not update anything for months at a time I am truly grateful for your patronage and hope you can get others to read my stories that they may also see the endless crap flying out of my mind and enjoy it with the same vigor that has kept you reading thus far and may we all meet at the next anime expo... should I be able to afford it. I know I have a bad habit of putting way too much exposition in my stories because I'm trying to write at least one story for every show I like. I'm going to tell you about the OC I've already overly complicated on many occasions. Name: N/A Nickname(s): Dapper Drunk, AMX, Heartless, Immortal, Cursed Crusader, Little Angel, Eyes of God, Indifference, Profanity Filter, The Angel of Death, Hot Wings, etc. Height: about 5' 7" Wingspan: between 7 8 feet Age: roughly 2,000 Family: brother, also nameless, commonly referred to as hippie. Father = Slenderman. Slendermen? Slender Man! One of the three (I don't know how to spell without auto correct.) Likes: coffee, picking fights, tea, starting arguments, reading, procrastinating, talking to himself, sweets, confusing people, good food, spicy food, alcohol, making references, and suicide jokes Dislikes: enemies of the church, being woken up, hair cuts, injustice of any kind, people who pick food off of other people's plates, most music, and idiots who can't understand the explanations he gives Abilities: can see literally everything within whichever universe he is currently in. including but not limited to... reading minds(living lie detector), analysing down to the electron, saving money on scopes, night vision, inferred vision, x-Ray vision, knowing all of history, and seeing the future. Has spit so flammable if it leaves his mouth it catches fire. The ph of his blood is zero. He can control his blood to do anything he can imagine. With his ability to access all known knowledge he has telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Making himself lighter than air. Can clone himself into an army of one million that can only ever do one thing all at once and at the same time. Can force his emotions out of himself by giving them their own sentient bodies. Can fly 500 meters in one wing beat. Possesses an arsenal of strange and powerful weapons. Also immortality and almost unstoppable regeneration. Weaknesses: bright lights, loud noises, and his own sword. Appearance: black tuxedo, white dress shirt (not visible but covered in blood beneath the blazer), shined black shoes, silver gauntlets, foot tall black top hat one inch generic white ribbon, Silver aviators, bloodstained tie, crimson pocket square, Jade Dragon hanging from the side of his belt(his sword is a living Dragon named Jonathan and his spine is the blade) the dragon is also immortal. He often wears a bandana to hide his fangs as he speaks, not out of embarrassment but to stop people from asking if he'll die when they open the blinds. Also bright white wings. Personality: N/A Nationality: Aztec Inabilities: can't do magic at all. Can't go against the bible. Can't kill innocent living things. Can't drink blood(ironically). Can't remember most things past five seconds(if you don't remember what you said neither does he). Can't stand the sight of an inverted cross. Can't swear. And has no concept of time or place. Other odd tidbits: his hair and nails grow unending fast and will never stop growing. He has employed a group of Nazi scientists after their lab was bombed and they'd already extracted immortality from his blood. His hat is actually a portal to a room filled to the brim with bars of gold. The room is actually on Jupiter and his hair covers the room's floor. He was immortal before he became a vampire. He has a son who is older than his wife. He possesses a book of all the of the knowledge from every universe he's been to written completely in Aramaic. The text in the book has to be read through an electron microscope. He has a pen with special ink that moves on its own to transcribe whatever he wants just by tapping the paper once. The ink in the pen is made with his blood and spit in it, giving it the option of catching fire should he wish it. His nails are made of silver and his gauntlets were specially made to constantly grind them down and make armour out of them. He is not the main character in his series which is why I make him the main character in my fanfiction (barring Missed Opportunities of course [if you don't know what that is you are very fortunate]). by the time I write the first sentence he is too deep in the story to leave(with the exception of Missed Opportunities[seriously don't try to find it]). Pity's only purpose in life is to shut Sorrow up. Joy likes being cruel and enjoys the suffering of others... Also masochistic. Righteous is the most powerful of his sentient emotions and can kill someone so fast they won't know they're dead. Malice has a literal Achilles heel. Slaughter, Death, And, Destruction are more passive aggressive than angry.Malice is made up of Slaughter, Death, And, Destruction. He actually did name one of his emotions And. The only way for him to be killed is for his wife to die. His heart isn't in his chest his wife actually had possession of his heart from the moment she was born. He spent the beginning of his life watching Jesus grow up and become famous from across the planet and later became one of his disciples. He is a descendant of Cain. Malice is the spirit of the antiChrist trapped in the body of the strongest/most influential of Cain's descendants. When the last male member of his family dies the world will end. I still haven't published the anime he comes from. Being from an immortal family he has an inescapable limitation and while some are more destructive than others his just leaves him kinda sleep deprived. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas toghuht slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool! If you could read that put it in your profile! hello all I am one of few protestant Christians who knows that America is going to hell and plans on moving to Japan, or Jerusalem, the first chance I get, anyone care to join me? |
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