Mistake 1,001
Chapter 5
Authors note: I don't own teen titans. Set during aftershock parts one and two. Mostly Terra's POV
'' means thoughts
"" means spoken
I woke up next to Beast boy. It was four in the afternoon. That wasn't bad considering we didn't fall asleep until eight in the morning. I knew what we had done. I love him, I was fine. Then I remembered what I was supposed to do today. I was supposed to kill them all today, that's what Slade wanted. I woke up Beast boy.
"I have to go back to Slade's lair. It's only to keep up appearances. When we start fighting I'm going to turn against him. But I have to leave now." I told him. I didn't want to leave him. Lying down wrapped up in his arms was the best feeling in the world.
"Okay Terra, I'll see you there tonight. Be careful." He told me. I still can't believe that after all this time, he still loves me.
"I will." I kiss his forehead and make me way over to my old suit. Cyborg had made the neuro transmitters into a head band. This way I looked like I should to Slade, but he couldn't control me.
"Slade, the city is quiet and secure. The titans won't know what hit them. It's the perfect day to destroy them." I walked into his control room. 'Keep up appearances Terra.' I couldn't let him figure out that I was working with the titans again.
"Why weren't you here for breakfast?" He asked me. He's suspicious, makes sense considering I was gone the whole night.
"I came in late and left early to do some planning. I needed fresh air for the perfect plan to take out the pathetic titans." I told him. This wasn't new I did my best thinking when I'm alone in the desert or the mountains. He just nods to me. It's six in the evening now. We fight soon.
"We should get moving apprentice. The city won't wait forever." He tells me as he leads me out the door and back up to the surface. Since it's December, it's dark out and cold, I've always gotten cold easily.
Soon we're at the pier, this is where we strike, and this is where it's going to be the end. There are cinderblock, overload, and plasmas waiting. They'll all split off and lead the Titans in different places. Cinderblock will go up to a mountain, plasmas will be in some nuclear waste room, and overdrive in some electric plant. I knew where Slade was hiding. I already sent the coordinates to all of them, I would pretend to be defeated during the first fight and then they would all go there, I'd meet them there too. He's done for tonight.
"Plasmas, overload, and cinderblock are in position. They have each started to attack. The titans are sure to be on their way to the different spots. Cyborg and Beast boy will probably take plasmas, Raven will have overload, and Robin and Starfire will go for cinderblock." I tell him. I have to keep giving information about the titans to make everything believable.
"You know where I'll be waiting for when you're done. I'll be helping." He tells me before he runs off.
And I wait. It takes 15 minutes for overdrive to go down, Raven was always good. She had created a flood in there, perfect, she could pretend to drown. Raven wouldn't hold back, they had to make the fight look real enough.
When I got down there, Raven was questioning a defeat overload. She had to act confused.
"Hello, does the word decoy mean anything to you. We had to find some way to coax you cowards out of hiding." I said sweetly to her.
We fight. At first I was winning, exactly what we had planned out. Slade was yelling in my ear about not being able to control me.
"You know Raven, I never liked you."
"I never wanted to even know you. You may have fooled the others, but I always knew you were a liar."
"Oh really, is that why you let me live in your home and steal all your secrets?"
"Shut up."
That was too much for her, she attacked me with everything she had. I gave up, pretending to be defeated. I fell into the muddy water, luckily I was able to create an air pocket around me so I could breathe, and I pretended to drown. I didn't answer Slade. I got notification that cinderblock was defeated, then one about plasmas. They were all safe and on their way to killing Slade. I heard him starting to fight them off, he was distracted now. I quickly got my suit off and put on my old uniform. I was on my way too.
By the time I got there, he wasn't doing well. No robots to distract them, no other criminals. He didn't have a chance. Luckily his back was turned to me.
"Slade! I made it, I'm alive." I yelled to him when I got into the room.
"Apprentice, attack."
"If that's what you want." I say as I started throwing boulders at him, he was so surprised, I fought him. Robin helped but I was giving it all I got. I was smashing with rocks and I saw him fall. I had broken his leg.
"Apprentice, what are you doing?" He asks me with a look of shock and confusion on his face.
"Doing what you said, attacking." I told him as I ended it. I had thrown a sharpened rock down on his chest. It was done, he was done.
The rest of the team gathered around me, we all hugged. I finally felt like I had done something right. I was finally accepted by someone, my new family.