Author has written 11 stories for Digimon, One Piece, and Sonic the Hedgehog. 9/17/20 updated. Fav. Anime/manga Favorite Games: Sonic series (Not Sonic 06), Final Fantasy 4-10, Star Ocean 1 and 2, Tales series, Ratchet and Clank series, Kingdom Hearts series, Jak series, nfinite Undiscovery, Enslaved: Oddessy to the west, Mana Khemia, Magna Carta 2, Star Fox 64, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time, majora's mask, Wind Waker, breath of the wild, a link to the past and Twilight Princess., Gears of War series, Mario series, Chrono Trigger, Grandia(the first one), Infamous Favorite cartoon shows: Justice Leauge, Superman, Batman, Teen Titans, Young Justice, Megas XLR, Venture Bros., Samurai Jack, Regular Show, Tiny Toon Adventures, Freakazoid, Animaniacs, Tazmania, Looney Toons, Rocko's modern Life, Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo, Courage the cowardly dog, Batman BatB, Young Justice. Favorite movies: Spiderman 1 and 2, Lord of the Rings movies, Star Wars IV-VI, Talagada Nights, Anchorman, Police Academy 1, 2, and 3, Ace Ventura, Inception, Back to the Future movie series, the hobbit, Karate Kid (The old one), Yes Man, Knives Out, Inception. Favorite TV shows: Boy meets world, Fresh Prince of Bel aire, Psych, Eureka, Warehouse 13, Big Bang Theory, Veronica Mars, The Goldbergs, Cobra Kai, Flash, Black Lightning, Legends of Tomorrow Favorite Books: Dresden Files, World War Z, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Wheel of Time, Mistborn, Lord of the Rings. I HATE Character bashing. I don't like it when some takes a character and bash them to make way for their so-called one true couple. That doesn't pass off a story, it reflects on who you are as a person. I don't mind if there is a bit of comic relief, but to make super jerk is unacceptable unless they change part way through the story. Plus when you have a character like Daisuke Motomiya who has be bashed to the point where it makes the character look like heaping pile crap, that iswhen I can't stands no more. I mean come on, he changed and so have all the other characters. I mean as the series goes usually the character changes his perspective on things. So above all heavy bashing is not funny unless it's very mild I mean like comic relief. The English versions plants in jokes that weren't in the original and makes Daisuke/Davis more stupid than the original. Like all other anime characters he was suppose to be a hot headed, stubborn hero. Kind of like Tai or other characters in other series. Even if you hate him try not to make him the bad guy in your story. If it's a guilty passion to make a character the most hateful and spiteful person then you need help. Try to make something new. Shipping: I don't care. I don't care about shipping as much as I used to since I devoted my time elsewhere. It only depends on what you like. I'll read a story despite what couple it has. Don't disregard someone of the couple they like. Whatever it's popular or not, it doesn't matter. I don't really care if it's canon or not. Will it kill you? Plus I hate it when people flame others just because of the couple they like. Sounds immature in my book and not cool. There are times where I deeply DESPISE shipping or pairing characters. It mostly has to do with everyone and there mother being fanatics about every little hint, every little detail and then everything blows up in their faces if it doesn't go their way. So yes I somwhat hate shipping even though I ship certain characters. I just feel there is more to life than wonder if so and so paired up with who. But if you must know... For digimon I do like Taiora, Sorato, Daikari, Koumi, and Kenyako. That's all I like. That doesn't mean I'm not going to add other couples. That would limit me as a write. However, think my area of weakness is romance. Most of my stories deal with action. Although, romance is seen as development of two characters achieving the same goal. Discontinued Stories Digimon: Silent Storm I'm going to post a summary or a list of events that would've happened if I continued onward. I stopped for some reason and never had a reason to go back into it. One reason was I had a writers block. Hiatus/Rewrite Average Days of the Digidestined I'm going to go back and change it again. I tried to have a romance and action, but I can't have both with this story. Even though the focus was on Tai and Izzy, I wanted everyone. I can't go and do that. So what I am going to do is have from their perspectives plus Davis. Those three will be the protagonist. Rei will still be there. Mimi will live in Japan. I'm going back and rewriting it. Ongoing Sister of Strawhat Luffy Currently on Skypeia. After that there will be an original arc which not only ties into her quest of the finding the Lost Order, but in traditional Strawhat adventure they venture to an island and befriend someone. After that we'll continue on with the main story. Sonic Forces: Path of a Hero As you have seen and read I have followed the story, but wanted it be an actual story. If I followed exactly as they did, even if I made a ton of OC's. It wouldn't be that good... at least to me. So I added characters from other media. Comics, shows, games, movie. Movie? Who? Is it Donut Lord? Sure why not, but his role will be super limited. Team Misfit heads to Mystic Jungle to find out who is snooping around an abandoned the terrain where an abandoned Eggman base is. What they find is... Expect the ending to be different. The Chaos Emeralds are going to get involved and there might be a sequel. Next Chapter is also secret. Possible Upcoming stories Digimon Tri: Beyond Average The goal here is Tri focused too much on the older kids and I felt they were all assholes about the 02 kids. No one questions where they are? Wouldn't Davis attend that soccer game? Shouldn't Kari and T.K. see Davis, Yolei, and Cody at school? The idea is to change things up. The infected digimon are around and Dark Gennai will be something else. The only differences is the 02 kids won't suddenly disappear, Catherine and Rei will be around and Meiko may have a dark secret. The Blue Blur Returns: 3 months after the war. Sonic returns from a long vacation. It's a lead up to the next story. Short Sonic Chronicles: Twilight Assault: 5 years later after the war. The dark brotherhood arrives to challenge the heroes. Sonic Forces: Episodes I had an idea of my own Episode of Shadow, then an Episode of Eggman. I decided adding this in the middle of Path of a Hero would break the flow. So here it span off into Episodes. The first chapter is Resistance. Knuckles and Silver head to create a Resistance after finidng out Sonic has been defeated. |