Stop SOPA! I already signed the petition, so please do as well. Please enjoy and review!
Sakuyamon and GrandisKuwagamon both floated in the air, gold and amethyst lights glowing around them as everyone stared at the two Megas in awe.
"What? How did they do that?" the blue haired woman asked as she gritted her teeth in anger.
"So, this is Bio-Merge? It feels so strange and yet amazing. I'm not sure how I feel about this." Ken spoke from inside the digimon's body.
He was naked inside of a sphere while his body was covered in amethyst light and digital code was floating around him.
"You get used to it." Dai said making GrandisKuwagamon look up at her.
Through Sakuyamon's armour, he was able to see Dai inside an orb made of golden light and she was naked, her hair down around her shoulders and digital code floated around her.
"Wow, they both Bio-Merged." Kari blinked.
"How though?" Cody asked.
Okuwamon roared as he charged at the two Megas who then flew out of the way, GrandisKuwagamon turning to the insect and gave a roundhouse kick that sent him flying into the sand below.
Sakuyamon laughed cheerfully at that as she then used her Amethyst Wind to blind Okuwamon and GrandisKuwagamon swooped down to attack.
Swooping in, he used his Grandis Scissors that blasted Okuwamon back, but the Ultimate shook off the attack and aimed an attack at GrandisKuwagamon, but Sakuyamon flew in and placed up her barrier to protect the Mega.
"Thanks." GrandisKuwagamon said.
"Follow my lead." Sakuyamon smiled at him.
He nodded as they took to the sky and Okuwamon followed them, his pincers about to trap them both, but they disappeared and appeared behind Okuwamon, both kicking him in the back and sent him falling into the sand.
"Wow, they fight something fierce." Armadillomon blinked.
"They're tearing up Okuwamon like a scratching post." Gatomon said.
Sakuyamon flipped away from Okuwamon as he chased after her, but GrandisKuwagamon got in the way of the large silver beetle and used his Gran Killer on Okuwamon, blasting him back.
"Ken, go with the others to turn off the reactor." Sakuyamon floated down to the black bug.
"What? Why? I need to stay here and help you." GrandisKuwagamon said as he turned to her.
"I can handle Okuwamon, but the others need your Crest to shut down the reactor. Please, go with them." She gave him the puppy dog eyes.
Ken groaned as he saw Dai give him the look and he placed a hand over his eyes, but he found himself nodding in agreement.
"I'll go." GrandisKuwagamon said as he flew over to the DIgidestineds.
Amethyst light surrounded him as he returned to Ken and Minomon who fell into his arms as he looked at the group.
"What are you doing here?" Yolei asked.
"Daisuke told me to go with you guys to insert my Crest into the reactor. I know you don't trust me and I don't blame you," Ken said.
"It's fine. What's important is shutting down the reactor." TK spoke up as he walked over.
"Dai can handle Okuwamon. Come on, let's go." Kari started running for the base.
"Whatever you say." Gatomon nodded as she chased after her.
Everyone started running after the duo of Light and Okuwamon went to fly after them, but Sakuyamon jumped in front of him.
"Ready for round two?" she teased.
"There it is. The entrance to the cave." Ken said as the group ran inside, but were stopped by the pile of debris blocking the stairs.
"There's no way we'll get through that rubble." TK said.
"We have to try." Patamon flew by his head.
Ken climbed down the debris as he heard an explosion from outside and Sakuyamon crying out which made him worry as everyone looked back.
She was on the sand on her back from being blasted back by one of Okuwamon's attacks.
Brushing her silvery hair off her shoulder, she jumped up and used her Amethyst Wind on Okuwamon, blinding him again and then she jumped into the air and kicked him down, sending him into the sand.
"There it is. Now we need to get the Crest of Kindness up there." Ken said as he led the group into the reactor room.
"Up there?" Armadillomon asked.
Ken set Minomon down and then ran over to the large green machine and started climbing up the reactor and took his crest out of his pocket.
Lifting his hand up, he placed the Crest in the slot above the mark of Kindness on the reactor and the base stopped quaking.
Looking around, everyone smiled in relief while outside of the base, the blue haired woman smirked as she turned and walked off as she watched Okuwamon get destroyed by Sakuyamon.
"This isn't over yet. Not by a long shot." The woman laughed.
Inside the base, Ken climbed down from the reactor as Minomon jumped over to him and the child of Kindness picked him up.
"You did it, Ken." Kari smiled.
"Nice work." TK complimented making the boy blush.
Ken felt a small swell of pride inside his chest as the two original Digidestineds complimented him while Yolei and Cody strayed behind, the younger boy checking for any messages from Izzy.
"It worked. Izzy says that the reactor is off line. It won't blow up now." Cody announced with a grin.
"Yay! Score one point for the good guys." Yolei cheered.
"One point? That's all we get after all that work? TK!" Patamon whined jokingly.
"You get two." TK smiled down at the orange digimon in his arms.
"It's all thanks to your Crest, Ken." Minomon said to his partner.
"Yeah." Ken blushed.
Kari smiled at the group, then her eyes went wide when she sensed a dark energy nearby that made her nervous as she looked down a tunnel were some pipes connected to the reactor led to.
Just then, the base started to quake making Sakuyamon turn towards it with a curious expression.
"What is this? I thought they turned off the reactor." She muttered and then walked over to the base.
"What's going on?" Kari asked.
"For some reason, shutting down the reactor isn't turning off the explosions." Cody announced.
Everyone cried out as they ran for cover, holding their arms above their heads to brace themselves as debris started to fall around them.
"Ugh, my hat's great in the rain, but it doesn't work on concrete." Yolei groaned as she ducked down for cover.
"Izzy says…the warp is getting worse, not better. The Crest didn't work!" Cody announced after he checked his message.
"How can that be?" TK asked.
"I knew something like this would happen. My Crest is meaningless." Ken said with his head bent.
"No, the Crest of Kindness should have stopped the explosion. There must be something else about this place that we don't know. Is there something you're not telling us, Ken?" Cody asked.
"There's something wrong here and if there was anyone who would know what it was, that person would have to be you." He accused.
"That woman's behind all this trouble." Kari said.
"Yeah, knock it off. You're a real bad egg, lady." Yolei called.
"And soon you will all be scrambled." The woman said.
Her image was on an old TV monitor that was on top of a pile of rubble.
"You don't scare us. We'll beat you yet." Kari said.
"Ha. You don't even seem to know if you're fighting the right enemy or if your friends are really your friends." The woman laughed cruelly as Ken looked down sadly.
As she said so, the screen went black.
Realizing something, Ken looked at the pipes Kari had been staring at before and he grew determined.
"We've got to follow these pipes." He said as he ran off.
Kari quickly followed after him and everyone else chased after the two 13 year olds before they lost track of them.
Walking down the narrow hallway, they found that it was an orange red color and appeared to have veins bulging on the walls.
"These pipes send energy to the reactor above. Following them will lead us right to the source of its power." Ken explained.
"If we plug that source we should be able to stop the reactor from exploding." Ken continued as he looked ahead.
"These tunnels give me the creeps." Gatomon said.
"You know, this reminds me of something." Patamon said.
"What's that?" TK asked as there was a flash of electricity at the end of the tunnel and a red light.
There was then an explosion making everyone brace themselves and cry out, Sakuyamon's head picking up as she felt the vibration of the explosion.
She was in the reactor room and then ran down the hall she heard the sounds from.
"Great, what's going on now?" she muttered as she ran, her footsteps echoing from her heals hitting the floor.
"The tunnel's blocked. What're we gonna do?" Kari asked.
"Don't worry. Just leave it to old Armadillomon. Diamond Shell!" he said as he turned into a ball and rammed into the rubble.
Hawkmon also used Feather Strike and the path was cleared for the group.
"Now we may continue." He said as his feather boomeranged back and he attached it back on his head.
"There it is. The source of the reactor's power." Ken pointed.
He was pointing towards a tower that appeared to be a dying tree that was black and leaking darkness out while sucking the power of light inside.
As Sakuyamon ran, she sensed something familiar, something cold and dark that made her freeze at how familiar it was and she paused.
"No, this can't be." She whispered.
"It's so cold." Yolei shivered as everyone lost their coloring, looking as though they had stepped into a black and white TV show.
"This feeling…" TK trailed off.
"I remember. This feels just like when we were near that portal." Patamon said.
"Yeah, I remember now. You're right, Patamon, it is the same disturbing feeling." TK said.
"It's the same feeling that came from that world Dai was dragged into. It looked like a negative photograph and everything was covered in darkness. Even the light was dark." Kari told them.
"The world of Darkness. This is the door that leads directly to the world of Darkness." Ken explained.
"How do you know?" Yolei asked.
"Because I've been surrounded by this ever since I came to the Digital World." Ken said.
"I can feel that thing's power building. We better do something quick." Kari said as black smog appeared above the tree.
"Yeah, but what?" Yolei asked.
There was another explosion that made the place quake as everyone tried to steady themselves.
"Come on." Ken said as he slid down the side of the staircase and the others all followed.
"Look, up there. We've got to close the opening the dark power is coming through." Cody said.
"So what do you think we should do, Ken?" Kari asked him.
"I don't really know, but we've got to stop that power flow. There must be something around here that we can use to stop it." he said as there was another explosion that was near him.
There was another explosion, but Sakuyamon appeared and created a barrier that protected the group from the blast making everyone smile up at her.
"Sakuyamon, you made it." Gatomon smiled.
"Yep. Okuwamon's history. Now what do we do with this?" Sakuyamon asked.
"We don't know." Yolei said looking scared.
Smog continued to flow out around the room while white liquid fell to the ground making Kari, TK, Ken and Sakuyamon frown as they knew the power of light was being sucked out.
"The power outlet is increasing." Cody said.
"This looks like the end." TK sweated.
"No way. Everyone get out now." Sakuyamon ordered.
"Why?" Armadillomon asked.
Turning to the group, everyone could have sworn they saw Dai standing before them with narrowed chocolate eyes.
"Because I'm going to destroy this place." She said.
When it looked like they were about to protest, she held her gloved hand up to stop them.
"Don't even try to talk me out of it. If this place stays standing then we'll just have more trouble." She told them.
"She's right. This place is a source of evil and darkness. It needs to be destroyed for good." Ken said.
"Come on guys. Let's get out of here." Gatomon said with a raised fist.
Nodding, everyone left for the exit and Sakuyamon turned to face the tree while Ken and Minomon stayed, both transforming back into GrandisKuwagamon.
"You're helping?" she asked.
"I created this place. I need to be the one to destroy it." GrandisKuwagamon informed as he stepped forward.
The fox grabbed his arm making him look back at her, Ken and Dai staring into the other person's eyes as they were seen in their orbs with digital code floating around them.
"We'll do it together." She told him.
Nodding with a small smile, he turned to the tree and the two Megas sent out their attacks and destroyed the tree, then blasted their way out of the base.
Kari, TK, Yolei, Cody, Gatomon, Patamon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon watched as the two Megas destroyed the base, one last blast send wind around them.
Cheering for them, the Digidestineds and digimon watched as the two Megas flew over to them and they were covered in gold and amethyst lights as they returned to Dai, Vixiemon, Ken and Minomon.
The four dropped to the ground, each one panting in exhaustion as the two teenagers held their In-Trainings in their arms.
"What a workout." Dai sighed.
"You did great, Ken." Minomon said.
"You did wonderful too, Minomon." Ken smiled down at the larva in his arms.
"I think we make a pretty good team." Vixiemon winked at her partner.
"Yeah. The four of us really do make a great team." Dai said looking at Ken.
Standing up, Dai held her hand out to Ken as her fox sat on her head.
Staring at her hand, unsure of what to do or say, but he reached his hand out towards the child of Miracles, only to pull back at the last second.
With a thoughtful frown on his face, he stood up on his own.
"What's wrong?" Dai asked confused.
"I just don't feel like I deserve to be friends with any of you at all." He said.
"Ken, all of us have made mistakes in their lives. Just ask Yolei." Dai smirked as she jabbed her thumb in Yolei's direction.
"Hey!" the lavender haired girl yelled in outrage.
"I don't know. I've done a lot of bad things that I'm not proud of at all." The plum haired boy said with a sad look.
"And I know I have too. Come on, most of us have agreed to give you a chance. You just need to give yourself a chance to be friends with us." Dai smiled at him.
His eyes went wide in surprise at that as he looked at the girl smiling softly at him and his face lit up in a blush.
"I don't know. I need some time to think about this." Ken turned and started walking off.
Minomon looked over his partner's shoulder and waved at Vixiemon who smiled at him as her tail swayed.
"I wish he'd stop being so hard on himself." Dai watched with a sad face.
Kari smiled as she walked up behind her childhood friend and wrapped her arms around her shoulders making the girl's eyes go wide and turn to the brunette.
"Don't worry. He'll come around in his own time. Just let him figure some things out first." The child of Light said.
(The next day…)
"So, why do you think Ken and I were able to Bio-Merge?" Dai asked.
She had gone over to see Izzy at his house after school with Kari and Tai since the others were all busy.
TK had basketball practise, Cody had kendo training with his grandfather and Yolei was meeting with her science club.
"I'm not sure. Once before, Matt and Tai had a similar experience four years ago." Izzy said as he sat on his bed.
"Yeah, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon were able to fuse together into Omnimon. They were awesome. They took out that bug Diaboromon so easy." Tai smiled at the memory.
"How were they able to fuse together?" Renamon asked.
"I'm not sure. But they only did it once, so we assumed that a miracle just happened to help us out that one time." Tai shrugged.
"Renamon, how did you and Dai Bio-Merge?" Izzy asked the fox.
"I'm not sure. All I remember was this new power consuming me and giving me the power to fight, to protect Daisuke. All I thought about was protecting her." Renamon spoke.
"Really? What I remember is that I wanted to be able to fight together with you. I didn't like it when you got hurt for protecting me, so I wanted to help you. We're partners." Dai smiled.
Renamon returned the look as her paw held the girl's hand.
"So, maybe it was your need to protect each other that allowed you to fuse together." Gatomon suggested.
"I wonder what it would be like to Bio-Merge. Could you imagine what it would be like for us?" Kari looked down at the white cat on her lap.
Gatomon hummed as she imagined what they would look like, her mind viewing a version of Angewomon with short brown hair, no helmet but she had Kari's cherry colored eyes and had Gatomon's ears and tail while wearing a pink bodysuit and two white wings.
"It would be interesting." The white cat nodded.
"Yeah, I bet Agumon and I would look awesome." Tai grinned as he crossed his arms and imagined himself and Agumon Bio-Merging.
"What, now that Ken can do it, you think everyone can?" Dai asked.
"Why not? Isn't it possible? I mean, when Greymon first digivolved to his Ultimate form, everyone else was able to. It seems pretty common that when one succeeds, then soon others will follow." Kari explained.
Dai shrugged at that while Kari pet her cat's head and Tai looked over to see Izzy had a thoughtful look in his eyes.
"Daisuke, would you mind if I checked your D-3? Maybe there's an answer to this new evolution." Izzy requested.
"Sure." Dai said as she reached into her pocket and handed her digivice over to the redhead to examine.
To be continued…