Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .
The Experiment by
Edward's Eternal reviews
Edward is part of a sociology experiment offering free hugs. What happens when the shy girl he's noticed before ends up in his arms?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 12 - Words: 34,409 - Reviews: 1254 - Favs: 1,205 - Follows: 1,509 - Updated: 7/19 - Published: 9/2/2019 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Torn by
Dooba reviews
Bella Swan has survived a living hell, twice. She no longer speaks. Nobody ever listened. The Cullen family take her into their care. Bella fights to leave her past behind, but will she be able to let love in? AH M-rated for violence, content, language
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 92 - Words: 652,071 - Reviews: 17764 - Favs: 7,970 - Follows: 8,440 - Updated: 6/23/2019 - Published: 9/27/2010 - Bella, Edward
A descent like no other by
FlamingMaple reviews
When her mother's death precipitates a move to Forks, and Charlie's custody, things go from bad to worse, and Bella begins a descent like no other into hidden human, and then supernatural worlds. Set at the beginning of the Twilight saga, Bella meets Edward in entirely different circumstances. (ExB) HEA. Angst & triggers. PM me if concerned. Updates weekly.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 41 - Words: 130,864 - Reviews: 1270 - Favs: 486 - Follows: 483 - Updated: 2/11/2019 - Published: 8/28/2018 - Bella, Billy, Edward, Jacob - Complete
Karma's A Witch by
JacklynnFrost reviews
"Witchling." My vampire hissed, his black eyes narrowed in hate and hunger. "What have you done to me?" I decided the truth in this instance is best in order to survive. "I might have accidentally... bound our souls, oops." / Bella, a witch, and Edward, a vampire, find themselves bound forever. Warning: love adventure, minor character death, dark themes. AU, Smut, mates, EDITED
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 52 - Words: 269,134 - Reviews: 2346 - Favs: 1,648 - Follows: 1,393 - Updated: 2/5/2019 - Published: 6/1/2012 - [Bella, Edward] [Jasper, Alice] - Complete
Suddenly I See by
Imposters reviews
Darcy knows from his Second Sight that Elizabeth will one day be his wife. Of course, Elizabeth has no way of knowing his assurance is anything more than prideful conceit. Darcy's certainty will bring much uncertainty before it brings happiness to either.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 30 - Words: 109,620 - Reviews: 682 - Favs: 664 - Follows: 589 - Updated: 1/20/2019 - Published: 3/23/2011 - Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy - Complete
Mate by
sheviking reviews
"His gaze travels up and down my body, and I watch as he palms himself through his jeans, almost as if he's unaware of it, but I can tell he's straining against the button fly. Then, he leans over me again, and this time I don't shut my eyes. "Mate."" 1st place winner Public Vote for the Red-Eyed Edward Contest
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 25,235 - Reviews: 982 - Favs: 2,904 - Follows: 1,881 - Updated: 12/24/2018 - Published: 11/15/2015 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Dark Paradise by
allihavetodoisdream reviews
She lives in a make-believe world of open roads and endless freedom to escape an addiction-riddled mother and a grabby older man with sick intentions. Adrift in a place of uncaring hearts, she makes her getaway. She finds a ratty old motel, late night smokes, a new life, and a boy with a past as clouded as her own. A boy with a dark gentleness too beautiful to ignore.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 42 - Words: 58,232 - Reviews: 2950 - Favs: 1,135 - Follows: 1,680 - Updated: 12/13/2018 - Published: 8/5/2014 - Bella, Edward
Prey for the Wicked by
Aleeab4u reviews
A vampire finds the true meaning of temptation, an innocent beauty with a siren's blood. Need and curiosity ignite endless possibility, but is she prey for the wicked or the answer to a prayer for salvation? When obsession has no reason and love knows no bounds, where do you draw the line? AU E/B Darkward Mature themes. Non-canon vampires. No sparkling, vegetarianism or venom.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 160,677 - Reviews: 2798 - Favs: 2,021 - Follows: 2,295 - Updated: 11/10/2018 - Published: 2/28/2011 - Edward, Bella
Space Between Us by
missmarlee reviews
After her disastrous 18th birthday party, Edward left Bella behind, thinking she would be safer without vampires in her life. What will happen when he finds that someone has been harming Bella since he left? And when he returns, what will be left of the woman he loves? *Set during New Moon/canon couples*
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 28 - Words: 186,014 - Reviews: 362 - Favs: 266 - Follows: 359 - Updated: 2/11/2018 - Published: 10/19/2016 - Bella, Edward
Personally, I'd Rather Lick Sand by
orchidvines reviews
Lizzy is feisty and spirited. Darcy, not so much.
Pride and Prejudice - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,904 - Reviews: 1099 - Favs: 1,463 - Follows: 388 - Updated: 9/4/2017 - Published: 11/15/2008 - Complete
Vices by
allihavetodoisdream reviews
A struggling girl lives a colorless life. Until it all changes and her world is filled with neon-bright color. She soon gets swept away in the luxury and glamour of her new life. But everything comes with a price. ExB. Rated M for violence, drug use, language, and sexual content.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 17,914 - Reviews: 508 - Favs: 435 - Follows: 751 - Updated: 3/2/2017 - Published: 6/24/2015 - Bella, Edward
Creature of Habit by
EZRocksAngel reviews
Bella begins working for the elusive and distant Edward Cullen who she discovers is hiding behind an elaborate charade to maintain his secret lifestyle. Bella is determined to find out the mysteries of Edward Cullen but with what results? AU, OOC.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 33 - Words: 189,624 - Reviews: 14915 - Favs: 13,210 - Follows: 5,920 - Updated: 3/23/2016 - Published: 1/4/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Number Our Days by
twistedkey reviews
Bella Swan is a time traveler, drifting between the past and present. Can the Cullens help her find the cure before time runs out?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 32 - Words: 110,110 - Reviews: 1391 - Favs: 1,780 - Follows: 858 - Updated: 3/16/2016 - Published: 8/25/2015 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Substance by
Aurora18 reviews
When a vampire finds their mate they are inexplicably bound to them, the bond forged between the two is both eternal and unbreakable. It is also mutual, but what would happen if their other half were a human? New chapter up!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 13 - Words: 43,350 - Reviews: 460 - Favs: 427 - Follows: 545 - Updated: 3/1/2016 - Published: 6/9/2011 - Bella, Edward
Heaven by
drotuno reviews
Something is different about Edward, something that started in Italy, and he can't seem to get it under control. Canon, New Moon, AU, Edward POV, Rated M. For JenRar for her birthday
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 6 - Words: 24,543 - Reviews: 663 - Favs: 934 - Follows: 561 - Updated: 1/5/2016 - Published: 12/21/2015 - Bella, Edward - Complete
The Girl In The Meadow by
Simaril reviews
Bella arrives in Forks with a lifetime of memories of Edward and their time together. The only problem is that Edward hasn't met her yet. Time travel, love and forever share in a story of longing and waiting for the right moment to start their forever. Twilight/New Moon AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 39 - Words: 150,252 - Reviews: 2241 - Favs: 1,772 - Follows: 1,082 - Updated: 11/3/2015 - Published: 2/8/2015 - [Bella, Edward] - Complete
Hollywood by
allihavetodoisdream reviews
"She's Audrey Hepburn, and he's Cary Grant. She's Marilyn, and he's James Dean. She's timeless elegance, and he's old grace. She's searching, and he's already found, already taken. She's sixteen. And he's twenty-seven. But that doesn't matter. Not to a girl in love. Nothing matters, then." Edward & Bella in the definition of a forbidden relationship.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 31 - Words: 93,790 - Reviews: 3969 - Favs: 2,814 - Follows: 2,685 - Updated: 9/14/2014 - Published: 5/3/2014 - Bella, Edward - Complete
You Drive Me Wild by
ilithyae reviews
Isabella has always been told she was "big boned"; always a little curvier than her other friends and never being able to fit in. Others, like Edward Cullen were less tactful. "You're fat Bella, plain and simple- pun intended." This is Bella's journey to self-confidence, self-acceptance and angry love. OOC, fluffy, future lemons and mild language.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 35 - Words: 249,314 - Reviews: 569 - Favs: 500 - Follows: 716 - Updated: 6/20/2014 - Published: 10/23/2012 - Bella, Edward
Creating A Mate by
rmcrms5 reviews
Edward has given up ever finding a vampire mate. He's decided on a new strategy-he'll find a human to become his mate. Easier said than done when others are in the way of who he wants.AU OOC
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 36 - Words: 116,745 - Reviews: 2759 - Favs: 1,841 - Follows: 1,867 - Updated: 5/26/2014 - Published: 8/9/2009 - Bella, Edward
Serenity's Prayer by
ladylibre reviews
COMPLETE! When Edward takes Bella into the forest to dump her, her reaction completely surprises him. Will this be the end of B&E or will they find a new path to forever? A canon-based yet very different AU approach to New Moon. Some OOC and OC.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 55 - Words: 242,648 - Reviews: 2979 - Favs: 1,964 - Follows: 1,326 - Updated: 5/14/2014 - Published: 12/12/2011 - Bella, Edward - Complete
The Day The Earth Stood Still by
Sare Liz reviews
An AU rewrite of the entire series, largely from Edward's POV. -Winner of two Mystic Awards.- Outtakes found in DVMR.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 43 - Words: 337,124 - Reviews: 5383 - Favs: 3,892 - Follows: 3,166 - Updated: 2/10/2014 - Published: 3/14/2009 - Bella, Edward
Tropic of Virgo by reviews
He's a young but jaded musician writing lyrics for his band, and she's a naive, frustrated poet looking to break out of her shell; their words collide online. What happens when they meet in high school, unaware of their literary connection?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 37 - Words: 150,577 - Reviews: 20551 - Favs: 14,131 - Follows: 5,735 - Updated: 9/9/2013 - Published: 3/4/2009 - Complete
No Choice by
glasscannon.lj reviews
New Moon AU. During Bella’s run in with Laurent, what if the wolves had shown up just a few minutes later? Those minutes change Bella's life forever, and she must learn to deal with the consequences. Nominated for two Twific Indie Awards.
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 23 - Words: 118,888 - Reviews: 2641 - Favs: 3,600 - Follows: 3,449 - Updated: 5/24/2013 - Published: 5/22/2009 - Bella, Edward
A Madman's Mercy by
Amethyst Jackson reviews
New Moon AU - After leaving Bella, Edward gradually loses control of his ability. When he is led to believe that she is dead, Edward cracks, leaving Bella as the only one who can pick up the pieces. Co-written with Jacyevans.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 14 - Words: 55,639 - Reviews: 2759 - Favs: 2,738 - Follows: 2,901 - Updated: 12/13/2012 - Published: 4/9/2009 - Bella, Edward
Hiding in Plain Sight by
limona reviews
Bella is a witness in peril. Emmett Cullen is the deputy assigned to protect her. When the witness protection program isn't safe, Emmett asks Bella to pose as his brother Edward's fiancée until the trial. AU, AH, ExB.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 23 - Words: 141,120 - Reviews: 10873 - Favs: 12,424 - Follows: 12,905 - Updated: 6/14/2012 - Published: 9/14/2008 - Bella, Edward
Seeing Bella by
sherryola reviews
Alice has a vision of a girl with no vision. She will either save Edward from his life of lonely brooding, or she will destroy him with his destruction of her. Can Bella discover the Cullen family secret if she can't see? Canon vamps and couples. AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 50 - Words: 366,996 - Reviews: 4179 - Favs: 3,214 - Follows: 1,693 - Updated: 4/1/2012 - Published: 12/22/2010 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Book One: Reborn in Twilight by
Jae Bee reviews
From the author of I'm His Lobster comes my final project. A series of four stories. Rewrite of the Saga. All the same characters, with a new spin. Come with me on one final adventure. Read, Review and Enjoy. I don't own SM characters.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 25 - Words: 49,048 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 185 - Follows: 75 - Updated: 11/1/2011 - Published: 5/27/2011 - Edward, Bella - Complete
The Vampire in the Basement by
michellephants reviews
While hunting one afternoon, the boys stumble upon what appears to be a corpse. When they learn it's a severely broken vampire, they take him home to do what they can to help. But of course, fate has plans for this man. Canon Couples. AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 164,189 - Reviews: 11800 - Favs: 10,166 - Follows: 6,816 - Updated: 10/30/2011 - Published: 2/26/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Blue Edward by
Mrs. Cope reviews
What if blood weren't the only scent of Bella's that Edward smelled? How do you handle sitting next to someone who arouses your dormant sexual energy? A completed work.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 41 - Words: 101,467 - Reviews: 1213 - Favs: 1,148 - Follows: 678 - Updated: 8/23/2011 - Published: 12/29/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Ride by
kris salvador reviews
Bella wanted to fulfill a fantasy - to be groped inside a crowded train. She gets her wish and more, when a sex-starved ex-convict decides she's fair game. ALLHUMAN. Mature but with plot.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 19 - Words: 67,524 - Reviews: 4636 - Favs: 8,552 - Follows: 4,563 - Updated: 8/6/2011 - Published: 8/19/2010 - Edward, Bella - Complete
Empty by
Hev99 reviews
Set after Edward left in New Moon, assuming that he never returned and Jacob never helped Bella to heal. Two years later Bella's life is a nightmare until she is reunited with the family she misses so desperately. Can they save her from herself?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 42 - Words: 180,147 - Reviews: 1603 - Favs: 1,304 - Follows: 709 - Updated: 7/14/2011 - Published: 11/15/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Elemental by
TallulahBelle reviews
AU/AH: When the Swans return to their birthplace, Bella learns she is no ordinary teenager, and Forks is no ordinary town. Can she fulfill her destiny with the powerful Edward Cullen, or will the dark forces that threaten their families destroy them all?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 30 - Words: 189,571 - Reviews: 9540 - Favs: 9,967 - Follows: 5,271 - Updated: 2/8/2011 - Published: 7/23/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
The Mating Dance by
Xavier2163 reviews
AU Edward Cullen and his adoptive family moved to Forks to start a new life, but Edward’s life suddenly changes when he’s drawn into Bella Swan’s strange and dangerous world. Vampires mate for life, but what happens when that mate is human? OOC Lemons ExB
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 18 - Words: 317,683 - Reviews: 256 - Favs: 272 - Follows: 210 - Updated: 12/4/2010 - Published: 3/5/2010 - Edward, Bella
The Blessing and the Curse by
The Black Arrow reviews
By pretending she is falling for Edward, Bella is fulfilling Esme's dying wish. But sexy, possessive Edward can read her mind. Will she ever get into his? Can Bella forget the pain of her teenage years, and can she resist his relentless seduction? AH.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 140,448 - Reviews: 14543 - Favs: 17,028 - Follows: 8,777 - Updated: 9/10/2010 - Published: 5/31/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Breaking the Abusive Silence by
Ms. Jessica Cullen reviews
When Bella's mom dies of breast cancer, Bella moves to Forks with her dad in hopes of a better life. Charlie succumbs to alcoholism and starts abusing her. Edward Cullen torments her as well, but when shes forced to go to him, her bully, for help, can he?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 31 - Words: 107,029 - Reviews: 1830 - Favs: 2,066 - Follows: 775 - Updated: 7/2/2010 - Published: 4/2/2010 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Ethan Church by
dryler reviews
When Bella accepts an offer to write the biography of a severely reclusive author, the old, dying man she’s presented with and the young, too perfect man she meets while there convince her she’s missing some very important parts of the story. E/B, AU.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Mystery/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 37,805 - Reviews: 2989 - Favs: 3,956 - Follows: 1,957 - Updated: 5/7/2010 - Published: 5/26/2009 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Ascension by
changedbyEdward reviews
My romantic alternate to Breaking Dawn. Bella and Edward marry and have a romantic honeymoon that is cut short by some 'complications.' After their return to Forks, they must deal with what must come next. All Canon Pairings. Lots of romantic lemons.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 29 - Words: 202,344 - Reviews: 1699 - Favs: 1,604 - Follows: 581 - Updated: 9/12/2009 - Published: 12/17/2008 - Bella, Edward - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .
Daybreak reviews
Bella has been without a mate for centuries, content to live with her family and enjoy the company of her human friends. That is, until Edward Masen moves to Forks. Edward and his sister have lived a hard life with a dark past, but from the moment Bella saw him, she knew she was his, and he was hers. Bella and Edward must navigate their own path to love while facing their pasts.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 32 - Words: 186,743 - Reviews: 189 - Favs: 176 - Follows: 265 - Updated: 8/30 - Published: 10/1/2016 - [Bella, Edward]
Do Us Part reviews
Edward encounters a newborn Bella in the woods, a Bella with barely any memory and no ability to hunt. She has a gift, one that frightens him to the core of his being, and they must learn together to reconnect with their humanity and their hearts.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Supernatural - Chapters: 7 - Words: 12,040 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 93 - Follows: 139 - Updated: 10/2/2016 - Published: 7/17/2014 - Bella, Edward
World on a String reviews
This is a story set just after the cabin scene in Shadow Kiss. Feelings are confronted, discoveries are made, and powerful magic is at work. This was written long before Spirit Bound. Characters are relatively canon, a little fiery, a little jaded. HIATUS.
Vampire Academy - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,403 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 7/14/2014 - Published: 2/24/2014 - Rose H., Dimitri B.