Author has written 15 stories for One Piece, and Treasure Planet.
Some of my works are moving!
I will not be posting new works on this profile with explicit content. If you want sexytimes then look up my profile on AO3. Their tag system is better for labeling my work for the sake of my readers, and they actually permit explicit material to begin with. I will put up notices here when I do post something new and steamy. I'm also moving all my current explicit one-shots to AO3. I have been thinking about this for a while, and I'm choosing to post my more sexual and violent works on my other profile out of respect for FF's TOS, and because I believe it will ultimately benefit my readers.
For now I am leaving my multichapters here as well as on AO3 because I have not yet decided what I want to do... I may censor the versions I post here, but my original posts will always be available on AO3. Please feel free to contact me here or on my Tumblr account if you have any comments or questions about this move.
Currently Writing...
At Your Convenience Chpt 7
Beneath the Blue Chpt 4
On Temporary Hiatus...
Love, Utopia, and the Perfect Sandwich
Ripples in a Sea of Stars
Revanent Gyve
Works Now on AO3 Exclusively, Due to Sexiness or Excessive Blood...
To Bring Back the Rain: Sanji sets out to break the curse that is drying up the land with the help of his tree-spirit friend, Zoro, and the mysterious Professor Nico. My contribution to the One Piece Big Bang 2016.
Moving Forward: Zoro offers comfort and something more as Shuraiya opens up about his failure to complete his life-long goals...
Sing: Zoro is a work of art... Light BDSM with Brook/ZoroA Vision of Touch: Zoro has some time to himself... Solo PWP and full of Zoro sexytimes!
Bleeding Heart: Life is peaceful in Sanji's restaurant on the All Blue sea... until someone challenges Zoro for the title of the world's greatest swordsman.
Movements to Empower: In 1960s America, mixed race lovers, Law and Sanji have differing opinions about the organizations opposing the rampant police brutality. So when Sanji comes to Law to get treated for a minor wound he got from an altercation with the cops he gets a lot more than stitches...
He Didn't Mean for This: Chopper loses control while in his monster form.
Mouthing the Words: Let your dirty fantasies go wild for a minute.
Embarrassing Words: This is a CRACKFIC. Expect stupidity, sex pollen and unusual sex. Sanji messes with a plant which leads to sex. Of course. BONUS MarcoAce drabble in the second chapter.
Cherry Night: It's Sanji's birthday and Zoro decides to dress up for the occasion...
Fit to be Tied: Sanji educates Zoro on one of the finer points of fashion...
How They Spent Their Honeymoon: It's Zoro and Sanji - would you really expect there to NOT be a hospital bill involved?
Murder Over Breakfast: Everyone is so needy and ungrateful... Sanji snaps, and the crew doesn't stand a chance.-o-
Works Temporarily Unavailable Due to Rewriting/Moving...
Breaking a Few Personal Rules
Pink Burberry
Hot Date with a Hot Chase
Sand Scrapes