Prompt(from FFN): Zoro takes Sanji to the beach, and then they kiss during the sunset - Muffin
The rest of the movie went by accident free as Zoro was caught between the two heavens of having his arm around Sanji, and watching as the Ronin attacked Lord Kira's palace. It was such an amazing thing to revel in, being able to sit in a dark theatre with his arm wrapped around the man when only a few months previous he had just been watching the man from afar and this had been an impossible fantasy.
Picture perfect scene ending far too soon as the movie finished at the lights of the theatre were turned on signalling for the guests to leave. With great reluctance Zoro released the blond and followed him from their row of seats, quietly smirking as the blond made no move to take the fedora back from where it rested on his head. There was something internally satisfying about wearing an article of the other man's clothing.
"How's your head?" Zoro asked somewhat guilty as they exited the doors and out into the bright auditorium, still unable to believe he managed to punch his concussed boyfriend – fuck could he really call Sanji his boyfriend? – in the head when he still had fucking stitches in.
"I already told you, I'm fine mosshead." Sanji grouched back with a smirk while they began to make their way across the large mall toward the exit, "Keep bugging me about it and I'll re-injure your nose."
"Alright, alright." Zoro held his hands up in mock defensiveness, "I get it. No more coddling."
"Good." Sanji huffed approvingly as they exited the large building, Sanji sending a glance out towards Sabaody Avenue before muttering, "Wanna take the long way around?"
Zoro just smiled and nodded, hardly one to argue if he got to spend more time with the blond. As they made their way across the small area of town toward the Sea Train Walkway, they eventually made it to the large paved pathway that followed along side the coast of the city. Passing by cyclists and other pedestrians, the two men argued amongst themselves about the movie they had just watched.
"The romance sub-plot was so unnecessary!" Zoro grouched insistently, trying to get the blond to see sense.
"Are you kidding?" Sanji balked, "That was the best part! And that bittersweet ending; that's how romance films are done."
"It completely took away from the true story of the Ronin." Zoro whined petulantly.
Sanji just smirked tauntingly at Zoro's obvious annoyance before muttering, "It's kinda cute how defensive you are over their history."
A comment like that would have normally made Zoro's face light up red enough that he could be compared to a Christmas decoration, but instead his annoyance at the film managed to override it. Instead just continuing his pouting as they came to stop on the walkway.
"It's just annoying that they're more obsessed with Keanu kissing some chick on screen than honouring what the Ronin did." Zoro huffed somewhat childishly, "Hollywood ruins everything."
Sanji just chuckled quietly before smiling, "I've never seen you worked up about something before... I like it."
That had Zoro stopping his tirade in its tracks as he placed a hand at the back of his neck rubbing awkwardly as he looked to the side, "Yea, well..."
Sanji darted forward suddenly, arms snapping around Zoro's neck as he was tugged down into an attempted kiss that was blocked by the tip of the fedora poking the blond in forehead. A small chuckle was released against Zoro's lips before Sanji reached up to remove the hat and Zoro's internal demon was yelling at him in frustration as he continued to remain frozen in shocked confusion. With the hat out of the way Sanji once more leaned in for a kiss and it took only a second later for Zoro to spring into motion.
Without a single delay Zoro wrapped his arms fully around the blond, pulling him flush against himself as he tilted his head to the side to let the slide of kiss become more fluid and relaxed. Tongue playfully teasing the blond's as he could only momentarily compare that having a set of warm, moving lips under his was a million times better than a set of cold one's while giving panicked CPR to the man.
Zoro could hardly believe that everything happening in that moment was real; after all the sexual frustration, relationship confusion, and annoying emotional drama, he was currently standing here. On the edge of the ocean with the amazingly gorgeous blond in his arms as he was allowed to kiss him, and Sanji was kissing back like he wanted it just as bad. Arms comfortably around Zoro's neck as dexterous fingers tugged at his hair playfully.
The kiss went on for what could have been minutes or hours for all that Zoro cared, but eventually they both pulled away. Sanji's cheeks flushed as he kept his arms raised around Zoro's neck, collar of his jacket bunching around his face adorably as he let out a heavy breath, the coldness of the December evening making his breath slightly visible. Still barely separated from Sanji's lips Zoro looked down at the blond happily, not really feeling the need to move any further apart.
"I've wanted to do that for a while now." Sanji breathed against Zoro's lips, sounding like he just had the wind knocked out of him, and Zoro was completely in agreement of Sanji's sentiments.
Zoro only stood in place, somehow still in shock over the fact that Sanji had actually kissed him, and instead just nodded his head vigorously a few times. It prompted Sanji to start laughing, but Zoro would continue to act like an illiterate idiot so long as the blond kept smiling at him like that.