I do not claim to own or have created any characters, names or places belonging to One Piece or Treasure Planet. Also Robert Louis Stevenson wrote Treasure Island, so this is all his idea really. Blame him.

I began writing this as a present for my lovely friend, Sophiestaar. 3 I hope it meets your expectations, sweetie!


The shimmering, solar sails rippled and grew taut as the two-masted sloop soared further into deep space, leaving the little asteroid space port far behind. The ship's mechanisms hummed as the light from the nearby stars was absorbed by the sails and converted into energy. "ALL HANDS BRACE FOR ROCKETS!"

Sanji clutched harder at the rigging and stared back at the space-port that had been his home. It was odd seeing it like this - drifting like giant space sailer in the starscape, and lit by hundreds of tiny lights from the port. From this distance it was almost pretty. Sanji heard the ship's engine switch gears. The rockets engaged with a bone-rattling jolt and Sanji's stomach did flips as he swayed in the rigging... Or maybe it was the realization that he was finally leaving, sinking into his brain. He'd spent all nineteen years of his life on that shitty rock, and as the vessel rapidly picked up speed, Sanji felt a sense of loss that he'd never expected.

That place had been his prison - just a barren hunk of rock with dirty shacks and bars clinging to its surface. He'd hated it there since always. His thoughts had constantly been somewhere off among the stars, and he'd spent hours eagerly questioning the drunk and filthy space travellers that had populated the bar where he worked - yearning for even a second-hand taste of freedom. Day in and day out he'd cleaned, broken up fights, and dreamed of the future when a real deep space vessel would come to dock at their insignificant port.

He'd never really expected for that dream to come true - no one cared about their shitty corner of the universe. However, everything had changed in an instant, and the horns at the port had sounded to guide a deep space sailer into port. Sanji hadn't even realized those things still worked. He'd broken three dishes, but the bar owner had said that he couldn't go see until the dishes were done.

Not even an hour later the sailer's crew came to their bar.

He still didn't understand why, but the captain with his shaggy black hair, devilish grin and massive x-shaped scar on his chest had approached him while he bussed tables and stared, almost as soon as the crew had been seated at a large table. "I'm Luffy, and I'm going to All Blue! Will you join my crew?"

His crewmates had been incredulous and angry, but the captain had ignored them all - staring Sanji down with his sharp black eyes and manic smile. A sane man would have at least hesitated, but Sanji had long lost his mind living out that pale, lifeless existence. He'd found himself on the good ship the Thousand Suns within the day, and now he was sailing away from home for the first time in his life.

"Oi! Shitty deckhand! You are not here to enjoy the view! Get your skinny, blonde ass out of the rigging and help Usopp!"

Sanji slowly climbed down to the deck where the chief mate was waiting with his arms crossed and a dark scowl, "You're fucking slow, shitty curly. If you're going to be this fucking useless I might as well throw you overboard now and replace your weight count with booze!"

Rubbing his sore palms against his pants, Sanji glared back at the chief mate. He really hated this overly-muscled jerk. "My name is Sanji, dickface. Also I'm not useless! I just don't know what the fuck you're asking me to do!"

The chief mate snarled like the big, dumb animal he was and grasped at the hilt of one of the three swords he wore at his hip. Looming over Sanji with an unmistakable air of threat, he stared down the blonde with his one, good eye - the other eye deeply scarred and sealed shut. "Remember this you arrogant little shit. I don't think you're worth the space you're filling. The captain may have brought you on, but I'll be the one kicking you off at the next port if you don't start earning your keep!"

Sanji sneered and drew himself up to his full height, flipping his head to settle his bangs back over his left eye. He wasn't going to just let himself be threatened by this asshole. "I don't think that's your decision. I'm going to be a better sailor than you in no time anyway! It shouldn't be that hard for me to become the chief mate myself considering the current one is missing half his shitty face and the other half is a goddamn terrarium!"

He could practically see the moment when the bigger man decided to murder him. The chief mate's angry face went completely red - color even flooding into the roots of his strange green hair. His wide, rough hands grasped two of his swords with a white-knuckled grip, and all the muscles and tendons under his tan skin were visibly straining. Sanji hurriedly stepped back as the chief mate began to advance with blood-lust raging in his eye. If he was going to fight this brute he needed to get to a more defensible position where it was too narrow for those damn swords to get much use - basically he needed to be anywhere other than where he was out on the weather deck, and in the open. He continued to back away and search for an opening to make a break for the galley or the lower decks, but the chief mate's stance was too aggressive, and his potential range of attack was too long. Just when Sanji actually started to feel nervous, help appeared from above.


Alarm flashed across the chief mate's features and he leaped to one side. Mere seconds later the captain dropped, seemingly out of nowhere, and landed heavily on his feet right where the chief mate had been standing. The big guy looked none too happy about nearly being squashed. "LUFFY! YOU ALMOST HIT ME!"

The captain frowned, "You didn't catch me!"


"Zoro, you're a bad chief mate! I could have been injured!"


"Idiots..." Sanji muttered under his breath and strolled away with his hands in his pockets - taking advantage of the chief mate's distraction.

"Hey...!" A whisper from overhead drew Sanji's attention. He glanced up to see a blunt snout poking over the edge of the deck above the galley and wide, brown eyes watching his every move. The owner of the muzzle gestured frantically for Sanji to climb up with one dark, hairy arm. "Hurry!"

Sanji looked back to where the chief mate was still scolding the laughing captain, and figured he was better off not finishing the fight he'd picked earlier. He jumped as high as he could and grasped the wooden guard rail - feet scrabbling as he pulled himself onto the quarter-deck. As he crouched on the wooden planks and watched to see if the chief mate was still looking to slice him in half, the crewman who'd called him up urgently tugged on his sleeve to draw Sanji away from the edge. "Come on!"

Allowing himself to be pulled out of sight, Sanji grinned at the nervous space sailor who was tugging restlessly at a few strands of his curly black hair that had worked loose from his mess ponytail. "Usopp, wasn't it?"

Usopp turned back to Sanji with huge, accusing brown eyes, "Are you insane?! Zoro was going to kill you!"

Sanji shrugged, "I can handle myself. I would have been fine."

Floppy ears covered in fine, curly hairs twitched unhappily as Usopp whined his throat. "You better be careful. He might not stab you in the back, but Zoro is definitely going to try and get rid of you! He's really strong, and he's pretty scary when he's pissed."

Smiling, Sanji patted the concerned sailor on his solidly-muscled shoulder, "Thanks for the warning, friend."

Usopp's expression betrayed his amazement, "You really aren't afraid of him, are you?"

"I made my living back home dealing with lugs like him all the time. Like I said, I know what I'm doing."

"If you say so..." Usopp adjusted his overalls as he stood tall, "Of course I'm really the one they all look up to around here! Naturally I was only concerned about you! I'd never back down from a brawl with Zoro!"

Sanji raised an eyebrow, "Is that so? I'll be sure to ask for pointers sometime then."

After taking a moment to brush off his black pants and charcoal-grey vest, Sanji shoved his hands back into his pockets and looked back in the direction from where they'd come, "So, uh... Zoro, said you needed help?"

Usopp nodded, "The mast on the deck here is our mainmast. We need to replace our headsail because Nami said she saw a rip somewhere after cast-off."

Sanji stared up at the glittering solar sails uncertainly. This was his first time on a ship of any kind, and he had honestly no clue what half of what Usopp had just said even meant. "We just need to... replace the sail?"

"It's not so bad. At least it's not the big one. Come on. I'll show you how!"

As Sanji followed Usopp up into the rigging, he couldn't help but feel like this was a bad idea. He really should be wearing some sort of safety rope, and how the fuck did that knot work again? Usopp had already taken down the old sail and folded it away neatly to be repaired, and in the meantime Sanji hadn't even been able to tie a single knot. Usopp returned and tried to give advice, but Sanji only grew more confused and frustrated.

"Don't worry, Sanji! Not everyone can be the galaxy's greatest knot-tie-er!" Usopp puffed out his chest as he took the rope out of Sanji's fumbling hands and deftly tied that shitty knot without even looking, "I once saved an entire planet that was made out of rope, you know. It was starting to unravel and..."

"Wow, that's interesting..." Sanji interrupted and jerked a thumb over his shoulder, "But you know what? I'm just going to get out of your way. Since you're the expert."

Sanji escaped down the rigging before Usopp could protest. Sulking at his recent failure, Sanji jumped down from the quarter-deck and strode over to lean moodily on the ship's rail. "Sanji?"

He jumped at the sweet womanly tones of the navigator's voice and spun to see her frowning with her soft, orange-furred ears laying flat against her long, flame-hued hair. "Weren't you supposed to be assisting Usopp?"

"Yes but..." Sanji hated to disappoint a lady, but there was no way he'd be any use in the rigging.

"You don't know how to do any of it, do you? Tying the lines and such?"

"No, ma'am. I'm terribly sorry." He hurriedly reassured her, "But I can learn! Just give me time...!"

She interrupted him, waving a slender hand tipped with sharp claws, "No. We don't have time for that right now. I'm just going to have you help in the galley. You worked in a bar so you can do that much, right?"

Sanji's shoulders slumped and he nodded miserably. It seemed that he hadn't really left his old life behind at all. He followed in sullen silence as Nami led him to the galley - muttering under her breath the whole way. "I don't know what the hell Luffy was thinking..."

Well now he really felt worthless. Sanji sighed as he followed the beautiful navigator inside. He was met by the sounds of gears clicking and rhythmic chopping, and a deep voice humming a song Sanji didn't know.

"Why good evening, Miss navigator. Supper isn't ready yet, but I can find something for you if you're feeling peckish..." Sanji watched curiously as the cook wiped his hands on his apron - one hand made entirely of metal rods and gears. The cook's abnormally long, braided moustache twitched as he grinned at them toothily - his wrinkles deepening around his eyes. Eye, rather. A robotic eye squinted in mimicry of the left eye - its red, pupil-less lens sending a chill down Sanji's spine.

"That's not necessary, Mr. Baratie." Nami gestured to Sanji, "He's going to be working for you from now on."

The smile dropped instantly, and the cook frowned at Sanji, "This baby vegetable? Now see here, Missy, I can't be babysitting shitty brats! This is a galley, not a playpen!"

"Hey...!" Sanji's protest was silenced by a glare from Nami.

Nami crossed her arms, "Nonetheless, Sanji isn't suitable for sailwork, and god knows I'm not letting him anywhere near Franky or else we won't have a ship...! Just keep him busy and out of trouble. You can do that, can't you Mr. Baratie?"

"Aye, Miss. I can keep the skinny eggplant busy. If he doesn't shape up though I'll put him in a stew!"

"You see that you do. Thank you, Mr. Baratie."

Nami left, and the two men stood in silence - eyeing each other up cautiously. The cook broke the silence first, "You're just skin and bones there, aren't you? You better eat up now. You'll be working through dinner."

Sanji watched in amazement as the cook's robotic hand shifted and changed into a long handled ladle. The older man scooped the thick, brown contents from a pot on the stove into a bowl and shoved it into Sanji's chest. Sanji grabbed the bowl and took hold of the spoon. "Eat already, eggplant."

He shot a glare at the cook, "My name is Sanji. San - JI."

"I don't really fucking care what your name is brat. You will call me head cook or sir. And if you don't fucking eat every last drop of that stew I will personally break your tailbone with my leg here!"

The cook gave him a pointed look as he patted the iron pegleg replacing his right foot. "You're a cyborg?"

The cook rolled his eyes, "Well aren't you a fucking genius. When you're done put on an apron and wash your damn hands."

Sanji blew on the stew to cool it before starting to eat. It was delicious - way better than anything he'd ever had back home. Sanji ate everything and even scraped the bowl with his spoon to get the last drops. The cook wasn't watching him eat - as he had resumed his work, chopping vegetables and other ingredients with the multiple knives that had sprung from his metal hand. However, as Sanji carefully rinsed off his bowl and spoon in the sink, he felt that the cook's back radiated less hostility than before.

"Get your slow ass ready to work, shitty eggplant."

Maybe it was just his imagination.