Poll: Which story do you wish to see updated the most? This will determine which story wil get priorty for three chapters. Results: Final Fantasy I: Advent of the Second Light will receive three consecutive chapters of content over the next month or so. Updates will be delayed until a technical issue is resolved on my end. Vote Now!
Author has written 4 stories for Persona Series, Star Ocean, Final Fantasy I-VI, Misc. Games, and Tales of Phantasia. Username: Azure Blade of Chaos/Haos Serpent Blade-Azure Fang(-) Nickname(s): Hidden, Chaos, Haos. Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral, Lawful-Good, Bored. Age: 18. Gender: Male. Major: Biomedical Science. Hobbies: Reading, Drawing, Writing, Gaming, Listening to Music. Generally all at once. Dreams: Actually finish writing, help others. Favorite Video Game Series: A ton. Games I Want to Play: Zero Dawn Horizon, FFXV, Persona 5, Tales of Berseria. Favorite Book Series/Books: Iunno, aside from Good Omens. Favorite Authors: Same as above. Favorite Art Style(s): Animation Favorite Genre of Music: None, song by song basis. Favorite Animals: As long as it doesn't try to maul or follow me around... Favorite Monsters(Monster Hunter): Anything that isn't a Blagonga or 140 Apex Jho Mortal Enemy Monsters: Blagonga, 140 Apex Jho About Me as an Author: I write what interests me, which varies. Mood and character synchronization determines quality. I end up generating more ideas than I could possibly use, but I can storyboard if need be. Most likely to rewrite everything. Story Ideas: Where to begin... |
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