Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, and Halo. Hello folks, Its been a long time since I've done any writing here, and I got a brand new pen name to celebrate the occasion. I'll be working on one story at a time for the forseeable future, and I'll do my best to update once a week from here on out. Stories The Future of Ruin: Harry Potter has been reincarnated more times then he can count. Always needed to kill a madman, but this time its different. The world has changed. Much of it lies in ruin and monsters roam the country terrorizing what few people are left alive. A nuclear holocoast that blanketed the world centuries ago has left it a desolate place. Pairing: ?/? Rating:M for all kinds of graphic adult stuff. 9/25/13 A Different War: I posted this a long time ago under the name Lukan Marvolo. Loved that pen name. Anyway, I got out of the fanfiction community for a while and had stopped updating, but now I'm back, and I noticed people are still reviewing this thing, so I thought I'd do a rewrite. Harry is a Phoenix Knight, a biologically and magically enhanced individual waging war against Voldemort and his Death eaters. He's caught in a ritual that supposed to remove him from existence, but instead sends him flying far into the future, where he bumps into a certain armor clad Spartan. Chaos ensues. Pairing: There's no pairing, they're far to busy defending the universe from total destruction to find dates, but Harry would totally be with Hermione, if she was in the story for more than five minutes. Rating: Mature for obvious reasons. 10/26/18 Future of Change: Sequel to Future of Ruin, takes place on an alien world, deals with that, and building a colony for surviving humans, i really recommend reading the first one before this, its about as different from a normal Harry Potter story as one can get and rest assured, you will be confused as hell otherwise. i took a long hiatus but have been cranking out weekly updates since returning. Future Projects: there may be a third ‘Future’ story, I don’t know for sure, lots of potential there but it wont be anything like change, would have to be much darker. As of right now, i have no plans to continue A Different War, too many people were pissed off about me changing aspects of canon, which is kinda the point of fanfiction, but it made the story more of a chore, and I do this for the fun of it, if theres enough interest i might continue it one day, but it ended with the first game and could be considered complete, if I do, it would diverge wildly and not follow any additional games at all. potter/elder scrolls: I was approached with a challenge to write a crossover in these two genres, the idea is intriging, but I plan on taking a break after Change to work on original stuff for a while, and it would be a bit daunting. I love ES, but I dont know enough lore and dont want to butcher things, so this would really take some time and research. 2/6/19 so the results of the poll are in, looks like I will be continuing the future series. Expect a new story up near the start of April folks. 4/22/19 Sorry I haven't updated recently, but I'm behind schedule on my original work, like by a month, so please have patience and I will be back to everyone soon, once i get my rewrite taken care of I'll be focusing back on fanfiction for a while. Thanks, Harkon 8/2/19 I promise im not dead, these things take longer than i antocipated and promise to get back as quick as i can. To Mark: Get an account buddy so I can dm you lol Spoilers for FOR: Guns exist from the old world, perhaps i failed to mention most of those guns don't work, the few bullets left are hoarded religiously, Harry gets as many as he wants cause magic lol. He rarely ends up using it, its mostly to blend in and prevent him from dealing with as many assholes if he goes "unprotected" I threw out something old sounding when i said bronze age i mostly meant the kind of tech they can create now mostly salvaged from the scraps of ruins, there are pockets of civilization thereare a tad more advanced. But they are widely spread apart Challenge Issued: I have hunted across time and space itseylf in the search of a decent Harry Potter/Guyver cross-over and I have yet to find one. For those of you that don't know, Guyver is a Japanese anime/manga about a kid that obtains this insanely powerful, semi-sentient suit of armor called a guyver unit. It multiplies the users power by 100 if I remember correctly, can heal any wound, comes with all kinds of lasers, cannons, and swords and is just all around bad ass. I've always wanted to read a story where Harry obtains one of these devices, and have yet to really find one. It doesn't have to be a deep cross-over, Harry finding a Guyver unit and learning to harness it would be great, so if anyone is interested, I just thought I'd throw that out there. -Harkon. Dumping Grounds INFO Current level: 4 XP: 461/750 HP: 300 MP:220 Stats: Your stats are a measure of key factors that govern what kind of player you are, they help influence your physical and mental capabilities. You gain 3 additional stat points for every level. Harry Potter: Second Life uses the M.A.G.I.C. system to guide stats. Might: Might guides your strength, endurance, and health. The more might you have the stronger you are! 1 point here equals 10 additional health added to your base health pool. The more health you have the harder you are to kill (or at least you can get your ass kicked longer before dying) (11) Agility: Run like the wind, leap with the power of a kangaroo! Agility governs speed, reflexes, fluid movement, and flexibility. Governs jump height and length, effects fall damage. (26) Gumption: wisdom, moxy, ability to apply knowledge and critical thinking, logic. (Not suited for the average wizard.)(10) Intelligence: Book smarts, capacity to learn, 1 point here equals 10 points to magic pool. Yay you’re a walking encyclopedia of useless information! (8) Charisma: Can you woo the masses? Can you lie with the best of them and bullshit your way out of any situation? Charm witches right out of the nickers with enough Charisma! (3) Perks- Perks are abilities and talents not controlled by your M.A.G.I.C. Everybody gets to pick a perk every other level, but special circumstances might unlock unique ones. The Avatar Perk (unlocked): This little treat grants you the physical capabilities of a game protagonist, you cannot be eviscerated, crushed, mutilated, or gored. Broken bones cause a -50% to mobility in the limb for up to an hour, unless healed. Death only occurs when the user’s health has dropped to zero. Most healing potions have near instant effects, sleeping in your own bed will fully restore health and magic. These strange effects will not be readily apparent to the average individual. Pocket plunderer: Who wants to dig through the pockets of corpses? Automatic looting of fallen enemies. Tinkerer: You like to make stuff, and are fairly good at cobbling together useful items, even from junk. Gain experience from what you make, and the higher your level, the less stuff you need! Also grants 1 point to intelligence every three levels. Audible Orator: plus five to charisma when giving a speech, gives you that little edge to herd the sheep so to speak. Wacky Wizarding World: (unlocked) The world of magic is a strange and nonsensical place, this becomes even more apparent. Mage sight: (unlocked) Outlines enemies in red, friendlies in green, used to gather useful information on objects and individuals, some magic sensing properties to boot!. Gains three feet to range every three levels, has a starting radius of ten feet. Ghost walk:(unlocked) vanish from an enemies sight by crouching, sudden or quick movement cancels ghost walk instantly, subtle or slow movement lessons the effect somewhat, making sound cancels Ghost Walk. Skills: Skills measure your progress toward mastery of every and any subject. More skills become visible as they are encountered in the wild and unlocked. Skills have no upper limit to proficiency, but grow harder to grind over time. Being a level one weakling would normally lead to no skills to speak of, lucky for you, you’re special sunshine and get to keep a few things from your last try at this whole ‘living’ thing, albeit at a lower level than it was. Wanded magic: How hard could waving a stick around be? (15) Wandless Magic: Never mind, I don’t even need the stick. (16) Wordless Casting: use a spell without saying a word, drains twice as much magic to being with, drops by 5% every 20 levels until cost is negligible. (7) Parceltongue: This was a bit of a double edged sword wasn’t it? Go ahead and talk to any snake you like, be warned, most of them are snarky bastards. (Maxed) Transfiguration: proficiency at turning one thing into another. (6) Charms: Proficiency at altering an object without changing its essential nature. (12) Herbology: Affinity for plants. (5) Potions: Affinity for potions (3) DADA: Ease of defending against the dark arts. (17) Fly: Affinity for flying in all its forms. (10) Stealth: Avoiding detection and getting around obstacles unnoticed. (26) Unarmed Combat: Fighting weaponless.(10) Mundane Weapons: fighting with nonmagical weapons. (6) Duel weilding: using two weapons at the same time (4) Mind Arts: Reading and manipulating of other's minds, protection of one's own. (10) UPDATES: wanted to let you lot know next chapter of dumping grounds is going to be a bit still, sorry everyone but I'm in the hospital for the forseeable future, with the current pandemic going on i wont be able to have anyone bring me my writing stuff either, if i can manage it in my phone I'll try, but thats particularly hard given this is a litrpg and i really need my references and notes in this one :/ sorry guys, we'll get back to normal postings before too long. Thanks, Harkon |