Reviews for The Falling
stevem1 chapter 25 . 6/28
This is a good story. It has some flaws, like Sinistra and Umbridge escaping despite more than an half wands firing spells at them. Other flaws including Bones double-talk to avoid taking actions against the Malfoys (they were forced has never been a defense, except in Wizarding Britain, now expanded beyond an Imperius to include hard words) and doing a frame up to avoid WRC involvement.

Harry appears to be going dark at times, which is where the story takes off, but then crashes with subsequent talks about morality and not doing something they’d regret. That’s Dumbeldore language and the reason captured death eaters live to kill and maim again.

The ending was awesome. Hermione removing Dumbledore from the equation was well played, though a I question why the smartest witch would use the killing curse when a cutting curse would do. Maybe because it leaves no marks?

The Harry/Hermione relationship is well done.
Sleepyhawk502 chapter 25 . 6/26
Wow! Awesome story so far. thanks for sharing!
Lyle Rose chapter 25 . 6/25
Since when is the middle of a story the end? Oh well, onto the sequel I guess. Good work, liking it so far.
FanFicfan111 chapter 25 . 4/21
Yeah thats right cant finish in simple one book, writes sequels. Learn from Harry Potter and the Methods Of Rationality, you can write great fics 700 k words without sequels. But you are just too greedy for reviews, follows and favorites knowing your crap cant be that good, so you leach on useless sequels !
abhinavvemuri123 chapter 1 . 4/17
Abso-fucking-lutely not Dumbledore is gay and probably twice as old as McGonagall
MissyMoeDoe chapter 25 . 3/8
WHAT THE EVER-LOVING-FRIGGEN-FUCK!? Ok... Yeah, I'm calm...sure. Damn...
MissyMoeDoe chapter 22 . 3/8
Ok... so Hagrid finally turns up but no sign of the Nypho and the Dragon babysitter? Yes, I'm upset with them. I mean wth? and NOW Mrs Weasley decides to go against Dumbles? What's up with that?
Yeah, I think I gotta get out more.
First I have to finish this. You know... To the brink and all that.
MissyMoeDoe chapter 16 . 3/7
Ok...wait wait... 'He believes by now that I am there'... Where the frig is Ol Voldy setting up court if not in the Malfoy homestead? I know... all will be revealed soon. Ahhh but the power of the angst. Now on to hit the next button.
MissyMoeDoe chapter 13 . 3/7
Hol-an-lee shit... yep that about says it.
MissyMoeDoe chapter 11 . 3/7
That's so not how I thought it was going to go down. Although, I am glad that Cho didn't turn out to be bad. I think I might be way to invested in this fic. Oh well, I have to finish it.
MissyMoeDoe chapter 7 . 3/7
Oh no... ok why didn't Hermione immediately tell Harry about Draco kissing her? damn damn damn... Ok... I will have faith that she's gonna tell him before something really bad happens ... know like Cho mouthing off... dun dun dun... alright on to the next chapter.
JustinC100 chapter 1 . 3/6
At least for this first chapter, you have captured the characters pretty adequately. Although, Dumbledore is actually gay.
booklover2314 chapter 14 . 2/11
I made it this far and I don't have any interest in finishing. The plot doesn't flow very well and with everything that's already been changed I don't want to know what's in the next 11 chapters. Harry's exponential power trip combined with the Tonks/Charlie situation and now what's happened with Ginny is not the direction I was hoping the story would go. I don't recommend this.
szabo.alexandra1991 chapter 25 . 12/8/2019
THIS WAS FUCKING AMAZING! I loved this story and now of to the sequel. Virtual hugs
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 25 . 11/22/2019
What an end.
I read the previous one first without realizing it.
It seems to me that Ginny was brainwashed.
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