Reviews for Name of the Game
The Man of Time chapter 11 . 8/17
fantastic story! keep it up!
redHussar chapter 11 . 8/16
Slightly different gamer than others - focused on his traits instead of on exp. I liked his attempts at improving relationship with people while he lived in Little Whining. I'm curious what will be the key to finally break Petunia's hatred - I can see that there must be some secret, hidden method.

I think that there is some mix-up in advantages and disadvantages.
'Nice guy' and 'Hero complex' should be disadvantages, no matter how much stats it gives him - these two traits force his behaviour, mind-control him into doing things that aren't always logical.
Similarly, recently 'Lecherous' became advantage - he is flirty and by this he quickly gains girls' friendsihps.

Quite honestly, my biggest disappointed comes from this 'Lecherous' trait, but don't take it too seriously ;) I simply was expecting that Harry wouldn't be able to control himself and would constantly sexually harass girls and be slapped in his face for it. It has great potential for comedy - Harry commenting that a girl has nice breasts, gaining reputation of a sexist pig in Hogwarts. I can already see the disgusted gazes of passers-by. And from time to time, there would be this girl, like Jo, who would be exasperated, but would still sleep with him.

Right now it's more like a compulsive paying compliments. 'Chivalrious', 'Flirty' would be more fitting names.
NazgulBelserion chapter 11 . 8/14
Ya idk I'm just not feeling it , it's ok I just dont like Harry it's like he hasnt learned still acting like a moron
NazgulBelserion chapter 7 . 8/14
He's obsession with the fan girl is gross
Epro987654 chapter 11 . 8/14
Thank you for the chapter!

One question though, shouldn't his Herbology skill have risen from lvl 1 0%? His potioneering is at level 20 so it seems like he should have earned some skill exp from herbology class
firestarter1188 chapter 11 . 8/14
Not a fan of your gamer fic. Don't like the hud or the way he is developing his skills
Vallavarayan chapter 10 . 8/14
One fact I hated about all the time travel fics- they forget that Voldemort was barely alive and a shade- he had cursed his own existence by drinking unicorn blood.
In book 4 or 5 we also read about how he could barely possess rats by the time peter finds him(or he finds peter)
Without peter- that shade would have gotten weaker and weaker before it probably went into hibernation or even died off.
If Harry got peter and crouch killed- Tom would have probably died with no one the wiser.
explosiveteddy chapter 11 . 8/14
I don't get it? I really don't. Why isn't Harry loading his saves? Yes he'll need to redo a few stats etc, but it could have avoided the entire Hermione bullshit and he could have easily loaded a save when he saw the troll, and simply avoided it or been prepared for it? I don't get it. In previous chapters he misuses it extensively, but after the builder says he'll have to redo his stats he only does it once, to meet Ginny and not to get his best friend back, figure out what really happened to her or beat the snot out of a troll? Wtf are you doing. I love this story and to be honest, Harry not doing the most obvious thing EVERYONE does when things go even slightly tits up in a game kinda ruined the story for me. God damnit. And I was so loving this.
Vallavarayan chapter 9 . 8/14
Don’t tell me you are having Harry feel bad for the guy who pleaded to the dark lord to have him and his father killed and to leave his mother alive to be given to him?
Because that’s what snape did- he gave the information that led to their death to Tom, and then asked for only lily to be left alive so he could have her.
You think lily would forgive him for that? I hated how cannon Harry names his child after two people who were most responsible for most of his life’s misery and not 2 of his parents friends who have their life for him.
frankieu chapter 11 . 8/14
good to see ya back in action
thx for the chapter thx for writing it
interesting with voldy and snape
FinalKingdomHearts chapter 11 . 8/14
I look forward to the next chapter.
AzazelTheFallen chapter 1 . 8/14
Or not...ignore the last review from me then, seems something was messed up on my end
AzazelTheFallen chapter 11 . 8/14
Yo you might wanna check on your first chapter, the formating is all messed up
As in
It shows the formating
Font,font size etc etc
Darksnider05 chapter 11 . 8/14
Yeah this chapter was interesting to the medical part the problem wasn't enough to be worth any lasting damage. Magic healing in Harry potter is ridiculously advanced nerve damage isn't happening unless there's deliberate dark magic going on.
black9 chapter 11 . 8/14
Love the Bridgeburners, spread the culture my friend!
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