Author has written 15 stories for Harry Potter, Dragon Ball Z, Beauty and the Beast, Demon Diary, and Yu-Gi-Oh. H'okay. Well. Revamping my profile, because I don't use my account for the same things I used to. Mostly, now I only put up fics when I want reviews. I'm rather egotistical that way. Now, a list of a few important things: 1. All chaptered fics that are not already completed will, more likely than not, NEVER be completed. This includes It Is Never Wrong. Sorry. 2. For The Golden Cage, no. I've not written a sequel, nor will I ever write any more in that universe. However, a friend of mine once wrote a sequel story (ish), and if you'd like to read it, you can PM me and I will send you a link to it. 3. If you've read my work and have fallen in love with it, if you feel you need to read more and more and more right this moment (I told you I was egotistical), then allow me to direct you to my writing journal: http:/// 4. If you want to know more about me, allow me to direct you to my personal journal: http:/// It's Friends Only, but I have no qualms about adding people. In fact, I love new friends. 5. If you think I'm awesome/my writing is genius, then send me a PM. : ) I think that's all that's important. Enjoy my fics! -Chi |