Author has written 6 stories for Merlin, Ranger's Apprentice, and Voltron: Legendary Defender. Profile pic: Cartoon of me done by my one of my good friends S. Inman. Thanks for the pic! I LOOOVVVVEEE the Ranger's Apprentice Series. I saw this today on _'s profile and just had to repost. This is How you KNOW you're obsessed with Ranger's Apprentice. 1. You can quote almost all of the dialogue. 2. You can hear Wills' voice in your head. 3. You just KNOW Halt's also in your head, telling Wills' voice to shut up. 4. You've memorized "Greybeard Halt" *Adds to To Do list* 5. You want a bow and arrow set. ( My little brother has actually made one out of wood and rubber bands. It works!) 6. You actually dream about Ranger's Apprentice. 7. You're reading this right now. 8. You sneak around, trying to scare people like you're a ranger. 9. You want to be a ranger. How did you know??? 10. You read Ranger's Apprentice and now you think being short is SO COOL!! (or Tall) 11. You write fanfiction for Ranger's Apprentice. 12. You think it would be fun to be Wills' apprentice. 13. Now you're sad because you aren't. 14. But you imagine yourself as his apprentice. 15. Now you're grinning like a moron. 16. The front left side of your brain is constantly saying, "Rangers Rangers RANGERS! MUST! READ! RANGER'S! APPRENTICE!!" 17. You'd LURVE to meet John Flanagan. 18. You happen to know that there's a contest to do so. 19. You're now jumping up and down, fangirl shrieking about meeting Flanagan. 20. You're going to enter the contest. 21. You're sad because the contest is over. 22. You want to kill me for telling you about a contest that's over. 24. You'd rather read Ranger's Apprentice than do your homework. 25. You'd rather read Ranger's Apprentice than watch TV. 26. You always want to read Ranger's Apprentice. (I just want to read them over again for the first time) 27. You want there to be a Ranger's Apprentice comic book. 28. You'd actually tackle glomp someone if they had a Ranger's Apprentice comic book. 29. You'd cry with joy if you got to have a Ranger's Apprentice comic book. 30. You'd cry in despair if the comic book got damaged in any way. 31. You just KNOW that the Ranger's Apprentice books radiate power. 32. You accidently called your brother "Horace" yesterday. (haha) 34. You want to warp yourself into the Ranger's Apprentice world so you can replace Alyss. 35. You're smiling and nodding while you read this. 36. You CANNOT WAIT ANOTHER SECOND for the Ranger's Apprentice movie. 37. You want to see the Ranger's Apprentice movie in the theater. 38. You're going to spend the whole movie going fangirl. 39. You're going to have a hard time not fangirl squealing during the film. 40. You know it's the truth. 41. One of the reasons that you can't wait to see the film is so you can go fangirl and scream at your friends about how cute Will is. 42. He really is adorable. 43. Your parents want you to shut up about Ranger's Apprentice already. 44. They really really want you to. 45. Now you're going to post this list in your profile with everything you've actually done or thought in bold letters. 46. You just hit copy. 47. Don't lie, you know you did. 48. You're thinking about Ranger's Apprentice again. 49. You even know the names of the background characters. 50. Now you're sad because there are SO many other things that can prove you're obsessed with Ranger's Apprentice. |