Why hello. Just here to disclaim I own Voltron...cause if I did...there'd be a lot more Lance in there that's for sure amiiiright?

Anyway enjoy

The first thing he thought was that it was quiet, more than what he was normally used to. There was a slight scraping noise that was slowly growing louder as the fog cleared in his mind. Soon he registered the floor moving beneath his back and the sound finally clicked as his own body being dragged. His eyes were still drooping, fighting him from opening fully. Flashes of purple lights invaded his reduced vision and the pain slowly creeping into his bones confirmed where he was.

A Galra ship.

Now if he could just remember why he was on one that'd be great. Was it his own fault? Had everyone been captured? What exactly was going on here? The Galra soldier dragging him by his tied hands went through a door and halted before he could figure anything out.

Man, he'd love to know what happened to make it feel like he was put through a blender but his mind pulled a blank. His chest hurt, it was difficult to get in a full breath. He didn't think he could move much even if he wanted to.

"What is this? I told you to grab the small green one."

"This one pushed the green one out of the way. We did not have time to capture any others."

"You have failed your mission. Reported to Commander Ratak."

Lance breathed a sigh of relief. They hadn't captured Pidge. Or the others by the sound of it.

"Oh man, you wanted the green paladin? Did I just save you a world of pain."

It took him a two seconds to realize that was his own voice suddenly speaking up. Both voices stopped and he could feel eyes on him. He took that as an invitation to continue talking. Not a smart idea but hey, he was a nervous talker and in this situation on a Galra ship one could say he was a tinsey bit nervous.

"I mean, she'd be hacking your systems by now even with her hands restrained, she'd be on a pod back to Voltron in no time flat. I'm sure she'd find a way to send all your Galra pals all your embarrassing naked baby pictures too while she was at it, she's hilarious like that. She'd probably even-"

He was silenced when another guard landed a solid punch to his face, snapping his face to the side. Lance had been punched before, probably more than he'd like to admit but that was without a doubt the angriest punch he'd ever been on the wrong side of. His brain lagged behind and his vision blurred staring at the floor, his jaw open in shock. Drops of blood dripped onto the ground from his lips forming a growing puddle. It would've been nice to have his helmet at that moment of time, he wondered morbidly if it would've broken under the impact. His cheekbone seemed to have.

"I'd advise you silence yourself before we do it for you."

The retort, something about how they do that exactly, if it was by removing their prisoners tongues and if so where do they put them after? Did they have a big room of tongues? Did they eat them? They probably did, filthy tongue eaters. It was one of the toughest things he had ever had to do, not to obnoxiously ask those questions just to see the looks on their faces.

He wasn't even sure if the questions were truly as funny as he thought or if it was the concussion talking that he so obviously had.

Either way he didn't ask but he couldn't resist a chuckle at his own thoughts.

Which earned him a swift kick to his midsection, he curled up on himself as best he could and tried to get a breath into his lungs. Something had happened to his chest in the blank part of his recent memories and it made it harder to breath on a regular basis, mouthing off could get damage it beyond repair. He needed to heal but first he needed to breath. A few more words were exchanged between the two Galra that he was too dazed to hear and he was dragged away. He let himself go limp, too exhausted and worn to stand and fight, finally managing to get in a few small breathes.

Did he mean to hook his foot on every corner when they turned so the soldier would have to tug him off of it? Maybe. Did he dig his heels into the ground to make it a little harder to drag him? Perhaps. He had to do something, he couldn't completely let them get their way. By the time they stopped at a door he was thoroughly spent in his little acts of rebellion. The Galra soldier, a little more lanky then he usually saw them, with a crooked scar across his forehead dropped his tied hands and began pulling on his armor.

That sent a little alarm through Lance's mind, without a second thought he swung, no one undressed him without his consent. His hands collided with the purple face above him. It wasn't very hard though, not enough strength behind it, the hit didn't even move the Galra's face. Apparently his patience with Lance had ran out and with a simple rough backhand he left Lance staring dizzily at the walled too stunned to do anything else.

Lance felt the armor being removed, not too gently, until nothing but his black suit under-armor remained. Thankfully it stopped there, the door was unlocked and Lance was picked up by the front of his shirt and thrown inside. He landed on his side, head cracking against the floor, hard and uncaring. The door slammed shut and the room was thrown into darkness.

For a moment Lance's heart raced again, thinking that he'd be alone in the cold dark. His eyes began to adjust however and he realized that there was light, albeit dim, but enough to see around a bit, his tied hands in front of him came into view. Before he could take in his new surroundings there was a hand on his back and Lance flinched roughly, jostling everything all over again. He had to get away.

He had to get away.

He had to move. Move. Move. Move dammit!

His body didn't really listen, barely twitching away in exhaustion. He didn't mean to let out a rather high pitched keening noise but damn everything hurt.

"Hey, hey. Shhh. You're okay. You're okay. Stop moving. You're gonna be okay."

At that he snorted. How was any of this okay? But he sucked in breaths and tried to calm down anyway. The hand returned, pressing warmth into his back.

The warmth made him freeze. That was something odd about that hand, in the fact that the hand wasn't alien at all. That right there was a human hand.

His head managed to turn, just enough so he could peer up at whoever was trying to comfort him. The young man's eyes that met his widened in surprise as did Lance's.

"You're human? What is another human doing way out here?" The other man said in surprise.

Lance couldn't breathe, there, kneeling behind him was the spitting image of Pidge. Orange hair all astray, a little less feminine but there he was. One of the people Pidge had sacrificed so much for to find.


That's all for today folks, drop a review and let me know what ya thought. They give me life, and motivation to update even faster. Thanks for reading! Pce out gangstas.

-Next chapters will be longer also ;)