Hello Everyone! This is my first story in this fandom and I am really excited to try it out. I just found Voltron fairlyrecently and have loved every second of it and so decided to try my hand at a story. As of right now in my story, season 5 has not happened (mostly because it was not out when I started writing this) and the Shiro in this story is the real Shiro (not the Clone Shiro). But everything else should be relatively the same. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Lotor smiled as he looked down on his colorful array of prisoners. Finally, his patience and planning paid off in the end. The paladins of Voltron knelt before him.

"How the mighty have fallen!" he said with a grin.

"What do you want?" Shiro asked.

"I know that the castle and your lions got away. I want to know where they went."

"NEVER!" all five paladins roared.

"All right. I was expecting that. I guess I will have to do this the hard way."

"Do what?" Hunk asked.

"Break voltron apart."

"And how do you suppose to do that?" Lance sarcastically asked, still fidgeting in his restraints.

"Simple. To break something down you start with the foundation, the legs if you will."

Two guards came up and grabbed Lance and Hunk and dragged them out of the room.

"Where are you taking them?" Keith yelled fighting the guards restraining him.

Lotor went on like he didn't hear him. "And then you rip out the supports, the arms."

Shiro tried to step in front of Pidge protectively, but was beaten to her by a guard. She and Keith were dragged out of the room in the same way.

Here, Lotor got down and knelt before Shiro. Grabbing his face, he turned Shiro back and forth as if inspecting him. "But we all know the most important part is the head."

Shiro yanked his face out of Lotor's grip. "It doesn't matter what you do to us. Voltron will never be yours."

Lotor just laughed as he motioned for his guards to take Shiro away as well. He sat down on his throne and smiled with delight. This was going to be so much fun.

Hunk and Lance continued to put up a fight for the guards that were dragging them. Hunk, being significantly stronger than the lankier blue paladin seems to be making headway when a well timed punch to Hunk's stomach effectively knocked the air out of him. He slumped in the guards grasp and Lance immediately noticed.

"Hunk?" Lance asked desperately, wanting to make sure his friend was ok.

"I'm fine." Hunk wheezed. That's when they realized that they were being pulled separate directions.

"Wait." Lance creid. "Aren't we supposed to be together. You know, the whole legs of Voltron."

"Lotor's orders." a sentry said as they continued to pull them apart.


And that was the last Hunk heard of his friend as the rounded a corner and he was dragged along to some other cells. The sentry opened the door and threw him in and close the door behind him. Hunk got up, his stomach already feeling a little better from the punch and began to look around. He tried to peek out of his cell to cell where they had taken Lance and was met by another group coming down the hall.

"Get off me." a distinctive voice carried down to him letting him know that the green paladin was soon coming to join him, hopefully. The guards came up to the door, opened it, threw Pidge in and closed it behind her. Hunk rushed up to Pidge.

"Hunk." she sighed, face full of relief.

"Hey Pidge."

Pidge looked around the cell. "Where's Lance?"

"They carried him down a different hallway. Where's Keith?"

"The same, they split us up."

Hunk went to sit down against the wall. "Well, I guess all we can do now is wait."

Pidge went and sidled up next to Hunk. They fell into a comfortable silence as they waited and soon dozed off.

Lance was thrown into a cell. The door closed behind him, and he took the time to look around his cell. "Home sweet home." he muttered aloud to the silence. He looked at the chains hanging on the wall and wondered if he and them were going to become good friends soon.

Suddenly the door opened and Keith was thrown in next to him. The door shut leaving the two boys alone.

"Where's Hunk?" Keith asked, looking around the cell and not finding anybody else. Lance shrugged. "I don't know. They took him down a different hallway." Lance looked around Keith, looking for the other members of his team. "Where are Shiro and Pidge?"

"Same thing probably," Keith sighed. "At least for Pidge. Shiro was still with Lotor, when they dragged me and Pidge out."

Keith had barely finished his sentence when the door opened again, putting the paladins on high alert.

"Come with us, Blue."

"Not a chance." Keith said, gearing up for a fight. All his anger drained as Lance's hand dropped on one of his fists. "It's ok, Keith. It'll be worse if we don't."

The guards grabbed Lance and manhandled him out of the cell and shut the door behind him. Keith ran up to the bars. "Where are you taking him?"

There was no response by the Galra and as they turned the corner, Keith lost sight of the Blue Paladin.

Hope that was good. It's really kinda short, but I feel like this was a good ending point for the first chapter/prologue to my story. Give me a shoutout for likes or dislikes or even just to say good story! Also, I'm not super happy with the title, so thoughts on that would be appreciated as well. Thanks ~ Ralyssene118