![]() Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm not sure how to do this exactly, but here goes. This is the fanfiction account of a multiracial lesbian who lives in North Carolina and is currently a broke freshman in college. I'm hoping that fanfiction will help improve my writing and confidence to write original stuff someday. Currently I'm an English major and hope to teach it to snarky high schoolers for a living. I enjoy all genres of fanfiction, including romantic, non pairing oriented, and even some OC fanfiction when it's well done. I do have ships since I'm a fangirl and it's the law. Yugioh (Main Fandom RN) Wishshipping (Yuugi x Jounouchi) - WHY IS THIS PAIRING NOT POPULAR?!?! READ THE EFFING MANGA! Heartshipping (Ryou x Yuugi) - Nerds in love Darkshipping/Casteshipping (Yami x Bakura/Atem x Thief King) - This is just fun to play with and AU the hell out of Blindshipping/Puzzleshipping (Yuug ix Yami/Atem) - They just have such a profound bond that turning it romantic isn't as big of a stretch and really interesting Prideshipping/Scandalshipping (Yami x Seto) - I love couples who challenge each other Puppyshipping (Seto x Jounouchi) - Same reason as pride and pulling pigtails. Plus these two are a challenge just to hook up! Thiefshipping (Malik x Bakura) - Watched the abridged series Angstshipping (Ryou x Malik) - These two are fun to contrast and connect together. I think they're a good balance of different but relatable Xenoshipping (Isis x Rishid) - Guilty pleasure okay! Conquestshipping (Mai x Valon) - Especially in the Japanese version Adviseshipping (Mana x Priestess Isis) - These two are just beautiful together Siblingshipping (Shizuka x Mokuba) - This would make their brothers so mad... Visionshipping (Mai x Isis) - Two sexy, mature, confident women Sailor Moon Pairings Haruka x Michiru (Sailor Senshi Lesbians!!! What more do you want?!) Tuxedo Mask x Sailor Moon (Kinda the OG pairing of the show) Makoto x Ami (Don't judge me) Oh and I EFFing hate chibi moon...her name doesn't deserve capitalization! Comic Books (I have way too many of these to count so I'm sticking to my favorites) DC: Jason Todd x Roy Harper x Koriandr Dick Grayson x Roy Harper Renee Montaya x Kate Kane Blue Beetle x Booster Gold Tim x Kon Cassie Sandsmark x Kon Mia Deardon x Cassie Sandsmark Barry Allen x Iris West Barry Allen x Hal Jordan Oliver Queen x Hal Jordan Marvel: Steve Rogers x Bucky Steve Rogers x Natalia Romanova Billy Kaplan x Teddy Altman Billy Kaplan x Loki (bullshit you didn't think this was cute during the Wiccan/Hulking break up) Xavin/Karolina Dean Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy Peter Parker x Johnny Storm Storm x Black Panther Favorite Games: Final Fantasy X Dragon Age Series (Yes even two, shut up) Mass Effect (Yes even three, shut up) Fall Out (Yes even New Vegas shut the EFF up!) Fable (Yes even two- you know what screw it) Elder Scrolls Series (...no ones going to comment on oblivion and it's crappy graphics and BS horse armor DLC?) Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop) Books Percy Jackson Darren Shan Saga Anything By Lovecraft/Love Craft Inspired I'm in a lot of other fandoms technically but this would be way too long if I listed them all and the pairings I like so this is good for now. Now a couple of things I hate in fanfic in general... They raped me so I must love them! (Screw this shit! I have no problem with rape or attempted being handled in plots as a negative experience that effects the characters, but not as a get together, dubious consent I can handle depending on the situation, but I don't support full on Stockholm syndrome) Character Bashing (You can not like characters, don't turn them into OOC trolls though. I notice Anzu suffers this a lot in fanfiction, which is kind of disappointing since she has a lot of traits I actually like. Even characters I don't like I still keep in character and give them a role true to who they are) Yaoi fics that bash women and het relationships in general ( I'm not even straight and this offends me.) Out of Character Stereotyping (Making a character gay in your story does not automatically effeminate them. Just like I don't walk around in plaid, driving a pick up, with a mullet. If something is a natural aspect of their personality (ex. Malik from Yugioh wears leather clothing with one brightly colored piece in his main canon outfits one of which could be considered effeminate, though his personality is not nearly as flamboyant and Haruka from Sailor moon often wears masculine clothes and has a few masculine mannerisms) then I have no problem with it. ) ONGOING STORIES Currently I'm the Author of a few ongoing fics, "Sailor Ra" a puzzleshipping fic based off of Sailor Moon, and "Red Sand" a Casteshipping fic that will be part of a series leading up to an Au of the manga universe. I have some small one shots mostly requests for a contest held in my fic Sailor Ra. I also have a few multi chapter side stories I work on. Sailor Ra This isn't going on a hiatus exactly, since I know when I'm going to get back to it, but it won't be updated until spring break while I finish up Red Sand. In the mean time I'll be editing and reformatting some chapters to make them better quality for when I do start updating again. As someone who loves both these shows this is a real wonderful experience to write and thanks to everyone who reviews and supports this fic! Red Sand I'm so happy about this one! I've had this idea for awhile and finally got up the courage to post it. I'll be finishing this one up by the end of March hopefully and starting on the sequel around summer break after I get Sailor Ra going again. Again thanks to everyone who supports this fic! Single Shade This fic isn't really my biggest priority, don't get me wrong I love writing it, but I'll be updating it when I update other stuff only most likely. It's my way of practicing first person POV and a fun way to show BDSM. Tainted Rebirth This is just straight up on Hiatus. Sorry :( but to be honest I have another shorter side fic idea I want to do more, and this one's storyline is a lot more complicated than I originally planned and is going to take some planning and dedication. I'll maybe update it here and there if I get inspiration, but for now I'm not going to regularly update it until maybe the fall or summer. |