Reviews for A Single Shade
DarkMoonlessNight chapter 2 . 10/19/2017
Great story!
I can't wait to see what's gonna happen with Yami and Seto. I really wanna see the scene!
Hope you continue the story, please!
vargs chapter 2 . 10/13/2015
Sometimes, surprises me with nice things. I'm extremely glad that this exists because first of all 'SAFE, SANE, AND CONSENSUAL.' Thank you so much for treating BDSM culture with respect!? Holy shit.

Also geez, all of the ships you intend on writing for this. Excellent. There are only two chapters up so far, but I enjoyed both of them so much! I look forward to possibly getting more in the future!

Thank you for this gift. :D
Nic Cage's Cake chapter 2 . 4/12/2015
Omg. I like this so far. Good job.
sitabethel chapter 2 . 3/2/2015
Another good chapter. I really like this alternate universe and how the characters interact in it.

Poor Bakura! No matter what universe he's in he has the luck of Charlie Brown. I'm curious as hell to see exactly what happened to the poor dear.
Orochi-Dragon14 chapter 2 . 3/1/2015
Another epic chappie! I love the different pairings you're doing. :). Haha Atem is hilarious being all dominate. I like how he isn't the one on top though. Just makes it that much more interesting and shows the uke can be in control as well.

Haha! Oh man! I laughed so hard! I can't wait for next chapter! Poor Bakura! Lol
sitabethel chapter 1 . 2/16/2015
I really enjoyed reading this.

First of all, you handled Ryou's character really well. There's too many fics where there's this odd notion of "only 'bad' boys have 'fun' sex. Nice people are chaste and don't often have sex, and when they do, it's a white-sheet, lights off, missionary-position, timid experience. " (I can't count how many times I've eye-rolled and stopped reading a fic because weak, fragil Ryou has to get forced into having sex by his evil, and therefore very sexual, yami. Because, heaven forbid a nice character actually enjoy himself for a night. Surely that would turn him into a villain or something). It's just not realistic. However, you manage to keep Ryou in-character - he's kind, considerate, has a sharp eye for detail, and is a total nerd, but that doesn't mean he has sex in flannel pajamas.

I also appreciate the mature approach to the lemon in this chapter. It's lovely, but at the same time realistic and believable.

50 Shades is abhorrent and it bothers me that so many people read it. Not only is it poorly written, but it's poorly researched. Thankyou for writing this.
Orochi-Dragon14 chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
I get to be the first reviewer because I'm special.

Your stories are always so amazing to me. You have such class and grace with your writing. Admittedly, your third person is and will always be better, but you do well with first. You can tell third is trying to seep through the cracks, but then you bang it over the head. I noticed a few times you were trying to write like I do and write in present tense form haha. Still, you touch the surface of their thoughts, and I think that's good for first person. You keep the thoughts of the character, but as time goes on you will be able to become them characters. :).

Now, for the chappie! I have never been interested in reading 50 Shades of Grey, but BDSM always interested me. So much fun haha. So, it's going to be interesting to see all of these pairings trying out some wild things. Ryou is such a feisty little minx, and Marik definitely loves him for that. I liked the light system. It was interesting indeed :D.

I can't wait to see more. Such an awesome story. :).