Four months ago, I posted the last chapter, had half this chapter already written, and celebrated my 30th birthday and was all ready and rearing to go to finally finished this story!
Then a week later Covid-19 hit and two weeks of anxiety slowly turned into two months and then a summer of never ending uncertainty and needless to say isolation did not do me any favors. I tried to stay busy with short stories art, even teleworking but being stuck at home with my family and feeling confined to a space that wasn't truly mine took its toll on me and it was only thanks to a solo writer's retreat I took to a restored Victorian Bed and Breakfast and the support of my writing team and some wonderful new friends i made through an online class i took that I was able to power through and complete this story (almost) and that one final chapter became THREE final chapters...which worked out great for me, cause I realizes there was a lot I still wanted to do and tie in and foreshadowing I wanted to pursue in preparation for the I'm turning this into an original novel for publication I'm not sure if I'll be able to put the sequel on A03 but I've already started putting together a list of readers interested in offfering feedback if you're interested drop me a note in the comment sections.
Special thanks to Whitney, Krystal and Robyn (you girls know who you are ;) for their never-ending support and wonderful friendship and to all of my readers and viewers who've followed me on this journey and love this story as much as I do :)
Dedicated to LittleMissRunOn for her fantastic evaluations and reviews and for reminding me just how much I love this story.
And now...the long awaited next chapter of Timaeus...the first of three.
Chapter LXXIV: Reunion
He knew he should tell him the truth now and not later, but in that moment he could think of nothing else but how much he'd missed having Yugi in his arms. "I love you," he whispered, pouring every ounce of that emotion into the words as he said them.
He felt Yugi's smile widen against his cheek and was rewarded with a tighter embrace that made his heart leap. "I've missed you," the lad mumbled with a contented sigh.
"I've missed you too." His smile softened into an apologetic frown. "I'm…sorry I'm back later than I said. I truly had not meant to be gone more than three days."
Yugi giggled sprightly. "'Tis alright. One can hardly say no to their queen after all." He threw a look over his shoulder where the Priestess was still standing, still smiling. Then, pulling free from Timaeus' embrace, he dropped in a steep bow, his arms raised so his sleeves—had he been wearing any—would've fallen to his wrists. "Thank you again for you encouraging words, Anessa. You are a very kind woman."
Timaeus' mouth dropped open in astonishment.
Surprise transformed the queen's before she burst into laughter. "Forgive me, my dear. It seems that you are wise to me." The fondness in her smile did not diminish.
"You…knew?" Timaeus stuttered out when Yugi rose and turned to face him. "All the while?"
"I did not at first," Yugi giggled conspiratorially, addressing both his queen and Timaeus. "I guessed it when I noticed you use a royal plural, majesty. I'd only heard it used twice before: by Basiliu and by the Princess."
Fiona clapped her hands to her face and swooned with a mock cry. "Betrayed by own good manners! Again!"
Yugi joined her laugher. Timaeus' heart warmed at the sight.
"I am surprised, however," Yugi confessed. "Timaeus' letter said you wished to meet me, but there was no word when the ship arrived, and yet you were here at the temple. Why?" He hoped the question wasn't too bold, but his curiosity compelled him ever since he'd placed the queen's identity.
"That was my decision," Fiona explained. "When Dartz sent me word that Timaeus had married and the circumstances of it, I admit I had no idea what to think of it." She flashed the man a look of maternal scolding, and to Yugi's stunned bewilderment, the man winced, blushed, and straightened as if embarrassed—the way he'd used to act whenever Mut used his full name. "Good heavens, Tim, forgetting to ask the lad before you married him—did I not teach you any manners?" she scolded playfully, but Timaeus still blushed, rubbing the back of his neck as he was prone to do when he was nervous.
It made Yugi smile.
"Well, I decided right then and there that I had no choice but to come and meet you for myself without all the prompt and ceremony. After all, how could I judge you for your true character if you were on your best behavior?"
Yugi was stunned. Her reasoning was sound, but the fact she wished to do so at all…
"I…thank you." He bowed his head. "I was worried you would not be particularly fond of me since…well…" It was his turn to blush, embarrassed.
Fiona sighed. "If your concern is about my daughter, you may rest easy, lad," she reassured him. "Do not misunderstand: I love my daughter dearly, but as her mother, I know her best. Though her flaws are few, for all her intelligence she is undisciplined when it comes to what she thinks and feels is love. And Tim," she paused when she saw him stiffen, "has had a difficult time." She left it at that and sighed sadly. "My husband was and has always been more optimistic, but I know them both well enough to know that anything romantic between them was doomed before they even pursued it. But fear not, Yugi: my daughter is strong, and difficult as it may be to believe now, she has a big heart. She will heal, and when the time comes, she will find a man who is worthy of her. Just so," she folded her hands in her lap and bent to meet his eyes, her smile infectious. "I am glad I got to meet you on my terms, if only to know my reckless and much too honorable foster son chose well."
Yugi returned her smile, still red in the cheeks; Timaeus stood beside him, clearly not enjoying being the subject of conversation.
"Thank you, Majesty—Fiona," he corrected himself, remembering their truce. "Why did you come to the temple first, then?"
"To bless your union, of course," she flounced as if it should have been obvious. "It's tradition for the mothers of the newlyweds to bring an offering to Her Ladyship and rest the night in the temple in hopes that she will give you Her blessing; I speak for you too, Yugi, as you are a ward of Atlantis. After all, what mother does not want grandchildren?" She swallowed an amused snort when they both looked at her, red-faced and stunned.
"I'd have accompanied her, of course," Timaeus began cheerfully, then lowered his tone as he continued, "had I not spotted these three running through the city like rabbits on the run from a hound and suspected something odd." He gestured a thumb over his shoulder; it was only then when Yugi noticed Otogi, Malik and Ryou standing dejectedly downwind of the path, their proud shoulders slumped and their gazes fixed on their feet.
Guilt immediately overcame him. "I'm sorry. They were only trying to find me." Yugi bowed his head apologetically.
Timaeus turned to him, surprised, then chuckled. Such humility. "I'm not angry, Yugi." He lifted the boy's face to meet his and brushed a lock of golden hair behind his ear, tipping back the long gray hood and allowing those fiery black and red locks to spill out. So clever. "If anything, I'm quite impressed you managed to escape my men so flawlessly." He threw them another chastising look, though only half as harsh. "Normally, they're not so easily outwitted." He said loud enough that all three flinched and then relaxed upon realizing their lord was teasing.
Perhaps they would live through this.
"Nay, they let me escape," Yugi confessed with a groan, remembering all too well how playfully Otogi had plucked the grass from his hair and offered to tighten his lacings. "But just the first time! Once I was in the city, I became quite accomplished at losing them." He knew it wasn't something to brag about, but the mere thought of this man thinking any less of him fired his blood.
Then, he remembered what he'd said and, tugging on the man's sleeve, he whispered, "Don't be too harsh on them: they were only trying to help me."
"No matter. You're here now," Timaeus smiled, stroking his cheek lovingly. Before Yugi could blink, Timaeus' lips were on his. It was a gentle kiss, chaste and sweet, but no less loving. Then, he spun to his men.
"Gentlemen," he spoke in that grand booming voice of his. All three of them straightened. "I thought of how you can amend for your actions: you can accompany your Magistrate and me on our journey home."
The men blinked.
So did Yugi.
Timaeus smirked. "I do believe I promised you a tour of our fair city when I returned; beautiful as she is in the day, Locri is meant to be seen at night." With a courtly bow and a roguish smirk, he offered Yugi his arm. "Shall we, love?"
Matching the man's smirk with an impish grin of his own, Yugi wove his arm through his husband's and huskily replied. "We shall."
He turned back to the Queen. "Will you accompany us, Your—Fiona?"
The queen shook her head. "Nay. Tradition calls me away," she grinned. "I will spend my night in the temple praying that you and the Magister bless my home with lots of bold little sons and daughters that I can spoil."
With that, she spun on her heels, her gown swaying about her, and disappeared into the temple, giggling and singing. "Have fun, my loves!"
They departed for the city before she could say anything else to embarrass them.
Yugi didn't expect to find Téa waiting for them until she nearly knocked him over in a huge hug. He recognized her face when she pulled away, her infectious smile and wide-eyes bright with recognition. "Hello, Magistrate," she grinned slyly.
Yugi grimaced. Embarrassment covered his face briefly. "You know."
She nodded, her expression tightening somewhat as she glanced over her shoulder. "Otogi told me just after you left." Her smile returned then. "Imagine my surprise."
Yugi couldn't help but grin. "I'm sorry I lied to you—well, I didn't lie really. Yugi is my name, but it's more of a childhood name. My real name is Ujalah."
"I'm impressed, Téa." Timaeus came up behind him with a chuckle. "He only allows very few people to call him by that name—even I had to earn that right." His arm wrapped around Yugi's waist as he spoke; the small boy had to force himself not to blush.
Tim's gaze wondered past the maiden and fixated on his three men with a mock glare. "In fact, it took all of those three months, if I'm not mistaken."
Otogi, Malik and Ryou all snorted, but did not disagree.
Yugi shook Timaeus away and frowned at his friend. "Truthfully, though, I'm sorry for the deception. I only did it because I feared being forced back to the Palazzo before I had finished exploring. I hope it doesn't stop us from being friends?"
"Of course not!" Téa shook her head spryly. An embarrassed blush suddenly accompanied her smile. "If anything, I must thank you. Our conversation this evening and the revelation of your rank kept me from making a huge fool of myself." She expelled a heavy sigh, her fingers brushing her skull. "I don't blame you, Yugi, not at all." She threw a glare over her shoulder. Otogi flinched. "Seems my imbecile of a husband left out certain details…"
"We are not discussing this again!" Otogi half-growled, half-groaned the words.
Yugi stared at the man, then back at Téa; flashes of their conversation came back to him, and with a sudden "Oh!" of realization, he blurted out, "So Téa was your 'Leviathan of a wife'?" He smacked his hands over his mouth when he realized what he'd said, but the stunned faces of everyone, including Otogi, and the raging expression curling Téa's smile as she turned towards him made it clear the damage was done.
"A Leviathan, am I?" she said with a mockingly sweet grin that Yugi did not mistake for anything but absolute fury.
To his further shock, Otogi merely smirked back. "Aye, you are." The words rolled off his tongue. "Because you've a fierce temper and an even fiercer love. It's one of the many things I love most about you."
He silenced any protest she might have made with a soft kiss to her lips. She froze for a moment, then pushed him away. "Oh no, you are not sweet-talking your way out of this you rogue charmer." Tried as she might to hold onto her rage, the rest of her tirade was lost in the sounds of a muffled kiss. Then another.
"Then I'll just have to try harder," he whispered, a beery blandishment, and though she tried to push him off, he held her closer. Yugi could see her growing more and more pliant in her husband's embrace; her protests grew more and more half-hearted until she broke with a laugh.
Otogi grinned with triumph as his wife rewarded him with a playful swat. "Oh, you fiend!" Otogi gracefully dodged her swipe and dropped in a low courtly bow that was far more graceful than a soldier at sea should've been able to accomplish. "Aye, my lady, but I am your fiend, am I not?" he purred with a roguish wink that made her laugh.
Yugi could only smile. A tug on his hip stole his attention and he soon found himself in his own husband's arms as he fell victim to the man's own roguish wink and secret smile. "Let's let them be, shall we?"
Beside him, Marik was sighing and shaking his head while Ryou's cheeks were visibly pink beneath his risen hands, his giggles barely stifled. "Let us not take too long," Ryou warned his master. "Bakura will never forgive us if we make Yugi late for dinner."
Both Magister and Magistrate spun.
"You told her about me?" Yugi blanched, stunned. He had wanted to tell his friend the truth.
Throwing up his hands in defense, Ryou shook his head. "Oh, no. Otogi did, sort of. She figured it out from Otogi's outbursts when he couldn't find you and asked me afterwards; I sort of…confirmed her suspicions without realizing," the flustered navigator stuttered and cleared his throat.
Marik blinked and stared at him.
"Bakura? My cook?" Timaeus gaped, stunned.
Yugi nodded. "I met her this morning…pretending to be a maid."
"And you…got along with her?" The man gaped again, blinked, knowing all too well how cantankerous and critical the woman was. "She is not an easy woman."
"He won her affection," Ryou corrected with a smile.
Grinning, Yugi spun to his still stunned husband. "She told me what you did for her." He flashed Ryou another grin. "What you both did for her."
Ryou looked away, his expression wispy, dull, as if it was sad. "She's very fond of us for that, but more of you, I think."
Yugi recognized the emotion and shook his head, whispering to his friend. "Nay, lad. Timaeus, she respects; me, she just likes. You, however, she's fond of—very fond." He said nothing more, knowing well that Bakura's secret wasn't his to share, but if there was even the slightest hint Ryou shared her feelings, Yugi would do all he could to help his friend.
Ryou sucked in a breath, cheeks darkening.
"Aye!" Otogi shouted, catching up to them, Téa not far behind. "She actually likes him—said so herself. I was stunned. She was even speaking of making your wife her apprentice before she learned the truth."
"Did she?" Timaeus suddenly found his voice, his expression lightening from shock to a shake of amusement. "Keep this up, lad, and my entire city will fall in love with you."
Yugi responded with an impish smirk. "Does that bother you?"
Timaeus yanked him forward, leaning down so their eyes met, his lips mere inches from Yugi's, and he whispered, "I confess, I am a very jealous man." He was so close now that Yugi thought he might kiss him. Instead, he pulled away, leaving Yugi wanting; worse yet was the knowing swagger as he did so. "But we can discuss that later. I do want to show you something." He started down the road, leaving Yugi no choice but to follow, though all his instincts were roaring. Yugi swallowed them all, already plotting his vengeance as he resumed his place at Timaeus' side, their entourage behind them.
"I've yet to visit the Palazzo. Do you think the cook would like me?" Téa asked no one in particular.
"Of course!" Otogi answered. "You've both got tempers and she's never liked me much. I'm sure you two will spend hours laughing at my expense."
Ryou laughed.
Yugi called back over his shoulder, "You know, Téa, Serenity is teaching me to play instruments, but I'm going need someone to teach me how Atlantians dance."
"Could I?" she beamed, absolutely delighted. "I warn you, there are many Atlantian dances, but the Locrian ones are the best!"
"I look forward to learning each and every one of them!" Yugi promised, just as enthused. "As soon as I speak to Mai on how it's done, I'll indict you myself!"
"You can do that?" Her face illuminated with excitement.
"Of course!" Yugi assured and flashed Timaeus a smile. He wasn't surprised to find the man observing him. "I'm the Magistrate. One of my duties is to fill vacant positions with competent staff."
"Indeed it is, my love." Timaeus could not have been more proud if he tried.
The once tangled and labyrinthine path now opened to a paved pathway, well-tended and bordered with white stone. Both relieved and infuriated that the city had been so close, Yugi's eyes chased up the grassy knoll bathed blue under the pale starry twilight until he spied the twinkling lights of the city glowing gold in the last flickers of twilight. To his surprise, the streets were still packed and bustling: music was still playing in the squares, all the cafes and shops were open for the night, and no one was rushing to return home.
"You were fortunate to arrive when you did, love." Timaeus came up behind him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. "Much of the city does not open until past midday."
"I don't understand."
A knowing grin. "Watch."
Yugi obeyed, studying the streets and shop windows. Sudden flickers caught his eyes; they were dull at first like candle flames before steadily growing in brightness. Lanterns? But he had not seen any in the square. As the sun continued to sink behind the hills, the strange lights grew more and more resplendent until the streets and bridges were alive with an array of dancing lights. But these were not the yellow and orange flames of torches burning. No, these were beautiful colorful lights twinkling magenta and red with hues of crystal blue and bright green.
Wonderment widened his eyes. Yugi sucked in a gasp of delight. Rushing towards the city and the strange vivid lights, he easily navigated the streets. To his amazement, he saw they were not flames, but strange, vivid rocks like precious gems harvested straight from the earth in all their raw and unpolished beauty. They glowed inside glass globes over riverside walkways and glittered above and around shop signs and windows. They were strung about the Sister courtyards, flickering like fireflies; smaller stones embedded into the Sister fountains sparkled like a tapestry of shimmering jewels. Starlight illuminated the streets: even the painted marble of the buildings and bridges seemed to glow with a rainbow of colors.
Reaching up, Yugi's fingers brushed a glowing glass globe; it was cool beneath his touch. In a shop window, huge prisms hung like lanterns from metal smoke domes, illuminating the window and its contents with a warm, pale blue light; the array of jewelry suddenly bloomed to life, reflecting crystalline light, catching Yugi's eyes. More shops boasted sparkling lanterns that illuminated the streets and shop windows. Fine metal chains strung between the shops and walkways and on the railings of bridges were suspended with tiny crystal drops that shimmered in the same stunning starlight blue. It was as though the stars themselves had fallen from the heavens to dance throughout the city.
Yugi had never seen anything so marvelous. So magical.
"What are these?" Yugi asked, breathless.
"These are what Atlantis is most famous for," Timaeus explained, never far from his side. His gaze wandered from Yugi to the glowing globes hanging overhead where the vague outline of the rough stones was just visible beyond the brightness. "The Great Leviathan's final gift: the orichalcum."
"Orichalcum?" Yugi asked, befuddled but curious.
Timaeus nodded. "Legend says they are the scales of the Leviathan that she shed when her body became earth and stone. Since then, we have discovered many uses for them in healing, weaponry and jewelry making; however, their most important use by far is as solar lights." He reached up and tapped one of the over-hanging lights with his superior height. "By day, they absorb the rays of the sun, and at night, they release that glow and do so for hours after the sun sets. Many shops stay open in what the people like to call the Night Market, where vendors sell their wares only until the lights start to dim."
"It's…" He struggled for the proper term. Beautiful felt too commonplace, but anything less sounded too simple.
"Wonderful," Timaeus offered.
Yugi nodded eagerly. "Yes." He squeezed the arm that snaked around his shoulder and, to his delight, Timaeus pulled him closer.
"I thought the same thing the first time I saw them." There was a dreamy tilt to his voice, a nostalgic spark in his eye and a smile that Yugi did not miss. He had so many more questions he wanted to ask, but did not wish for the moment to end. Instead, he restrained his curiosity, and together they stood there, watching the flickering lights overhead, twinkling in an ecstasy of brightness like laughing stars.
A sudden breeze chilled his unprotected arms and Yugi shivered.
Soft warmth suddenly draped around his shoulders accompanied by an amused chuckle. "Next time you wish to sneak out in disguise, love, I recommend bringing a cloak and not a hood." Timaeus grinned, looking completely unphased by the cold in his long tunic and trousers despite the earlier warmth of the day. "Someone is not yet used to how unpredictable the weather here can be."
Yugi snorted but nonetheless accepted the offer and salvaged his pride with a smirk.
It was then that Yugi noticed the absence of their entourage. "Where have the others gone?"
"I sent them home," another grin, "so we could be alone." Another smirk. "They've had quite the day, and it was quite clear Malik was tired, Otogi and Téa wanted to be alone, and I imagine Ryou is on his way to see Bakura for reasons that have nothing to do with dinner."
Yugi's eyes bulged from the shock of his words, their boldness, their earnest. "You knew."
Timaeus only laughed. "I have suspected for quite some time—before either of they did, in fact." He sighed and shook his head. "For being such…passionate people when it comes to their work, I have never in all my life seen anyone so notoriously shy. Although, I would never use that word to describe Bakura to her face."
Yugi swallowed a snort. "Aye, she just might kill you. I'm glad, though," Yugi said with a shake of his head, tossing back a curtain of gold and black hair. Seduction darkened his half-lidded eyes and curled his smile so that the shadows themselves seem to glow about him; there was a sassy sway to his hip as he turned to him, curled against him and danced those slender fingers up his chest. Twilight and orichalcum illuminated him in ways the sunlight never could. "I've been without my husband for nearly half a week. I think I deserve to have him all to myself."
He could stand it no longer.
Swooping like a shadow, the dragon broke free of its chains and Timaeus swept himnto his arms and slammed him back against the painted wall with all the grace and might of a wave crashing to shore, swallowing his gasping breath with a fierce, fiery kiss. Yugi absorbed it all like the dry desert sands quenched by the refreshing coolness of the salty sea. His bag slipped from his shoulder to settle on the ground and his arms instinctively wrapped around Timaeus' neck and shoulders; his hips rose and bucked against the man's waist and he made up for the differences in their height by hiking his leg around the other's thigh, his calf firm and warm against Yugi's bare skin, even through the thick fabric of Timaeus' trousers.
Taking the hint, Tim's arm slipped from around Yugi's back to his waist and pulled him flush against him, his lips parting from his for only a moment to whisper huskily. "What have you done to me, Yugi?" His eyes were deep and dark and mad with love. Once more, he tasted the soft, subtle flesh of Yugi's neck, his collar, his throat, the salacious v between his breasts. Yugi's skin tasted of silt and honey and pomegranates and sunshine and summer and something else that was truly, wholly, secretly Yugi.
Yugi shivered against his lips, moaned into his every touch, clung tighter to him with tiny, mewling sounds of desperate pleasure, unable to wait any more than he already had. Pulling Yugi towards him, Timaeus hoisted Yugi into his arms and slipped them deeper into the alleyway, taking advantage of the darkness until they were away from unwanted eyes. Then, he gently settled Yugi back on his shaking feet, his arms secured tight around the other's slim waist, and kissed him again. They could do nothing truly here, but that did not mean they could not indulge in their lust for just a bit longer—just a taste until they returned to the Palazzo.
"I love you," Yugi moaned in his ear, and Tim's control shattered. "I love you, I love you, I love you—" He breathed those words over and over again, puncturing each of Timaeus' kisses with a whimper and moaned whisper. They were the private secret only he was allowed to know—the secret that lived in the deepest depths of Yugi's heart that he shared only with those he'd chosen and no one else.
Each word was stirring his fingers, firing his blood and commanding his actions. His kisses ventured lower, his lips slipping deeper between the folds of Yugi's dress, suckling his breasts. The arms around his neck tightened, demanding more from him. He obliged, happily, his other hand cupping his breasts, squeezing, earning another moaned confession from him.
Yugi arched his back in demand for more. Obediently, Timaeus' hand slid down Yugi's front, his stomach, over his hip, and down to the soft subtle flesh of his thighs, tightening ever so delightfully around his legs. He slipped between those quivering thighs, past the barrier of his small clothes, and felt the wetness there sticking to his fingers. Yugi raked his fingers down Timaeus' back in response, pulling, gripping and clawing as pleasure hissed through his teeth. His hand slid over the curve of Timaeus' rear, squeezing the firm flesh boldly.
Pulling Yugi into his arms, Timaeus sank slowly to his knees, taking Yugi into his lap. Lust-dark eyes bore into the others'; heavy breaths escaped them with every inhale of precious air. Foreheads pressed together, then noses, tickling sweetly, and finally he captured Yugi's lips once more in a kiss much gentler but no less intense than all the others—and within it was all the love and longing he'd been holding onto for days in anticipation for this moment.
When he pulled away, half-dazed and blind to all but the wanton look upon his lover's face, Timaeus truly wanted nothing more than to remain like this—melting in the warmth of each other's arms until everything around them evaporated like mists and their whole world became only the blue and green of starry skies and peaceful seas.
Yugi had other plans. He teased him with a smirk that was quickly followed by a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips, then his cheek, slowly, skillfully avoiding his lips like the teasing little nymph that he was.
And when they were ready to rejoin the world once more, they rose slowly, fixed their appearance, and shared one last kiss before leaving their cocoon of bliss and, hand-in-hand, left to face the world again.
"I believed you promised me a tour of the city?" Yugi challenged.
"I did," Timaeus matched his grin, retrieving Yugi's fallen bag and placing it over his own shoulder. "Where shall we go first?"
Yugi pondered for a moment, then remembered and tugged him towards an alley deep in the Sister of Cloth and Jewel. "There's one place I want to show you."
The saucy wink piped Timaeus' curiosity.
"Mr. Solomon!" The mask maker stumbled in surprise and nearly toppled over from the force of Yugi's hug, but the old man recovered impressively quick for his age and was soon returning the affectionate gesture with a hearty laugh.
"Well, I must say, this is certainly a surprise," he bellowed with a hearty, jovial laugh, old eyes darting between Yugi and the Magister leaning in the doorway with an amused smirk. "I did not think you to keep your word so soon, Yugi," he chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair affectionately. "It's good to see you again, Tim," he greeted, old eyes skimming him up and down followed by another hearty chuckle. "You've certainly grown quite a bit since last we met."
"It's good to see you too, Solomon." Timaeus straightened his posture and gave a small, courtly bow to the old man's amusement. "I confess it has been much too long."
"Ohohoh, indeed, it has!" Solomon's laughter was so jolly, his old limbs shook with it. "Thank goodness your charming bride here was so kind as to come visit and keep this poor old man company," he sighed dramatically, his laughter marring the tragic effect.
Tim flashed Yugi a smile and he blushed under the praise. A burst of remembrance flashed across Yugi's face and he burst out, "That reminds me, thank you again for the mask, Solomon. I truly appreciate the kindness."
Timaeus rose at that.
"Not at all, lad," the old man chuckled. "As I said, it suits you! The mask would've never forgiven me if I let you leave without her."
"You say that like its alive," Yugi teased in return, but the knowing look in Solomon's eyes promised more.
Before the elder could elaborate, Timaeus slipped beside him, asking earnestly, "You bought a mask, Yugi? Which one?"
Grinning, Yugi pulled the treasure out from his bag still slung over Timaeus' shoulder and slipped it over his face. Timaeus looked at him in amazement, taking in every detail: the curtain of flowering vines weaving between the black strands of his hair, the two spiraling horns rising like a crown, the leafy ferns curling over his cheeks, and the gold and green flecks complimenting both his honey gold skin and the deep blue of his eyes. A bright smile curled beneath the mask's design: Yugi wore them both well.
"Suits him, doesn't it?" He barely heard Solomon's bawdy tone beside him or felt the elbow that tapped at his side. In that moment, all he saw was Yugi.
"Yes." He reached up a hand, stroking Yugi's cheek around the swirling leaves. "It certainly does." Yugi closed his eyes and hummed with pleasure, enjoying the soft touch. He removed the mask carefully when Timaeus pulled his hand away, the other turning to give his praise.
"My compliments, Solomon. Your craftsmanship is unparalleled."
Solomon gave a jolly laugh, his round belly rolling, and shook his head. "Oh, I'm afraid I can't take the credit for that one."
They both looked at him in surprise. "Then who…?"
"I made that one," echoed a shy voice behind them. Standing straight and wringing his hands behind his back was a tall, spindly lad with a shock of vivid, fiery red hair that framed a long face; his golden forelock made the dusty color of his skin look darker, the shy sweetness of his smile cheerier and the deep russet brown color of his eyes brighter.
"Ah, Yami!" Solomon greeted him with such warmth that Yugi recognized him instantly as the grandson Solomon spoke of, though only their dusky skin showed any sign that they might be related. "Yugi, Timaeus, this is my grandson. Yami, this is Yugi, the new Magistrate."
"It's good to meet you, Yugi," Yami greeted shyly and offered a long-fingered hand to shake. Yugi did so, though he seemed clearly confused by the custom and the boy could not help but laugh.
"You made my mask?" Yugi asked, instead.
"I did," Yami nodded, beaming with an artisan's pride. "I make all the masks here."
"Do you now?" Timaeus brightened, sweeping an impressed gaze about the walls where rows upon rows of faces winked back at him. "My praise then, young man. You have quite a talent."
Yami blushed under the praise but could not hide his proud smile. He blushed even more at Yugi's wide-eyed wonderment as he all but burst with excitement, "That's amazing!"
Yami went scarlet with glee.
Timaeus only chuckled.
"Did you make all the costumes too?"
"Actually, they are—"
A loud, womanly shriek cut him off and the whole room turned to the source of the commotion just as a loud, cantankerous complaint of "Daddy, how many times have I told you not to leave my fabrics in the hallway!" roared out. Suddenly, a short, stocky woman violently barreled into the room with a leather-bound book of parchments clutched tightly to her breast like a precious child; Solomon was swiftly shoving away whatever was unwise or unlucky enough to block her path.
Yugi recognized her instantly. It was not the sweep of her dark hair nor her dusty skin, nor the broadness of her shoulders, nor the magnificent dress she wore, not even her rich, russet eyes glowing a fiery scarlet in the orichalcum light that rivaled Yami's that gave it away. No, it was the sketchbook she clutched: the same one he'd seen her long fingers drawing in with swift, fluid strokes as the seamstresses crafted fine fabrics. With her size and youthfulness, he'd mistaken her for another apprentice, but seeing the sharpness of her cheekbones and the obvious pride in which she carried herself, it was clear she was far more matronly than Yugi had first thought—obvious now, since this was clearly Yami's mother and Solomon's famous daughter.
Yami deflated besides him and opened his mouth to apologize, but lost his nerve as soon as his mother's fierce gaze looked up. Then, it melted. Eyes locked on Yugi and she shrieked a shriek of remembrance and adoration—and before Yugi could prepare himself, she swept him up into her arms.
"Yugi! You're back!" She addressed him with her dazzling gaze and squeezed his hands lovingly. By the gods, was everyone in Atlantis so affectionate? Yugi could certainly embrace this sort of culture.
"Did you get the garments, dear?" she asked hopefully, but her grip trembled at Yugi's befuddled response. "Your finished alterations? I spotted three of the Masters earlier today and ordered them to give them to you?" Her fingers were trembling, her grip tightening with worry that was bordering on rage, though Yugi knew it wasn't directed at him. He tried to search his memory, but he couldn't recall either Otogi, Malik or Ryou saying anything.
"Um…" Nervousness consumed his expression and he looked to Timaeus for aid, but the man merely shrugged, hands up in surrender.
"Leave him be, Nima." Solomon shook his head with a sigh. "I took pity on those poor boys and had Yami deliver it this afternoon."
"You did!" Nima spun to her son, dropping Yugi's hands. Though they were equals in height, her posture gave her a grand sort of presence like speaking to royalty while Yami fiddled with the hems of his tunic like he'd been caught in the center of a stage.
With a small blush painting his cheeks, he met Yugi's bewilderment with a smile and nodded, "Yes, I brought them to the Palazzo this afternoon. It will be waiting for you when you return."
"Oh, good!" Yugi clapped his hands, delightedly. "Thank you!" Over his shoulder, he flashed Timaeus a saucy wink. "I can't wait to show it to you!"
Timaeus' expression twisted with surprise, then something between a sigh of surrender and an amused chuckle. "I'm curious to see," he grinned, sweeping forward and wrapping an arm about Yugi's waist, his eyes focusing on the costume maker. "I've known Nima for quite some time and I don't think I've seen a single repeat creation from her. I wonder now what sort of mad scheme she's roped you into, my little imp." There was a teasing slur to his words and a wolfish grin that showed teeth. Yugi felt the flames rushing to his cheeks and the heat pooling in his belly.
Nima burst out laughing. "Oh, you cad!" She dismissed him with a wave of her hand; even Yami was giggling at her outburst. "You say that like you don't enjoy them. Oh! Speaking of, Yugi, dearest, you simply must let me design your costumes for the Spring Maiden Festival and the Autumn Bride Celebration. You have to have a new one! Timaeus, here, gets away with his own…interestingly sartorial choices because he's so handsome," Nima grinned, flashing Timaeus a wink. Yugi giggled when Timaeus snorted. "But we simply cannot inflict his dreadful lack of spectacle upon you, dearest—not for such important events!"
"You made me that dragon costume," Timaeus puffed up with indifference. Yugi swallowed a snort at just how much he resembled a dragon in that moment.
Nima dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "And you've worn it every year since, darling. Surely you realize it's time for something new." She shook her head and pinched her brow with a flamboyantly exhausted sigh and Yugi immediately decided he liked this overtly dramatic woman. "Believe me Yugi, dearest: I have tried to get this one to be less practical, I really have!"
"Bah!" Solomon barked out a laugh and Nima whirled on the old man.
Yami wisely slipped closed to Yugi and Timaeus.
Yugi leaned back in Tim's arms and looked up. "Is that true?"
Timaeus rolled his eyes with a smile. "Yes and no. This is my favorite mask shop. Nima's a bit dramatic, but Solomon and Yami are pleasant enough company, and I would be lying if I said Yami and Nima's talent is not exquisite." He flashed Yami a look of beaming pride and the boy went scarlet as a rose. "But I simply cannot let her know that," he teased, drawling out the sentence for dramatic affect. "Otherwise she'll take our dear Mask Maker here and make for better prospects. Then where would poor Locri be?"
"Oh, Magister." Nima shot up and rolled her eyes over her shoulder, her face all lethargy and swagger. "I know all that. This is the best. And besides, you are the only one who doesn't put a budget on my or Yami's genius."
"Yes, he does, Muma," Yami corrected her. "You always ignore it."
"Genius, darling. Have I taught you nothing?"
Yami rolled his eyes.
"Dramatic, that one," Timaeus agreed.
"Won't Mai be upset if she doesn't make my dress?" Yugi asked and the entire room quieted. Yami sighed, Timaeus looked worried, and Solomon shook his head despairing just as Nima writhed her fingers with a loud "hurumph".
Yugi observed the whole thing with startled terror. "What did I say?"
"Muma and Mai are both friends with Subella, the Fabric Weaver," Yami explained in a hush whisper. "I suppose you could say they're rivals. Don't misunderstand, Mai makes beautiful clothes—I've seen many of them—but while she is a Seamstress, mother is more of a costumier."
"I make fashion!" Nima protested dramatically.
Solomon shook his head. "Oh, Great Leviathan, now you've got her started."
Nima ignored him. "Clothes, while beautiful, only illuminate who we are, but costumes—costumes, they transcend us," she articulated each word so passionately and Yugi listened, enthralled, "into what we can be."
"They certainly can…" Inspired, Yugi slipped away from Timaeus' arms and found himself looking up and down the rows of masks. He saw heroes and ladies, villains and animals made of bright feathers and furs, scales and sharp teeth, long-nosed tricksters and ghoulish false faces. Most were made of wood or shaped from plaster, but there were others made of tin and polished copper gleaming in the lantern light, each one watching, waiting with empty eye holes or painted eyes. Yugi turned back to Timaeus, who was trailing behind him, and imagined all the things he could become.
Then he stumbled upon it: a mosaic of deep slate blue stone painted with swirling lines of blue, yellow and green, blue mesh for eyes, and a single large gemstone for its forehead. It was less ornamented than the others, but there was no mistaking the fine craftsmanship, nor the images it invoked in Yugi's mind when he saw it: rivers and flowing waves, shadows and the unknown—something old and lordly, ancient and unseen.
"Try this one on?" Yugi smiled at his husband when he placed the mask in his startled hands.
Timaeus looked at him, then the mask, staring at it then carefully tying the blue ribbons. "Well?" he asked, running his fingers through his long silver bangs allowing them to spill out over the mask, framing the stone. "What do you think?"
Yugi had no words. He could only stare at the deep blues and swirls of color blending masterfully with the darkness of Timaeus' hair, his silver bangs and the dusky tan of his skin. He marveled at the way it accented the colors of his eyes so that the milky iris glittered and the other shone a mossy green. The chiseled stone was set perfectly upon his sharp cheeks and the bridge of his nose, just above his smile. He looked…
He looked…
"Marvelous," Yugi breathed out the word, just as Yami rounded the corner and gasped when Timaeus turned to him.
"That's… I call it the River," he explained, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "It's one of the earliest masks I've made. It isn't too fanciful or any of that but…"
"I would very much like to purchase it."
Yami shot up, beaming. "You would!"
"Yes," Tim said again, untying the ribbons, smiling at Yugi. "I think it suits me."
"It does!" Yugi agreed, nodding enthusiastically, then noticed Timaeus' outfit and how poorly it matched. "You need to wear more colors, Tim," Yugi teased, half-serious. "Like night blue or forest green or…" Yugi's eyes lit up, "…or black and gold."
As if summoned by the suggestion, Nima appeared beside her son, her sketch book already open.
"Oh dear." Somewhere off in the shop, as if foreseeing some dismal prophecy, Solomon groaned, "Now you've gone and done it lad!"
Timaeus shuddered, eyes swiftly taking in Nima and her book, then Yugi, still smiling, then at the way Yami gazed at his River mask with brightening eyes that shimmered with new ideas, then back to Yugi. "You're going to dress me up like one of those dolls in Mai's workshop, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am." Yugi's smile curled and he added with a sly, salacious wink, "What kind of Magistrate would I be if I didn't make sure my husband looked his best?"
Only two more chapters left...and the next one is already with my beta ;)