AN: Shoter than the other two, but mostly because it has the least content to work with and the next chapter is probably going to be the longest, and the last. That one will get done some time after Red Sand's next chap tomorrow. Speaking of which, if you like casteshipping and my writing give that one a read. Also, I have written a Yugioh fic with an actual card game in it...blasphemy.

Penalty Game

The fateful night arrived too soon. Which actually wasn't all that surprising considering it had been Thursday when they decided to do have it that Saturday. They'd exchanged a few messages and put up their own individual video announcements of it on their channels, and as far as they felt, everything was a go. The response had been phenomenal and their views in the livestream had instantly started to rise to nerve wracking amounts the moment they started the feed. There was a little chat box people watching could post comments in.

RVB: I-Is this the real life?!

Mary212: Or is it just fantasy? ;)

TnyStark: LOL! Seriously tho, the is here!

People were certainly excited, and the two individuals whose video feeds were in the upper corners could feel it. The images buffered and Duel Monsters Online loaded, their preplanned decks being configured into the session. Finally after a few moments of the technical jargon sorting itself out, it began. The field filled up a majority of the screen and had a plain theme without any pre-activated field spells. The two youtubers were visible shoulder up in their video squares.

"Hey everyone," Atem said from his box He was in some sort of white blouse that just slipped off his shoulder in the slightest, and gold jewelry wrapped around his neck and forehead. Two large square plate earrings hanging from his lobes. "This is Millennium Pharaoh-"

"Ahem-" Bakura cleared his throat mock glaring from his box. The other was much less dressed down, hair barely even brushed and in what was probably the top of a red sweater.

"And some guy named Thief King," Atem smirked. He was preparing the the settings for the duel since he started the session.

"Oh you dick!" Bakura said anger as false as the glare. "I'm so owning you just for that!"

Atem rolled his eyes. "Talk is cheap, talk to me when my life points are at zero. We agreed on four thousand right?"

Bakura nodded. "Yep. We want you to have a chance to get some damage in after all."

"I'm starting to think all your views are from you being a cocky asshole," Atem said as he clicked the final options and the digital coin appeared to flip for them. He clicked tails.

"You're starting to think right," Bakura smirked. It landed on tails. "Oh son of a-"

"Language," Atem interrupted.

Card icons appeared on each side that were invisible to the audience. The players each took a look over their hand. From the pleased expressions it was assumed both had draw good hands.

"So you know how my penalty games work right?" Atem asked.

"Yeah, yeah whoever wins gets to make the other suffer," Bakura said.

A card was placed face down on the field, and a monster in defense mode. "You do a dare. We should go ahead and establish them. You know, so you'll agree to it when you're still feeling cocky and won't pansy out."

Bakura growled. "Fine what'd you have in mind?" Atem's turned ended and it switched to Bakura.

The prince was silent as Bakura summoned Rogue Doll onto the field and attacked his face down. He heard the other swear at the reveal of it being the Mystical Elf. Bakura's life points sank down to 3600, and Atem was surprisingly silent. Pondering. Bakura placed two face downs and ended his turn.

"Hey you're royal arrogance," Bakura said. "What's the dare? Before we get too far into this, remember?"

Atem hummed playing Feral Imp and Horn of the Unicorn equipped to it. More explicit swearing from Bakura as it destroyed his rogue doll and cost him another 400 life points. Before he ended his turn he paused.

"You're brother writes that webcomic, Monster World Eternity right?" He asked.

"Yeah he and out nerdy friends," Bakura said snappish. Still clearly not happy about his loss of monster and life points.

"My little brother loves it," Atem said. "and your wiki page says you live in Domino, and so do I. If I win, you bring them over for a movie night with my brother and buy us Pizza."

"Fine!' Bakura declared. "If I win you're the one wasting gas money to meet us at my place and bringing the damn pizza then."

"Wait so you don't object to the forced movie night?"

Bakura scoffed. "What you think it get's in the way of my busy life? I make internet videos for a job and incase you haven't noticed have a pretty awful personality."

"Yeah you do," Atem laughed at the indignant look from the other video feed. "But it's charming, in a vulgar sort of way." He ended his turn and based it to Bakura.

The Chatbox began to blow up.

HunnyNazu: Did...Did pharoah and thief just flirt?

Gangamboi: Flirterers!

BB: Omg love the batb reference

Tris: i think it's obvious what needs to be done

HatsumeMiku: I vote casteshipping for ship name! Cause one's "pharaoh" and the others "thief"

HunnyNazu: hence forth casteshipping shall now be a thing!

BB: Get the FF writers and fan artists! we need to work overtime

"Shit," Bakura commented as he laid a face down defense and another in his spell card zone. "We've awakened the shippers. There's going to be badly written fanfiction of us having improbably flexible sex by the end of the night."

Atem started laughing. "Look at the bright side, this is going to produce some hot fanart." His eyes narrowed accompanied by a devious grin. "In fact, I think we should add a little something to the bet."

"If you say I have to do something like kiss or blow you if I lose then you just wrote their fanfics for them."

"How do you go straight from kissing to blow jobs? At least have a little foreplay," Atem joked. He leaned back in his chair arms crossed. "Actually I was thinking shippers have to agree that whoever wins get to top in the fics and pics."

"If you want pictures of me bent over that bad you can text my ex," Bakura chuckled. "I'm pretty sure that bastard never deleted my nudes like he said he did."

The banter died down a bit as the duel became more intense. The next turn Atem attacked Bakura's defense monster after summoning celtic guardians. Which happened to be a man eater bug. Atem was mildly irritated that he'd used his feral imp to attack it. He was still able to dish out a direct attack with Celtic guardian. Bakura was down to 2200. Atem started to get cocky and showing it with little quips.

"Seems like you better get your money ready, I like pineapple and pepperoni by the way."

Two more turns and Bakura was down to 2000 life points and had Headless Knight in defense, along with Dark Necrofear in attack. Atem had Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician.

"Give up?" Atem asked.

"Two words," Bakura said leaning back but extending his arm to give a single, loud click. "Destiny Board."

"..." Atem's eyes went wide. "Crap."

"Better finish me off quick." The chat logs started firing up pretty bad after that comment.

"Now who's the shipping baiter?" Atem fired back.

Bakura finished his turn off with destroying Dark Magician Girl. The other of course retaliated next turn with destroying Dark Necrofear. Or trying to before Bakura activated mirror force. He growled as he was forced to end his turn with a face down. Bakura how ever smirked as another letter card was played on the field from Desitny Board's effect. The atmosphere became tense and all speech stopped. Bother were in deep concentration. Bakura summoned Diabound Kernel by sacrificing Headless Knight. He was declaring direct attacks, only for Atem to activate Negate attack.

He played a monster in defense and used monster reborn to bring Dark Magician back to attack Dark Necrofear again. He placed a face down. Bakura though, and decided to go with Megamorph and a face down defense monster. The N in the Destiny Board chain appeared. Just two more turns and he won. He attacked Atem's defense monster, to find that it was spirit reaper.

"I freaking hate that card!"

"Everyone does," Atem said as the thing was left undestroyed.

Bakura had no choice but to end his turn. Atem smirked. He played Mystical Space Typhoon, but Bakura couldn't really care about his trap cards. Except Atem destroyed one of his own. It turned out to be Call of the Haunted and he brough Dark Magician girl back. It didn't matter, none of the cards on his field could get past Diabound Kernel. Just two more turns…

He tributed and summoned Slifer the Sky Dragon. Okay, but at least he only had four cards in his hand. Diabound could survive and attack from that and then he could use the other man eater bug he had in his hand next turn.

Atem activated pot of greed from face down on his field and therefore gave his stupid god card enough points to wipe Bakura out.

There was a heavy silence as Bakura's life points dwindled down to 0. Atem was the one to break it.

"I win."

Bakura looked utterly stumped, searching for his words. "...I guess that pizza's on me then."

"Tomorrow at seven?" Atem asked smug as he could possibly be.

"Sure." Bakura was much more silent than anyone would have ever expected.

"Well I think this has been a good little game," Atem addressed the audience. "Thank you to everyone who tuned in, we'll have the video up with a few funny edits probably soon, and Ra bless you all." His screen went black as he logged off.

Bakura sat there for a moment still connected. "Guys, I think I just got owned." With those wise words Bakura left the session.